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Converted GX4000 .cpr - The topic (repository link in first post)

Started by remax, 22:14, 04 May 15

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Quote from: dragon on 09:53, 17 December 22It's not the first time that someone ask about North and South.

All cracks are 128k version. And the tape copy protection is like a hell,as is moving the data continusly in a little blocks of 0200.
A shame  :'( I suppose that the only solution would be to really adapt the game to cartridge storage. With direct access to data on the fly, we could make the disc version work with 64k RAM. But it's really another deal  ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


The source code of R-TYPE (2012) is available since 10 years ago. No need to hack/crack anything for it.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: iXien on 11:12, 17 December 22
Quote from: dragon on 09:53, 17 December 22It's not the first time that someone ask about North and South.

All cracks are 128k version. And the tape copy protection is like a hell,as is moving the data continusly in a little blocks of 0200.
A shame  :'( I suppose that the only solution would be to really adapt the game to cartridge storage. With direct access to data on the fly, we could make the disc version work with 64k RAM. But it's really another deal  ;)

well i don'say impossible. I mean, but  o don't know how tape loaders work an minus the zydroload tape protection , urusergi are always best with tapes that mine :D. the thing was find where the loader store de data esactly.I only found these that don´t are commented.

Quote from: TotO on 11:32, 17 December 22The source code of R-TYPE (2012) is available since 10 years ago. No need to hack/crack anything for it.

But whats i tell, nobody know best the game that the original programmers,i think they should be it that converted it.

anyway where its it?, i never have view it


Quote from: dragon on 13:40, 17 December 22But whats i tell, nobody know best the game that the original programmers, i think they should be it that converted it. anyway where its it?, i never have view it
The source code has moved to five years ago. Gecoaa use it for his great Enterprise 128 version.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


All the nice ideas shared in the last posts shouldn't make us forget to add new games to the increasingly extensive game library of our little GX4000  :D . How about some homebrew games for once?

@Urusergi gently made the little modifications needed to be able to enjoy :

PENGUIN ATTACK from Pat Morita Team

Controls in menu:
J1B1 = Start game playing with joypad 1

Controls while playing:
J1 LEFT/RIGHT = Move to the left/right
J1 DOWN-LEFT/DOWN-RIGHT = Slide sideways
J1B1 + LEFT/UP-LEFT/UP/UP-RIGHT/RIGHT = Throw a snowball in the selected direction

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Wait for fire to skip Pat Morita Team logo and title screen
    - Remaped J1B1 to start game in joypad control mode.
    - Took the three binaries directly from memory to be able to recreate the game without the original bizarre loader that made the game crash at launch on GX4000.

More informations about the game:

It's the perfect time to play throwing snowballs !, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


And to be sure you'll have enough supplies for the weekend, have you seen that 21Bloques just released his conversion of a game created for Windows by Locomalito and Gryzor87 in 2019? A charming arcade game whose objective is to recall the games of the early 80s.

DARKULA 64 from 21Bloques

d-pad = run left and right, climb or go down ladders
J1B1 = Jump

More informations about the original version on Windows:
More informations about the CPC version:, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Here is a game I really like and that I wanted to slightly upgrade since many years. Thank to the skill of @Urusergi , this upgraded version of an eternal classic I had in mind is now available on GX4000 in its officially licensed version. Here is :

TETRIS from Mirrorsoft

J1 LEFT = Move shape to the left
J1 RIGHT = Move shape to the right
J1 DOWN = Drop shape
J1 UP = View next shape on/off
J1B1 = Spin shape
J1B2 = Music/SFX
Pause button = Level up

This Tetris version is important, a real part of history. And I'm not kidding! Nowadays lot of people don't like the Tetris game versions published by Mirrorsoft in 1987.

But remember. Back in 1987, the deal for Mirrorsoft is to adapt the original game designed on... Electronica 60. Suffice to say that in comparison, the CPC version is a marvel and at the time, everyone agreed to consider these versions as successes, players and press reviewers because the gameplay respected to the letter that of the original game. In 1989, Nintendo published its own version of Tetris on NES and Gameboy, improving the concept, making the gameplay smoother, the difficulty more progressive, the handling more flexible.

