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The Abbey of Crime - La Abadia del Crimen (from:Converted GX4000 .cpr)

Started by dragon, 17:38, 10 January 23

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I like maintain the Q+R too. If there is space/memory cause old users/players .
Or computer players...

And pad too , understand me


"Right" is not confuse??? There is a Left or Center option... but would be a good trap


@RockRiver There is not keyboard key on the gamepad.
Sure, "right" is confusing, that is the goal of an enigma. :-\
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


You need to read the manuscrip in latine to see XXI XIX or IXX latin numbers... and to find the door

Two enigmas... to find the door (left/center/right) at mirror and press the right letters/pad buttons

Menendez was a "crack" brain


Quote from: iXien on 21:48, 24 January 23You seem to plan to continue updating the patch for a while. in the next release, can you make another little adjustment in the English version, please?

Directly from the beginning, we can read 'NONES' when there is no religious event in progress. But i'ts a mistake. the right word is 'NONE'. Even the instruction manual provided with the English version confirms the word 'NONE' : "When you first arrive, the clock starts at "Day 1, None". You have seven days to complete your investigation."

Can you fix it? We continuously see this mistake during the game and it's really irritating  :P
The use of 'NONES' is intentional. The text at the bottom left of the screen represents the canonical hour of the day as used by some Christian denominations. The canonical hours used in the game are:

  • Night
  • Prime (first hour of daylight)
  • Terce (third hour)
  • Sext (noon)
  • Nones (ninth hour)
  • Vespers (evening)
  • Compline (end of the day)

Wikipedia has an article on canonical hours that refers to 'nones' - although the Latin equivalent is 'none'.


* maintain latin text cause IXX , XIX, XXI
* keep Q+R on keyboard too
* on pad: your choose : press a button or combination. For me the first and last on pad is left+2 but all it's Ok

what do you think at this point? @dragon @Nich @iXien @TotO  other CPCers , players???
@CyrilAmstrad you like the CPC+ version ? It's veeery nice nowadays

Good game to add to :)

Good work and times with that mates.
You make me see the film another time and I'll go to buy the novel


Quote from: dragon on 11:24, 25 January 23The text was formed by words exactly.
Words represents by numbers thats represent Word from the dictionaty.
Ok, so the challenge is to replace :

db 0,249,1,2,3,254,4,5,6,7,8,9,249,1,10,11,249,1,12,13,255

But maybe you can change the message on the fly in RAM without using this standard 'lexical' ? I suppose that's how they made in the English translation?, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


To be true, I don't see the reson to change the way to play on the keyboard. As I don't see the reason to support the save on the controller, because it is not possible to do them on a GX4000 and require to be close to the computer to record on the tape/floppy.

About the last action into the game, it is not possible to do it when you play with a controller. That is the reason I offered to use an enigm related to that usage, thinking that is possible to replace the existing keywords with the words used into the new sentence.

"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


But now with Plus2CPC  you can play with CPR/cartridge on CPC classic ... that's a good reason


Quote from: RockRiver on 15:14, 25 January 23But now with Plus2CPC  you can play with CPR/cartridge on CPC classic ... that's a good reason
It is the same as playing on an Amstrad Plus. You can use the keyboard or a joystick. You have no way to finish the game without using the keyboard. The first idea was to play on GX4000, no?
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


The first idea of @dragon is to make this game worrking with a 2 button joypad.

Anyway, if you have a standard CPC, you can easily play the original floppy disc version. And if you have an Amstrad Plus to take part of the Plus features of this patched version, you have a 2 button joypad. No problem. 

I suggest to change these damn sentences and consider that the game is fully playable using a joypad on any Amstrad CPC without having to touch the keyboard anymore = MISSION COMPLETE, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: RockRiver on 15:14, 25 January 23But now with Plus2CPC  you can play with CPR/cartridge on CPC classic ... that's a good reason
No interest to play this patched version of La Abadia Del Crimen on a standard CPC just because of the cartridge format. GOTEK is perfect to quickly load standard CPC games.

