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Rasm Z80 assembler

Started by roudoudou, 08:58, 22 February 17

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Quote from: isidoro on 21:01, 13 February 24I've tried with:
.\rasm.exe "project.asm"With the same result.
Maybe I'm missing something ...
i guess there is some output in the console right? this may help

for example, something like
Pre-processing [minimal.sna]
Write snapshot v3 file minimal.sna
WriteSNA bank  0,1,2,3 packed
Total 4 banks (64K)
My pronouns are RASM and ACE


oh, i got it, one special case missed with that E5 byte...

will make a proper test and fix it...

anyway that does not explain that zero byte file...

EDIT; just runned some defb #E5,#00,#E5,#E5,#00,#E5,#E5,#E5 then it crashed...

fix this tonight ;)
My pronouns are RASM and ACE


sorry for this, should have done this Autotest before... (doing this all day long, what a shame!)

new release, bugfixing the bugfix ^_^
My pronouns are RASM and ACE


Quote from: roudoudou on 21:25, 13 February 24sorry for this, should have done this Autotest before... (doing this all day long, what a shame!)

new release, bugfixing the bugfix ^_^
Now it's working fine :D , thanks!!


New release

Introducing new directive HFE for HFE floppy authoring (commands will be enriched in the future)

Documentation draft about that directive with examples
My pronouns are RASM and ACE


This is not clear in the documentation: HFE directive does not allow saving files on disc ? It is just for low level stuffs ?
On an ergonomic side, EDSK and HFE seem to have similar features named differently or working differently. If I'm wrong, it's perfect, but if I'm not wrong some harmonization would be probably useful.


HFE Close will save the HFE

Probably some harmonization in a higher level (for example saving sectors in a row from Rasm memory), it mazy evolve

note: HFE is supposed to be used for low level tricks (protections, trackload, FDC experimentations)

My pronouns are RASM and ACE


I wrongly wrote my question: when saving, I had in mind "Amsdos file saving", not saving the content of the hfe file
But ok; you answer anyway: it is for low level stuff ;)

Then I could suggest the SAVE command to consider the DSK parameter as a synonym of DISC or HFE and use the filetype extension to really know if it is a dsk or hfe.
This will allow you ta save on dsk or hfe without having to change the current syntax.
This ill help to push out the dsk format in favor of hfe too ;)

ps: as time flies, I really hate more and more the standard way to handle directives in most z80 assemblers, this is really not ergonomic


Will think about how we can mix syntax, thanks
My pronouns are RASM and ACE


Quote from: krusty_benediction on 23:11, 21 March 24[...]
ps: as time flies, I really hate more and more the standard way to handle directives in most z80 assemblers, this is really not ergonomic

Although this is a bit off-topic for this thread, I'm really curious about this topic. In syntax and functionality there is a big gap between an (old 8-bit) assembler language where the programmer has to think many levels in advance to avoid several pitfalls, compared to a modern high level language that does its best to guess what the programmer means by something close to simplified pseudo-code.

What do you mean with the "standard way to handle directives"? And are there ideas for improvement?

Since 1986 I had the feeling that there must be something between Assembler and e.g. Logo. From functionality this would be C, but I do not like its syntax, and some design choices were also made to simplify the compiler.


Quote from: lightforce6128 on 04:25, 26 March 24
Quote from: krusty_benediction on 23:11, 21 March 24[...]
ps: as time flies, I really hate more and more the standard way to handle directives in most z80 assemblers, this is really not ergonomic

Although this is a bit off-topic for this thread, I'm really curious about this topic. In syntax and functionality there is a big gap between an (old 8-bit) assembler language where the programmer has to think many levels in advance to avoid several pitfalls, compared to a modern high level language that does its best to guess what the programmer means by something close to simplified pseudo-code.

What do you mean with the "standard way to handle directives"? And are there ideas for improvement?