Lot of post-Nintendo homebrew clones on CPC offered improved gameplay and more sophisticated graphics. But put in context, this TETRIS from Mirrorsoft offers the right experience, particularly respectful of Pajitnov's creation. Because what we often forget is that we are dealing here with an adaptation of the original game, not that of Nintendo.

To enhance the experience, we updated the graphics to restore some symmetry and readability in a background that was quite nice but shocked by many design mistakes. Now the game is fully playable on joypad and you're welcomed by the highscore table and the main music (as it was already the case on MSX/Spectrum). Well, we put a little bit of order, which is the last straw in a Tetris game, isn't it?

Modifications for the GX4000 version :
    - Title screen : Wait for fire to skip it
    - Title screen : Picture updated (colours, fixed weird pixels)
    - Highscore table : Directly displayed at launch with title music as main screen
    - Highscore table : Table renamed as 'TETRIS TOP SCORE'
    - Highscore table : Replaced message asking 'Once more? (Y/N)' to 'PRESS FIRE TO START'
    - Highscore table : Direct input of 'PLAYER 1' in highscore table at the end of a game
    - Ingame : Removed difficulty level at start selector (already available ingame)
    - Ingame : Background redrawn
    - Ingame : Next shape is displayed by default
    - Ingame : All keys remapped.

As always, DSK version is available in addition to the CPR cartridge as we consider that this Tetris 'v1.5'  8) offers nice improvements for CPC users too., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.

Shaun M. Neary

For what it's worth, I actually liked the Mirrorsoft version.
People also conveniently forget that the 8bit versions of Tetris hit the shelves a good 12-18 months before Atari brought it out in the arcades too. I'm actually not sure there's been a game which rights were sold so quickly. I think Mirrorsoft got it in 86, sold to Atari/Tengen in 87, then sold on again to Sega in 88...

... then there was the big legal battle with the Nintendo / GB version that happened afterwards.

Anyway, don't mean to derail the thread. I look forward to giving this a go over the Christmas on my trusty 128k GX4000. :D
Currently playing on: 2xCPC464, 1xCPC6128, 1x464Plus, 1x6128Plus, 2xGX4000. M4 board, ZMem 1MB and still forever playing Bruce Lee.
No cheats, snapshots or emulation. I play my games as they're intended to be played. What about you?


Quote from: iXien on 08:55, 20 December 22Here is a game I really like and that I wanted to slightly upgrade since many years. Thank to the skill of @Urusergi , this upgraded version of an eternal classic I had in mind is now available on GX4000 in its officially licensed version. Here is :

TETRIS from Mirrorsoft

J1 LEFT = Move shape to the left
J1 RIGHT = Move shape to the right
J1 DOWN = Drop shape
J1 UP = View next shape on/off
J1B1 = Spin shape
J1B2 = Music/SFX
Pause button = Level up

This Tetris version is important, a real part of history. And I'm not kidding! Nowadays lot of people don't like the Tetris game versions published by Mirrorsoft in 1987.

But remember. Back in 1987, the deal for Mirrorsoft is to adapt the original game designed on... Electronica 60. Suffice to say that in comparison, the CPC version is a marvel and at the time, everyone agreed to consider these versions as successes, players and press reviewers because the gameplay respected to the letter that of the original game. In 1989, Nintendo published its own version of Tetris on NES and Gameboy, improving the concept, making the gameplay smoother, the difficulty more progressive, the handling more flexible.

Lot of post-Nintendo homebrew clones on CPC offered improved gameplay and more sophisticated graphics. But put in context, this TETRIS from Mirrorsoft offers the right experience, particularly respectful of Pajitnov's creation. Because what we often forget is that we are dealing here with an adaptation of the original game, not that of Nintendo.

To enhance the experience, we updated the graphics to restore some symmetry and readability in a background that was quite nice but shocked by many design mistakes. Now the game is fully playable on joypad and you're welcomed by the highscore table and the main music (as it was already the case on MSX/Spectrum). Well, we put a little bit of order, which is the last straw in a Tetris game, isn't it?