For me this version is mainly destined to the GX4000 (and I suppose that's why @dragon originally announced his patch on the GX4000 game conversion topic)

We have a game that runs with 64K offering all the stuff of the 128k version, fully playable on joypad and offering Plus colours and title screen. Perfect for GX4000 and compatible with 464/6128Plus, what is a nice side effect. For the rest, original release on floppy disk is perfect even nowadays with its keyboard controls., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: Nich on 14:04, 25 January 23
Quote from: iXien on 21:48, 24 January 23You seem to plan to continue updating the patch for a while. in the next release, can you make another little adjustment in the English version, please?

Directly from the beginning, we can read 'NONES' when there is no religious event in progress. But i'ts a mistake. the right word is 'NONE'. Even the instruction manual provided with the English version confirms the word 'NONE' : "When you first arrive, the clock starts at "Day 1, None". You have seven days to complete your investigation."

Can you fix it? We continuously see this mistake during the game and it's really irritating  :P
The use of 'NONES' is intentional. The text at the bottom left of the screen represents the canonical hour of the day as used by some Christian denominations. The canonical hours used in the game are:

  • Night
  • Prime (first hour of daylight)
  • Terce (third hour)
  • Sext (noon)
  • Nones (ninth hour)
  • Vespers (evening)
  • Compline (end of the day)

Wikipedia has an article on canonical hours that refers to 'nones' - although the Latin equivalent is 'none'.
Damned, I refered to a French canonical table of hours : matines, laudes, prime, tierce, sexte, none, vêpres, complies  :doh: (So that's in the English translation instruction manual they made the mistake), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


May be one more mistake into the instruction manual. Nich looks to said it was intentional (or I have not understood). ;D
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: TotO on 15:54, 25 January 23May be one more mistake into the instruction manual. Nich looks to said it was intentional (or I have not understood). ;D
It's not a mistake in the original instruction manual that doesn't give the detail of the canonical hours. It's a mistake in the text file that accompanies the unofficial English version., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: RockRiver on 13:54, 25 January 23You need to read the manuscrip in latine to see XXI XIX or IXX latin numbers... and to find the door
Ok, understood  ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Who what mess.

o.k i may try explain the (actual)esact situation.

As i said i have one loader at &a0a0 That basically moves/apply the patches to the game.It enter in and out from the hacker loader several times(six or seven),because in the old days it load to the loads creeen,  put black screen load pergamines patch english and so all things pre-game.He open a cartridge rom and moves the patch to the ram.

This loader have a "top" of amsdos memory that begin at &A6FC,because the game was load from disk using the firmware.;Maybe can be put more down,but depends of what the original downloader eraser. As he is loaded  at the begining at basic code.

After the game was loaded and patched.The hackers loader move things up/down and the loader was destroyed.

One of these zones that the the loader patch was the "old" zone that store the 64k rooms data. that begin around &6c20 and have a top of 6a99. That is the mirror room,because the mirror room can't be put in the cartridge due the game modifiy the alture of the mirror ingame as open/close. (And the rom in the cartrige is read only).

These zone store all controls load,save,save code,the two snapshotsloader,load final pergamine.every snaphost occuped &05dc.

Thats means 7a99-05dc-05dc=6ee1.(and now was in 6ee1). :D

To add the keboard support we need two things

The first patch the game subrutine where the comparation was made.(that should do the a0a0 zone). So patch it to jump to your code zone.Where you extend the subrutine taking a look if the keyboards was pressed an return it to normal code).

And moving these code previusly with a0a0 into the code game.

1.&6c20 zone was full maybe there is some free after mirrror room(the &073 rom).Or the sprites zone. but i don't have cheked it.

-In the other side aparently the hacker store some fdd load code at &0040 that it maybe don't use.So Maybe its possible put here code writing it with a0a0 to fxxx(and let the hacker loader moving it to (0040) to use it to expand the keyboard.

-The another zone "aparently free", And i have used it in the past to store the inks of plus of the basic loader was just when the words end. So maybe some words can be add or not. so de message have to acoplish of the word/pharse  rules.

-Using the cartidge store "ingame" its best try to avoid it why? Because the interrupt subrutine can jump when you are using the cartridge,the game is using it to the music and display letters. So if you have loaded a page of the cartridge, the subrutine jumps, it try read the display to made scroll letters,and it found your rom->catacrack, there is also a interrupt subrutine desviation to unmount the cartridge if this happend.Desviation to the &6c20 zone...That is full. And you can't do disable interruption,because this cause the  music catracrak.Due to longer times. ;D  (it only look actually four pages the tiles pages).

