
Cor. It's a bit quiet in here innit..?

Started by JonB, 15:13, 28 April 20

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Yes, but actually, accuracy isn't black and white either. Accuracy should always have a tolerance, ie: you usually speak of "accurate to x%" or when it comes to electrical measurements "accurate to x% plus x counts". So it's not really the "pregnant / not pregnant" situation.

In your profession, if you were to measure a temperature the result could be 22.57°C and some may call that accurate, but for someone else without knowing what number comes after the 7 means that it's not accurate.



How easy are bits and bytes then.  :)
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Relatively easy. :D (and sort of accurate)



Why am I getting the impression that I'm watching a T-Rex and a Raptor circling each other here?  ;)


A T-Rex? That was a great hardware CPC emulator, sadly due to crazy EU laws it's not available in EU any longer.

Raptor? Do you mean the C-One?  :laugh:
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: Bryce on 19:56, 03 May 20
Doh! Up to now I've passed the Turing test with flying colours, only to be outed by you!!!

I know you weakness now, fear me.


Nobody interested by a Pascal cross-compiler for Z80 ?


That ship sailed for me late 90s when I decided to learn C instead of Pascal :)
Released The Return of Traxtor, Golden Tail, Magica, The Dawn of Kernel, Kitsune`s Curse, Brick Rick, Hyperdrive and The Heart of Salamanderland for the CPC.

If you like my games and want to show some appreciation, you can always buy me a coffee.


Pascal sux.

C rocks.

Z80 pwns all.

Nuff said.


I think programs written in Pascal are prettier than those written in C. And don't talk me about Object Pascal.

I switched to C++ in the meantime but I still admire the beauty of well written Pascal programs.


So, If that's the way it is, I will focus my work first on the 8086 DOS version as I know it best while listening .


We all have our favourite programming language(s).. My view is that it is possible to write horrible looking code in any language, and that includes Pascal and C / C++. The trick with it is to lay it out consistently, with good commentary. A good, clearly commented piece of code draws you in; whereas a crappy ill commented badly laid out program tends to repel. Design it properly and keep it simple. (Do I really need to use that obscure language feature or design pattern, or am I just trying to look clever?) And who knows, it might be you maintaining it a few years after writing - as happened to me several times during my programming career..


Quote from: mr.freeze on 17:17, 10 May 20
Nobody interested by a Pascal cross-compiler for Z80 ?
Pascal, maybe yes, but cross compiler no. Do it on the target hardware.  :)
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 12:52, 12 May 20
Pascal, maybe yes, but cross compiler no. Do it on the target hardware.  :)
I intended to test the compiler by compiling it by itself, targeting an emulator or my NC100 and do the same on the target machine :-)

The Z80 version of Pascal-P4, should fit in 80K, I think. 32K will be needed for self-compilation (stack+heap+data). So this should be possible on a machine with 128K of free RAM. But don't expect compilation speed higher than 10 lines by seconds.
I'm working on the 8086 version and also busy decompiling a 26 year old program I wrote in TP7 of which I lost the source code.


Quote from: JonB on 12:09, 12 May 20
We all have our favourite programming language(s).. My view is that it is possible to write horrible looking code in any language, and that includes Pascal and C / C++. The trick with it is to lay it out consistently, with good commentary. A good, clearly commented piece of code draws you in; whereas a crappy ill commented badly laid out program tends to repel. Design it properly and keep it simple. (Do I really need to use that obscure language feature or design pattern, or am I just trying to look clever?) And who knows, it might be you maintaining it a few years after writing - as happened to me several times during my programming career..
I couldn't agree more. But I think a beautiful program written in Pascal is prettier than one written in C :-P


Well, if compiling time is slow it doesn't kill. The first thing is to make it working. After that it can be optimized. And I'm sure the Z80 can be more or less as quick as an 8086.  :)
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


I learnt Turbo Pascal at college in the early 90s and enjoyed it as a language, it just seemed to fit the way my mind worked or maybe it was just the way it was taught.  It's a highly structured language so maybe that was part of it.


Quote from: mr.freeze on 17:17, 10 May 20
Nobody interested by a Pascal cross-compiler for Z80 ?

I fear it's a lot of work, just to satisify a small group.  >:( 

Part of my reason for start writing a small BASIC-like language, was to throw in some of the useful commands and to look at the difficult though important core ingredients (WHILE, IF, FOR, LET) of the language.
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D   * with the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Quote from: AMSDOS on 07:27, 20 May 20
I fear it's a lot of work, just to satisify a small group.  >:( 
Actually, I'm writing a P-code to Z80 compiler, which is easier than writing a compiler for a high-level language from scratch. The P-code is generated by Pascal-P4 described at https://homepages.cwi.nl/~steven/pascal/. I hope to provide you with an acceptable release soon. Currently, the prototype is written mainly in Sed and Awk and it's quite trashy, so I need to rewrite it cleanly, in Pascal, while I'm ahead.

I've ported Pascal-P4 to Free Pascal and Delphi a few years ago and published my work on the defunct Berlios. The project is available on Github : https://github.com/BackupTheBerlios/pp4fpc but I don't have any control on it.


I get warnings from that homepages link that the Certificate was written by someone not to be trusted :o
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D   * with the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Quote from: AMSDOS on 11:33, 24 May 20
I get warnings from that homepages link that the Certificate was written by someone not to be trusted :o

Check if your browser and OS are up to date. Comodo/Setcigo has changed its SSL root certificate a year ago or so, it could be that.

Pascal-S would deserve a look. A compiler/interpreter for a subset of Pascal, easier to read than Pascal-P. This could be a good starting point for a compiler written entirely in Z80, which would be much faster and more compact.


I got that error recently when my PC clock wasn't synced properly.



Quote from: mr.freeze on 15:57, 24 May 20
Check if your browser and OS are up to date. Comodo/Setcigo has changed its SSL root certificate a year ago or so, it could be that.

Pascal-S would deserve a look. A compiler/interpreter for a subset of Pascal, easier to read than Pascal-P. This could be a good starting point for a compiler written entirely in Z80, which would be much faster and more compact.

Seems to be fine on my phone, so suspect the computer is misinforming me. Trouble is it's an old computer and I still regularly use the CD-ROM on it, but I was warned last year that I'd need to upgrade soon, but all the new computers don't have the CD-ROM!!
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D   * with the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Quote from: AMSDOS on 01:22, 25 May 20

Seems to be fine on my phone, so suspect the computer is misinforming me. Trouble is it's an old computer and I still regularly use the CD-ROM on it, but I was warned last year that I'd need to upgrade soon, but all the new computers don't have the CD-ROM!!
My main computer is a used Thinkpad T430 from 2012 with a 3rd gen i5 bought a year ago for nothing, it has an integrated DVD writer and, it is faster than my i3 4th gen Asus bought 4 years ago and largely suits my needs. the Intel HD4000 GPU is sufficient for Netflix also.

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