Modifications for the GX4000 version :
    - Title screen : Wait for fire to skip it
    - Title screen : Picture updated (colours, fixed weird pixels)
    - Highscore table : Directly displayed at launch with title music as main screen
    - Highscore table : Table renamed as 'TETRIS TOP SCORE'
    - Highscore table : Replaced message asking 'Once more? (Y/N)' to 'PRESS FIRE TO START'
    - Highscore table : Direct input of 'PLAYER 1' in highscore table at the end of a game
    - Ingame : Removed difficulty level at start selector (already available ingame)
    - Ingame : Background redrawn
    - Ingame : Next shape is displayed by default
    - Ingame : All keys remapped.

As always, DSK version is available in addition to the CPR cartridge as we consider that this Tetris 'v1.5'  8) offers nice improvements for CPC users too.
A great game became even better now! Thanks


It's midnight and a few minutes, the Christmas tree is now filled with packages that our dear toddlers will snatch unceremoniously in a few hours.
But it looks like something is missing before going to bed...
Of course, there was still a gift in Santa's hood, a game for our dear GX4000 which has been requested several times (you guessed that @Urusergi is our Santa Claus this year, who worked hard until the last time 8) ):

MATA HARI from Loriciels

J1 LEFT/RIGHT = Move Mata Hari left or right
J1 UP/DOWN = Jump or crouch, climb or go down
J1B1 = Start game, shoot, hold a gun, get out of the bed, open a locked door.
J1B2 = Take or release a bomb
Pause button = Quit current game

The big problem patching this game to enjoy it on GX4000 was the password system, when you retrieve a pin number from a character and have to input it using the CPC keyboard to open a locked door. The original idea was to unlock the door as soon as the player retrieve the corresponding pin number. But it would have been very complex to determine which doors remain closed while the player don't have the pin number. The commented source code of the game would have been required to be able to make that smart modification, because it's a very labyrinthine code with a lot of nested subroutines.

So the chosen solution is the most efficient. Clearly, all the doors are now unlocked from the beginning and open when you approach by pressing any key (except left or right), even if you don't have the pin number originally required. We agree that it isn't perfect, but the player remains free to play the game respecting the rule, retrieving the pin number needed before opening the next secured door. And for the cheaters, it's a good opportunity to go faster without looking for the pin numbers. You will hear three beeps corresponding to the input of the pin number on the panel before a door opens.

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - New title screen based on the one of the Atari ST version. Zecreator made the first version, using mode 0 and removing the background. iXien refined the details of the conversion and recolored the pastel shades to red and yellow to better match the colours of the game itself.
    - Wait for fire to skip title screen.
    - Remapped the special feature key to J1B2
    - Removed pin numbers input while playing, all doors are opened from the beginning of the game.
    - Poked version that freezes the infirmary guard

Mata Hari in the hood, merry Christmas to everyone, you and your loved ones  :-*, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Ok dudes, we keep a little surprise for the end of the year. But waiting for it, did you see that :

PUZZLE BOBBLE from Crazy Piri

is available for GX-4000 since March, the 4th?

The game is nice and I particularly like the wonderful GFX by @OneVision

It's a smart upgrade of the program especially intended for the small Amstrad console since there is only in cartridge version that the game works with just 64K RAM, certainly taking advantage of the instant access to data in ROM. I suppose that lot of you already knew that but I think that this thread is perfect to announce all the marvels available on GX4000 and the info was missing until now  :P, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


And to continue with the little things before the end of the year, I discovered that other Crazy Piri games are natively compatible with the GX4000, but had never been converted... until now  :P

OIL PANIC from Crazy Piri

TETRIS from Crazy Piri

Let's go !, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Christmas gifts continue thanks to @Jean-Marie that just patched the CPC version of Green Beret to offer a faster scrolling. But that's not all as he decided to add nice modifications to provide a full joypad version dedicated to GX4000 including name input using joypad in high-score table !

