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I am going on Holiday.

Started by ||C|-|E||, 12:06, 11 August 15

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Yup  :) , probably nobody cares and it is completely normal, but just in case you decide to send a PM or something I will have limited internet connection for the next couple of weeks.

I will try to use the time to read all PAWS documentation and plan some things for the text adventure we are making, there is still quite a lot to write "on paper" before coding the hard parts  :D



I dare say, you're not going away to test some of those early Text adventure games. :)
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D   * with the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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I will not have a PC around most of the time, I am afraid, and my girlfriend said something about me paying attention to her during the next days, but I can always read lots of technical stuff  :D :D




By the way, before going (post some photos, will you? :) ), would you mind changing your username to exclude any [ or ] since they mess up with the forum software?


Quote from: ||C|-|E|| on 12:53, 11 August 15
Thank you!  :D

Done! It should work now, because I am quoting myself with no problems  :)

I will take some pics fore sure, almost all my Amstrad collection is there and I am sure that I will find something useful to bring back with me :D


Thanks mate, much appreciated! I was actually surprised the system allows user names with ]/[ in them!


Your name now equates differently in Boolean... very confusing. :)



Quote from: Bryce on 12:25, 12 August 15
Your name now equates differently in Boolean... very confusing. :)


What can I do!!  :D

On the other hand, I am back! I have tons of work to do in the lab, but still  :) . At the end, I was so busy here and there that I could no take any pictures of my stuff, they will have to wait until Christmas. However, I brought some floppies with crappy old games I made looooong ago using 3D construction kit and they work!! I thought they were not functional because the 6128 I was using suddenly stopped reading many discs and I assumed they were not OK anymore. However, they work just fine with the disc drive of the Plus. I guess that the computer I have in Spain has a problem with the RPMs and that is causing the issue, I will try to fix it on Christmas and replace the belt as well :).


Quote from: ||C|-|E|| on 20:17, 26 August 15I brought some floppies with crappy old games I made looooong ago using 3D construction kit and they work!!
Great !! Don't forget send them to 3D Construction Kit (and to me too, of course :D)


Well... the games are really bad  :( . I made them when I was a kid and I do not know if it is worth sending them to anyone. I would say that I am happy just for nostalgic reasons  :D


Quote from: ||C|-|E|| on 20:17, 26 August 15
What can I do!!  :D

On the other hand, I am back! I have tons of work to do in the lab, but still  :) . At the end, I was so busy here and there that I could no take any pictures of my stuff, they will have to wait until Christmas. However, I brought some floppies with crappy old games I made looooong ago using 3D construction kit and they work!! I thought they were not functional because the 6128 I was using suddenly stopped reading many discs and I assumed they were not OK anymore. However, they work just fine with the disc drive of the Plus. I guess that the computer I have in Spain has a problem with the RPMs and that is causing the issue, I will try to fix it on Christmas and replace the belt as well :) .

There is a ROM version of a nice application which reads the RPM of any CPC floppy. In some thread... Does anyone remember the link?

TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: ||C|-|E|| on 00:14, 27 August 15
Well... the games are really bad  :( . I made them when I was a kid and I do not know if it is worth sending them to anyone. I would say that I am happy just for nostalgic reasons  :D
oh, send them to me at least :D


OK! I will send them to you as soon as I make the DSKs, but they have very little value :D


Please post em here!  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


OK! but they are really pathetic :D . I made them when I was a kid and they do not even have a proper way to display the score or the energy. I remember that one of them is very short because I made it to learn how to use 3D Construction Kit. The other one is better but is short as well and difficult as hell. I created it full of cheap ways to die, although it is possible to finish the adventure (do not ask me why I thought this was cool). I should even have a printed instructions manual of the last one in Spain, but finding it will require a bit of searching. Moreover, I am pretty sure that the game is in Spanish :D .


All this is the beauty about games!  :) :) :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


(Don't worry, guys: I'll share with you when he is not looking ;) )


I will upload them for everyone if you promise not to laugh! :D


Soooo... here are the "games" guys!

The one called "castmagi.dsk" is the first experiment I made. The name stands for "Castillo Mágico" and in Spanish means "Magic Castle". There is some corruption in the 2D graphics that was already there when I first made the game and it was never corrected. To be honest, I do not remember what you have to do to finish this one.

The second one is "condendado.dsk". "Condenado" (that means Doomed) is the title of the game. I recall that the purpose in this one is to escape from a medieval castle. According to the plot I wrote more than 23 years ago, you are a prisoner waiting to be executed. However, at some point the people living in the castle decide to leave (I think that it was because they go to war) and you are forgotten in your jail. Now you are alone in the castle but it is completely full of traps and, therefore, escaping is still a difficult task. The game is quite short and very infuriating due to the cheap deaths everywhere. If I try hard enough, I am quite sure and I still could finish it  :) .

Now, do not complain because they are horrible, I already told you!  :-*

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