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Are good the amstrad satelite recievers?

Started by dragon, 21:16, 19 February 16

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This year f1 is not broadcasted in spain free to air (sniff).  But  I have a satelitte dish I put ten years ago to astra 19,2e.

So i can view it in the rtl, but the problem is i have connected the dish to the pc with a skystar pci card. So i need a decoder with pvr to record the races as australia are late-night.

So i search a cheap decoder with pvr, and i found in amazon this "amstrad" :D.

Amstrad MD-19700 - Receptor de TV por satélite (DVB-S2, USB, mando a

Anyone know it?. or are crap :D.


If I get it right from Amazon it only can record while you watch / timeshift the watched channel, so you can't record one and watch another.

WIth that there are also XORO and others out there for around 40€



They're actually half decent, but people don't want them because of the brand.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


If it can be programmed to record its ok for me :).

Quote from: MacDeath on 02:33, 20 February 16
Amstrads are good for F1...


And for teletext. Teletext adaptor - CPCWiki



Quote from: dragon on 21:16, 19 February 16

So i can view it in the rtl, but the problem is i have connected the dish to the pc with a skystar pci card. So i need a decoder with pvr to record the races as australia are late-night.

There was some talk of moving the races later in the day or have a Twilight race (Aust. time), so folks overseas could watch the end of the race early in your morning, but don't know if it was all just talk.
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Quote from: dragon on 21:16, 19 February 16
This year f1 is not broadcasted in spain free to air (sniff).  But  I have a satelitte dish I put ten years ago to astra 19,2e.

So i can view it in the rtl, but the problem is i have connected the dish to the pc with a skystar pci card. So i need a decoder with pvr to record the races as australia are late-night.
Sounds like a case for the VDR (except in extreme cases of Penguinophobia). :D


Quote from: OCT on 18:57, 27 February 16
Sounds like a case for the VDR (except in extreme cases of Penguinophobia). :D

Is not that simple, as i can record it in live With the pc. I can't reprograme the pc to  switch on. At the hour of the race go into progdvb select rtl and record it.

And in the other hand the pentium 4 takes around 15 minutes  to go in to win xp, so if progdvb is executed to early when the computer is booting xp and it no Finish, the most probably is progdvb freezes loading. Skystar s2 driver crash. And ther computter need reboot to reset the skystar.



Quote from: dragon on 20:07, 27 February 16Is not that simple, as i can record it in live With the pc. I can't reprograme the pc to  switch on. At the hour of the race go into progdvb select rtl and record it.

And in the other hand the pentium 4 takes around 15 minutes  to go in to win xp, so if progdvb is executed to early when the computer is booting xp and it no Finish, the most probably is progdvb freezes loading. Skystar s2 driver crash. And ther computter need reboot to reset the skystar.
Something like MiniDVBLinux Distribution or Gen2VDR might be a lot lighter on resources: I have recorded hundreds of DVB hours on Pentium 3 hardware such as this... Activy – VDR Wiki


o.k i need buy a cd-r for the minidvblinux, i view my two cards are compatible the skystar s2, and pctv 310i.

Part by part.

First how  i can configure the pc to wake up it at the hout of the race. I try yesterday with the rtc alarm in the bios, and he ignored me :P .

This is my motherboard:

It nesesary it be in suspend mode, or can be made in stanby?.


Quote from: dragon on 13:36, 29 February 16
o.k i need buy a cd-r for the minidvblinux
Possibly also boots from USB?
Quotei view my two cards are compatible the skystar s2, and pctv 310i.
Part by part.
First how  i can configure the pc to wake up it at the hout of the race. I try yesterday with the rtc alarm in the bios, and he ignored me :P .
This is my motherboard:
It nesesary it be in suspend mode, or can be made in stanby?.
See section 2.7 for keyboard & USB wake-up from sleep states 3 & 4.
Thankfully it's from a time when they still did write manuals, 8) p. 95 of 142 (and software should be able to reprogram the waking time):
Quote from: ASUSPower On By RTC Alarm
Allows you to enable or disable RTC to generate a wake event. When this
item is set to Enabled, the items RTC Alarm Date, RTC Alarm Hour, RTC
Alarm Minute, and RTC Alarm Second appear with set values.

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