I spread it here :

GREEN BERET (Scrollfix) from Ocean Software

But I advise you to visit the topic dedicated to this new version here ( You will find a DSK version for the CPC/Plus computers too) :

While playing:
J1B1 = Knife
J1B2 = Fire
Pause button = Pause

While game is in pause:
J1B1 = Resume game
J1B2 = Resume game turning music on/off
Pause button = Quit current game

So many thanks to him for letting me add the game here with an instruction file ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 15:53, 30 December 22Christmas gifts continue thanks to @Jean-Marie that just patched the CPC version of Green Beret to offer a faster scrolling. But that's not all as he decided to add nice modifications to provide a full joypad version dedicated to GX4000 including name input using joypad in high-score table !

I spread it here :

GREEN BERET (Scrollfix) from Ocean Software

But I advise you to visit the topic dedicated to this new version here ( You will find a DSK version for the CPC/Plus computers too) :

While playing:
J1B1 = Knife
J1B2 = Fire
Pause button = Pause

While game is in pause:
J1B1 = Resume game
J1B2 = Resume game turning music on/off
Pause button = Quit current game

So many thanks to him for letting me add the game here with an instruction file ;)
Can I share this comment/news on my YouTube channel? 


Quote from: ukmarkh on 15:56, 30 December 22
Quote from: iXien on 15:53, 30 December 22Christmas gifts continue thanks to @Jean-Marie that just patched the CPC version of Green Beret to offer a faster scrolling. But that's not all as he decided to add nice modifications to provide a full joypad version dedicated to GX4000 including name input using joypad in high-score table !

I spread it here :

GREEN BERET (Scrollfix) from Ocean Software

But I advise you to visit the topic dedicated to this new version here ( You will find a DSK version for the CPC/Plus computers too) :

While playing:
J1B1 = Knife
J1B2 = Fire
Pause button = Pause

While game is in pause:
J1B1 = Resume game
J1B2 = Resume game turning music on/off
Pause button = Quit current game

So many thanks to him for letting me add the game here with an instruction file ;)
Can I share this comment/news on my YouTube channel?
Of course  ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 08:55, 20 December 22Here is a game I really like and that I wanted to slightly upgrade since many years. Thank to the skill of @Urusergi , this upgraded version of an eternal classic I had in mind is now available on GX4000 in its officially licensed version. Here is :

TETRIS from Mirrorsoft

J1 LEFT = Move shape to the left
J1 RIGHT = Move shape to the right
J1 DOWN = Drop shape
J1 UP = View next shape on/off
J1B1 = Spin shape
J1B2 = Music/SFX
Pause button = Level up

This Tetris version is important, a real part of history. And I'm not kidding! Nowadays lot of people don't like the Tetris game versions published by Mirrorsoft in 1987.

But remember. Back in 1987, the deal for Mirrorsoft is to adapt the original game designed on... Electronica 60. Suffice to say that in comparison, the CPC version is a marvel and at the time, everyone agreed to consider these versions as successes, players and press reviewers because the gameplay respected to the letter that of the original game. In 1989, Nintendo published its own version of Tetris on NES and Gameboy, improving the concept, making the gameplay smoother, the difficulty more progressive, the handling more flexible.

Lot of post-Nintendo homebrew clones on CPC offered improved gameplay and more sophisticated graphics. But put in context, this TETRIS from Mirrorsoft offers the right experience, particularly respectful of Pajitnov's creation. Because what we often forget is that we are dealing here with an adaptation of the original game, not that of Nintendo.

To enhance the experience, we updated the graphics to restore some symmetry and readability in a background that was quite nice but shocked by many design mistakes. Now the game is fully playable on joypad and you're welcomed by the highscore table and the main music (as it was already the case on MSX/Spectrum). Well, we put a little bit of order, which is the last straw in a Tetris game, isn't it?

Modifications for the GX4000 version :
    - Title screen : Wait for fire to skip it
    - Title screen : Picture updated (colours, fixed weird pixels)
    - Highscore table : Directly displayed at launch with title music as main screen
    - Highscore table : Table renamed as 'TETRIS TOP SCORE'
    - Highscore table : Replaced message asking 'Once more? (Y/N)' to 'PRESS FIRE TO START'
    - Highscore table : Direct input of 'PLAYER 1' in highscore table at the end of a game
    - Ingame : Removed difficulty level at start selector (already available ingame)
    - Ingame : Background redrawn
    - Ingame : Next shape is displayed by default
    - Ingame : All keys remapped.