Even if patch at fly, it patch the code.But the game is executed with her own rules to the words,You can change a word, but only if that is not used in another phrase. And actually only the english version was patched.The spanish version text i'nt patched in anyway actually.

As i really dobut all of this can fit in &a0a0.(to much ld hl,ld de, ld bc ,ldir).Maybe i can try jump into the free cartridge rom(old english screen). And copy from there And we'll see if it works or not.


Quote from: dragon on 18:33, 25 January 23To add the keboard support we need two things
Forget it, keyboard isn't needed as you decided to make the game fully playable on joypad on GX4000/Plus (remember that 2 button joypad is the standard controller on these systems). If someone want to play using the keyboard, the original game on DSK do it very well. Don't waste your time.

Quote from: dragon on 18:33, 25 January 23Even if patch at fly, it patch the code.But the game is executed with her own rules to the words,You can change a word, but only if that is not used in another phrase. And actually only the english version was patched.The spanish version text i'nt patched in anyway actually.
As i really dobut all of this can fit in &a0a0.(to much ld hl,ld de, ld bc ,ldir).Maybe i can try jump into the free cartridge rom(old english screen). And copy from there And we'll see if it works or not.
Ok, so the English version has been patched, it's a good start. Maybe you can patch the Spanish version like the English one? Or maybe the last trick you talk about will work.

As I understand, the other difficulty is to maintain a random information system. In the original Latin sentence, AAA is randomly replaced by XXI, XIX or IXX. This Roman number tells you on which of the 3 steps to position yourself in front of the mirror before pressing the unlocking keys. For example, XIX tells you to position Guillermo de Baskerville on the central step.

This means that our enigma must retain this AAA system to give the right information to the player :

Spanish : EN AAA, SIGUE TU CAMINO HACIA LA DERECHA Y LA ACCION PARA ENFRENTAR TU REFLEJO, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


just take winape and put a breakpoint in &0200

Then copy the  asm in winape the  assember(assembler menu->show assembler) code of nich page i put early.

change the words and made in winape assemble-->assemble.

An do at play.If all its done o.k the text should be reemplaced.Or the game broke in unkown ways. :D
;  SEPTIMUM DE QUATUOR 13->words compose of 21 words.
db 0,249,1,2,3,254,4,5,6,7,8,9,249,1,10,11,249,1,12,13,255->21 words


Sorry @dragon but you take me for someone I'm not  :P

I don't know exactly how to do this. Maybe you can make a sna ?, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.



i think i have discover how change the s:n text

JP &0040
ORG &0040
call #4b44
DB 'HOLA QUE TAL' ;text sn
;ld d,e
;ld a,(#ff4e)
pop ix

CALL &4B44  ;PALABRAS INTERMITENTES(intermitent wordds)
DB #20,20,#20 (&each space one intermitent character).
DB #20,20,#20
DB #20,20,#20
DB #20,20,#20
DB #20,20,#20
DB #20,20,#20

org #4bca
;call #4b44

;LD HL,&A41D
LD HL,&A415 ;text sn localitation



Quote from: dragon on 14:33, 27 January 233.5 changed the final text.
Well done ! You manage to insert the sentences in the two languages? 

And you confirm that we activate the open of the mirror door with RIGHT + BUTTON 1 now (your text in the changelog for the version 3.4 indicates RIGHT+ BUTTON 2) ?, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: dragon on 16:39, 27 January 23i think i have discover how change the s:n text

JP &0040
ORG &0040
call #4b44
DB 'HOLA QUE TAL' ;text sn
;ld d,e
;ld a,(#ff4e)
pop ix

CALL &4B44  ;PALABRAS INTERMITENTES(intermitent wordds)
DB #20,20,#20 (&each space one intermitent character).
DB #20,20,#20
DB #20,20,#20
DB #20,20,#20
DB #20,20,#20
DB #20,20,#20

org #4bca
;call #4b44

;LD HL,&A41D
LD HL,&A415 ;text sn localitation


Yes, it seems to work ! Nice  ;)

For remember:  S:N replaced by SI(DER):NO(F1) and Y:N by YES(RT):NO(F1), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.

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