Looking for the AMX Desktop (GUI) for the PCW8256 disk image

Started by akoutsou, 08:52, 05 June 20

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Hello all,

An absolute newbie to this forum. :-)
I have recently acquired an AMX mouse for my PCW8256 but I cannot find the Desktop application that came with it.

I have found the following https://www.amstrad.es/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=2595
but both .zip files seem to corrupted. Even after a zip repair, I have managed to extract the disk images but when
using them on an emulator I get errors so the zip archives do carry errors :-(
I was wondering if you could provide any help on getting this disk image file or a physical copy of it.



Hello, I am jevicac from pcwwiki (http://www.habisoft.com/pcwwiki/doku.php?id=:es:start). Together with HabiSoft and Robcfg we keep the web for as long as we can. There is a lot of material to upload. If you are looking for a particular program, let us know, we will be happy to help you. We have the original AMX, we leave this image while. Cheers


Wow! Thank you so much for the prompt reply.


Amazing thanks for download had no idea PCW had this, just imagine if this was supplied as default with locoscript but probably a push in the RAM area.


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Quote from: ComSoft6128 on 11:10, 05 June 20
Maybe @Habi could help?

Or possibly this chap @P5ychoFox

Wow that video is a blast from the past! I still have a number of PCWs and now run a lot off stuff via Gotek drives (AMX Desktop included).

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