Since 1986 I had the feeling that there must be something between Assembler and e.g. Logo. From functionality this would be C, but I do not like its syntax, and some design choices were also made to simplify the compiler.
I've just created a new topic to not pollute rasm one


minimal update

HFE not protected as default
and RAM configuration default for snapshots
My pronouns are RASM and ACE


Hello @roudoudou,

just two quick questions maybe I don't exactly understand your docu in RASM regarding calling a struct:

It says:

STRUCT nom_du_prototype, nom_de_la_variable / ENDSTRUCT

When STRUCT is used with 1 parameter (name), the following labels will be used to declare the structure, in particular its indexes 
When STRUCT is used with 2 parameters (type_name+struct_name), a structure is created of type_name and will be called structure_name

Although RASM allows you to put anything inside the declaration of a structure, the practical use is to declare labels and via the data definition instructions, a field size. It is not necessary to fill in a value in the DEF
struct st1
  ch1 defw
  ch2 defb
struct metast1
  struct st1 pr1
  struct st1 pr2
struct metast1 bigst ; instanciation de metast1 en bigst
ld hl,bigst.pr2.ch1 ; récupération de l'adresse absolue d'un membre de bigst
ld a,(hl)
ld a,(ix+metast1.pr2.ch1 ; utilisation de l'offset du champ via la définition de la structure (pas besoin d'instancier pour cet usage)

Q1: This part "ld hl,bigst.pr2.ch1" refers to second pointer (first struct) of the second pointer (second struct) included in the second struct? It's nested somehow, isn't it?

Q2: Is there also a D24 (3 byte member) within RASM struct available?
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Quote from: HAL6128 on 14:27, 16 May 24Hello @roudoudou,

just two quick questions maybe I don't exactly understand your docu in RASM regarding calling a struct:

It says:

STRUCT nom_du_prototype, nom_de_la_variable / ENDSTRUCT

When STRUCT is used with 1 parameter (name), the following labels will be used to declare the structure, in particular its indexes
When STRUCT is used with 2 parameters (type_name+struct_name), a structure is created of type_name and will be called structure_name

Although RASM allows you to put anything inside the declaration of a structure, the practical use is to declare labels and via the data definition instructions, a field size. It is not necessary to fill in a value in the DEF
struct st1
  ch1 defw
  ch2 defb
struct metast1
  struct st1 pr1
  struct st1 pr2
struct metast1 bigst ; instanciation de metast1 en bigst
ld hl,bigst.pr2.ch1 ; récupération de l'adresse absolue d'un membre de bigst
ld a,(hl)
ld a,(ix+metast1.pr2.ch1 ; utilisation de l'offset du champ via la définition de la structure (pas besoin d'instancier pour cet usage)

Q1: This part "ld hl,bigst.pr2.ch1" refers to second pointer (first struct) of the second pointer (second struct) included in the second struct? It's nested somehow, isn't it?

Q2: Is there also a D24 (3 byte member) within RASM struct available?

yes, you can imbricate structures
in this example, bigst has 4 fields (pr1.ch1, pr1.ch2, pr2.ch1, pr2.ch2)

if you want a member of 3 bytes, just declare some 3 bytes thing

struct d24
  ch1 defw : defb ; 2+1=3
My pronouns are RASM and ACE


Cool, understand! Thank you.
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Hi @roudoudou,
just another understanding question regarding macros in RASM:

I have defined a macro like this:
MACRO Write register , data
LD A,{register}
LD BC,#FFxx ; port for register select
LD A,{data}
LD BC,#FFxx ; port for data transfer

; "calling" the macro

LD A,#88
Write #10,A

shows following code after assembling:
LD A,#88
LD A,#10
LD A,B    ; <<<?

why does the assembler choose LD A,B? (Register B) for the {data} value? Is this the way RASM works within macros?

Thank you in advance.
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Quote from: HAL6128 on 08:43, 22 May 24Hi @roudoudou,
just another understanding question regarding macros in RASM:

I have defined a macro like this:
MACRO Write register , data
LD A,{register}
LD BC,#FFxx ; port for register select
LD A,{data}
LD BC,#FFxx ; port for data transfer

; "calling" the macro

LD A,#88
Write #10,A

shows following code after assembling:
LD A,#88
LD A,#10
LD A,B    ; <<<?

why does the assembler choose LD A,B? (Register B) for the {data} value? Is this the way RASM works within macros?