As always, DSK version is available in addition to the CPR cartridge as we consider that this Tetris 'v1.5'  8) offers nice improvements for CPC users too.
What's been done here is nothing short of brilliant! But the game is still flawed around level 8. The movement of the blocks just isn't smooth enough, especially when you need to spin them, as the blocks fall there's limited control/lag to move things around. It is a better experience, but still better played elsewhere. Seriously though, I commend the effort. Great times for the CPC Community. Mirrorsoft really didn't do the CPC version justice.


Quote from: ukmarkh on 16:14, 30 December 22
Quote from: iXien on 08:55, 20 December 22Here is a game I really like and that I wanted to slightly upgrade since many years. Thank to the skill of @Urusergi , this upgraded version of an eternal classic I had in mind is now available on GX4000 in its officially licensed version. Here is :

TETRIS from Mirrorsoft

J1 LEFT = Move shape to the left
J1 RIGHT = Move shape to the right
J1 DOWN = Drop shape
J1 UP = View next shape on/off
J1B1 = Spin shape
J1B2 = Music/SFX
Pause button = Level up

This Tetris version is important, a real part of history. And I'm not kidding! Nowadays lot of people don't like the Tetris game versions published by Mirrorsoft in 1987.

But remember. Back in 1987, the deal for Mirrorsoft is to adapt the original game designed on... Electronica 60. Suffice to say that in comparison, the CPC version is a marvel and at the time, everyone agreed to consider these versions as successes, players and press reviewers because the gameplay respected to the letter that of the original game. In 1989, Nintendo published its own version of Tetris on NES and Gameboy, improving the concept, making the gameplay smoother, the difficulty more progressive, the handling more flexible.

Lot of post-Nintendo homebrew clones on CPC offered improved gameplay and more sophisticated graphics. But put in context, this TETRIS from Mirrorsoft offers the right experience, particularly respectful of Pajitnov's creation. Because what we often forget is that we are dealing here with an adaptation of the original game, not that of Nintendo.

To enhance the experience, we updated the graphics to restore some symmetry and readability in a background that was quite nice but shocked by many design mistakes. Now the game is fully playable on joypad and you're welcomed by the highscore table and the main music (as it was already the case on MSX/Spectrum). Well, we put a little bit of order, which is the last straw in a Tetris game, isn't it?

Modifications for the GX4000 version :
    - Title screen : Wait for fire to skip it
    - Title screen : Picture updated (colours, fixed weird pixels)
    - Highscore table : Directly displayed at launch with title music as main screen
    - Highscore table : Table renamed as 'TETRIS TOP SCORE'
    - Highscore table : Replaced message asking 'Once more? (Y/N)' to 'PRESS FIRE TO START'
    - Highscore table : Direct input of 'PLAYER 1' in highscore table at the end of a game
    - Ingame : Removed difficulty level at start selector (already available ingame)
    - Ingame : Background redrawn
    - Ingame : Next shape is displayed by default
    - Ingame : All keys remapped.

As always, DSK version is available in addition to the CPR cartridge as we consider that this Tetris 'v1.5'  8) offers nice improvements for CPC users too.
What's been done here is nothing short of brilliant! But the game is still flawed around level 8. The movement of the blocks just isn't smooth enough, especially when you need to spin them, as the blocks fall there's limited control/lag to move things around. It is a better experience, but still better played elsewhere. Seriously though, I commend the effort. Great times for the CPC Community. Mirrorsoft really didn't do the CPC version justice.
You're right in all you says. The fact is that if you try the original game on Electronica 60 (or a longplay video on Youtube), you will see that it's exactly the same gameplay (and even more primitive to be clear). So we can't really complain to the guy hired by Andromeda that wrote the CPC version for Mirrorsoft. He just made what they ask him : translate the Pajitnov original game from Electronica 60 to Amstrad CPC  :D

After that, it would be interesting to try the other versions under licence from Mirrorsoft to see if someone had the idea to upgrade the gameplay rather than just strictly adapt it, making the game too much hard from Level 8.