Thank you in advance.
hi! i'm surprised there is an ouput of this macro as 'write' is a reserved keyword (for Winape compatibility) and is barely ignored

i tested it with -map option and there is no surprise, Write output nothing

will add some check for the macro name and warn about that conflict
My pronouns are RASM and ACE


Thanks for the fast response!
...oh, was not my intention to point to this name conflict which I wasn't aware. It was just an example (the macro name is not my question :) ) ...
Let me change it to:

MACRO Write2Register register , data
LD A,{register}
LD BC,#FF64 ; port for register select
LD A,{data}
LD BC,#FF63 ; port for data transfer
LD A,#88
Write2Register #10,A

My question was regarding the "LD A,B" conversion of the macro statement "LD A,{data}", if this is a normal procedure to use register B for the second parameter {data}? Am I correct with this assumption?

...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Quote from: HAL6128 on 09:52, 22 May 24Thanks for the fast response!
...oh, was not my intention to point to this name conflict which I wasn't aware. It was just an example (the macro name is not my question :) ) ...
Let me change it to:

MACRO Write2Register register , data
LD A,{register}
LD BC,#FF64 ; port for register select
LD A,{data}
LD BC,#FF63 ; port for data transfer
LD A,#88
Write2Register #10,A

My question was regarding the "LD A,B" conversion of the macro statement "LD A,{data}", if this is a normal procedure to use register B for the second parameter {data}? Am I correct with this assumption?


i cannot reproduce the issue, the outputed opcode is #7F

roudoudou@praline:~/code/rasm$ ./rasm.exe ldmac.asm -map
Pre-processing [ldmac.asm]
Bnk|Real|Logic  Bytecode  [Time] Assembly
            | SYNCHRO EQU 256
            | IX EQU 0
            | IY EQU 0
            | RASM_VERSION EQU 2.2
000|0000    | 3E 00      [02]    LD A,#88                      (L9:ldmac.asm)
; Macro WRITE2REGISTER expansion with 2 parameters
000|0002    | 3E 00      [02]    LD A,#10                      (L10:ldmac.asm)
000|0004    | 01 00 00    [03]    LD BC,#FF64                    (L10:ldmac.asm)
000|0007    | ED 79      [04]    OUT (C),A                      (L10:ldmac.asm)
000|0009    | 7F          [01]    LD A,A                        (L10:ldmac.asm)
000|000A    | 01 00 00    [03]    LD BC,#FF63                    (L10:ldmac.asm)
000|000D    | ED 79      [04]    OUT (C),A                      (L10:ldmac.asm)
Write binary file rasmoutput.bin (15 bytes)

My pronouns are RASM and ACE


Damn, yes, you're right. I'm using embedded libraries for the macros, and I changed the wrong one without noticing it. Stupid, stupid... :picard2:
So... the macro in this way makes no sense because A as a second parameter will be overwritten by previous actions...
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


My pronouns are RASM and ACE


I've seen a construct in SJASM like this

LD HL,object.item3


.item1 db 7
.item2 dw 0
.item3 dw 0
.item4 db 8

Is it correct if I do such kind of things with the help of struct in RASM?

LD HL,object.item3
struct object

  item1 defb 7
  item2 defw 0
  item3 defw 0
  item4 defb 8

...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Quote from: HAL6128 on 11:38, 25 June 24Is it correct if I do such kind of things with the help of struct in RASM?

LD HL,object.item3
struct object

  item1 defb 7
  item2 defw 0
  item3 defw 0
  item4 defb 8


dont know sjasm but the syntax you are using will be only offset in the structure, in that case object.item3 is equal to 3

there is a difference between a structure declaration and an object declared with a structure
My pronouns are RASM and ACE


Ok, thanks. I need the offset structure. The naming as object is just a (misleading) coincidence.

 So, object.item3 point to memory position (in this case defb = 1 Byte + defw = 2 Bytes  = #00 + 3)?

Out of curiosity: what is the difference between structure and object declaration you mentioned?
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


The example of SJASM will work perfectly with RASM. They used simply Labels and proximity Labels to name each "entry". object is simply a label, .item1 a proximity Label.

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