What I'm just telling is that put in its context, this CPC version is a good conversion of a game created on another system, we can't blame the programmer for the flaws of the original game. In that mean, Nintendo made a lot, making from a good game in its original form a timeless classic on all its systems.

I sometimes play again this CPC version because I grew up with it and because for me it's part of history, like : "Hey guys, initially, TETRIS was that!" But of course, lot of post-Nintendo clones are far better, because they re-use all the very good ideas of the japanese manufacturer without which it is hard to imagine playing TETRIS nowadays. Of course, it's just an opinion ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 16:43, 30 December 22
Quote from: ukmarkh on 16:14, 30 December 22
Quote from: iXien on 08:55, 20 December 22Here is a game I really like and that I wanted to slightly upgrade since many years. Thank to the skill of @Urusergi , this upgraded version of an eternal classic I had in mind is now available on GX4000 in its officially licensed version. Here is :

TETRIS from Mirrorsoft

J1 LEFT = Move shape to the left
J1 RIGHT = Move shape to the right
J1 DOWN = Drop shape
J1 UP = View next shape on/off
J1B1 = Spin shape
J1B2 = Music/SFX
Pause button = Level up

This Tetris version is important, a real part of history. And I'm not kidding! Nowadays lot of people don't like the Tetris game versions published by Mirrorsoft in 1987.

But remember. Back in 1987, the deal for Mirrorsoft is to adapt the original game designed on... Electronica 60. Suffice to say that in comparison, the CPC version is a marvel and at the time, everyone agreed to consider these versions as successes, players and press reviewers because the gameplay respected to the letter that of the original game. In 1989, Nintendo published its own version of Tetris on NES and Gameboy, improving the concept, making the gameplay smoother, the difficulty more progressive, the handling more flexible.

Lot of post-Nintendo homebrew clones on CPC offered improved gameplay and more sophisticated graphics. But put in context, this TETRIS from Mirrorsoft offers the right experience, particularly respectful of Pajitnov's creation. Because what we often forget is that we are dealing here with an adaptation of the original game, not that of Nintendo.

To enhance the experience, we updated the graphics to restore some symmetry and readability in a background that was quite nice but shocked by many design mistakes. Now the game is fully playable on joypad and you're welcomed by the highscore table and the main music (as it was already the case on MSX/Spectrum). Well, we put a little bit of order, which is the last straw in a Tetris game, isn't it?

Modifications for the GX4000 version :
    - Title screen : Wait for fire to skip it
    - Title screen : Picture updated (colours, fixed weird pixels)
    - Highscore table : Directly displayed at launch with title music as main screen
    - Highscore table : Table renamed as 'TETRIS TOP SCORE'
    - Highscore table : Replaced message asking 'Once more? (Y/N)' to 'PRESS FIRE TO START'
    - Highscore table : Direct input of 'PLAYER 1' in highscore table at the end of a game
    - Ingame : Removed difficulty level at start selector (already available ingame)
    - Ingame : Background redrawn
    - Ingame : Next shape is displayed by default
    - Ingame : All keys remapped.

As always, DSK version is available in addition to the CPR cartridge as we consider that this Tetris 'v1.5'  8) offers nice improvements for CPC users too.
What's been done here is nothing short of brilliant! But the game is still flawed around level 8. The movement of the blocks just isn't smooth enough, especially when you need to spin them, as the blocks fall there's limited control/lag to move things around. It is a better experience, but still better played elsewhere. Seriously though, I commend the effort. Great times for the CPC Community. Mirrorsoft really didn't do the CPC version justice.
You're right in all you says. The fact is that if you try the original game on Electronica 60 (or a longplay video on Youtube), you will see that it's exactly the same gameplay (and even more primitive to be clear). So we can't really complain to the guy hired by Andromeda that wrote the CPC version for Mirrorsoft. He just made what they ask him : translate the Pajitnov original game from Electronica 60 to Amstrad CPC  :D

After that, it would be interesting to try the other versions under licence from Mirrorsoft to see if someone had the idea to upgrade the gameplay rather than just strictly adapt it, making the game too much hard from Level 8.

What I'm just telling is that put in its context, this CPC version is a good conversion of a game created on another system, we can't blame the programmer for the flaws of the original game. In that mean, Nintendo made a lot, making from a good game in its original form a timeless classic on all its systems.

I sometimes play again this CPC version because I grew up with it and because for me it's part of history, like : "Hey guys, initially, TETRIS was that!" But of course, lot of post-Nintendo clones are far better, because the re-use all the very good ideas of the japanese manufacturer without which it is hard to imagine playing TETRIS nowadays ;)
100% agree, the programmer was on a hiding to nothing. We see that with the R-Type conversion that Keith Goodyear converted. He's an accomplished programmer, but given hardly any time to work his magic. I'm not sure about who converted the C64 and other computer versions, but they definitely play better. So programmers were maybe given more time. I bought it originally, didn't like it and returned the same day. Luckily I had access to Tetris on other systems.  


Lots of CPC games suffer from a Spectrum conversion. And since the Speccy (as nice as it is) can't scroll the CPC versions got no scrolling either. It's a real pity because smooth scrolling can be programmed so easy on the CPC (I talk about hardware scrolling here).
Only the MSX probably suffered even more from bad conversions.

Another thing is how much money the companies made with games (well done or a cheap product). And money was / is all that's important for companies. --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


@SyX always speaks about how conversions from Commodore were normally much better in CPC than the ones from Spectrum, due to the "similar" graphic resolution, the "multicolor" mode with Mode 0 in CPC, and the need to "rewrite" most of the "gaming" code for scrolling, etc...


Quote from: asertus on 18:06, 30 December 22@SyX always speaks about how conversions from Commodore were normally much better in CPC than the ones from Spectrum, due to the "similar" graphic resolution, the "multicolor" mode with Mode 0 in CPC, and the need to "rewrite" most of the "gaming" code for scrolling, etc...

@ukmarkh , @GUNHED , you're definitively right in all you said... but It's not the point here imo  :P

The gameplay of this TETRIS conversion is PERFECT... regarding the original game from Alexei Pajitnov. Anyone that don't like the CPC version reality you don't like the original concept of TETRIS as it was thought by Pajitnov  8) In 1987, there was no alternative and once again, they managed to recreate exactly the Russian model. That's why all the TETRIS conversions from Mirrorsoft were acclaimed by the press reviewers at the time. C64, CPC, MSX/Spectrum, Amiga, ST and even PC DOS versions are very similar, including what some consider as flaws ;)
All the clones we love have been created AFTER Nintendo won the legal battle for console versions and fabulously upgraded the main concept, making from a good idea a timeless classic.
On CPC, imo only the background was a little bit awful with non sense pixels here and there. I tried to correct this with my little ways, thanks to the skill of @Urusergi  ;D, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: asertus on 18:06, 30 December 22@SyX always speaks about how conversions from Commodore were normally much better in CPC than the ones from Spectrum, due to the "similar" graphic resolution, the "multicolor" mode with Mode 0 in CPC, and the need to "rewrite" most of the "gaming" code for scrolling, etc...
Especially the need of a complete code rewrite. Games being released on CPC first are best compared to other ports imho, few examples though. --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


There's a new game called ' Impetus' Can this be easily converted? 


@ukmarkh  Yes, of course as there are no keys to patch. But there seems to be a bigger project from the Japanese Inufuto that created 12 games like this one using a cross-platform development solution to target a wide array of both Japanese and western 70s and 80s era computers.

Here is a conversion in CPR compatible with GX4000. But maybe a single CPR joining all the games with a menu would be nice. I'll look at that., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 21:04, 30 December 22@ukmarkh  Yes, of course as there are no keys to patch. But there seems to be a bigger project from the Japanese Inufuto that created 12 games like this one using a cross-platform development solution to target a wide array of both Japanese and western 70s and 80s era computers.

Here is a conversion in CPR compatible with GX4000. But maybe a single CPR joining all the games with a menu would be nice. I'll look at that.
Thank you once again! Yes, I think a menu system with all games would be great. It's a shame there's not more like that. Game packs with Best of Ocean, USGold, Hewson. I know you can get these for the Dandanator, it looks pretty cool with a selection menu. Long live the CPC, Plus and GX4000!  

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