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Converted GX4000 .cpr - The topic (repository link in first post)

Started by remax, 22:14, 04 May 15

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Didn't see that @Urusergi  already did a month ago .... but i did a Titanic Blinky GX4000 portage too  .
Added one transfered screen , a little melody , no Trainer (as original game) , and drop CPC+ colors on it .
I did it quickly because I saw an Blog article on this game I unknown .
so here is the CPR:
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Quote from: CyrilAmstrad on 15:46, 15 July 22Didn't see that @Urusergi  already did a month ago .... but i did a Titanic Blinky GX4000 portage too  .
Added one transfered screen , a little melody , no Trainer (as original game) , and drop CPC+ colors on it .
I did it quickly because I saw an Blog article on this game I unknown .
so here is the CPR:
A very nice version with lovable little improvements ;) . From where the music comes from? And would you be ok to let @Urusergi patch your version to retrieve the pause mode, remapping keys, and create a second file including cheats apart from the one without them?, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Melody small loop part came from Kostik A. From Blinky Life Theme. 
I will update this evening , Titan the graphist gave me a dedicated screen. I will update it and post it here tomorrow. About your tips , remaps the keys make sense for aside needs as GX4000. But no worries about @Urusergi he can drag some about pause and so on. I remove volontary the trainer , because some prefer to get the "original version" .  But please wait , the new screen will be update ASAP. Cheers
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Ok, we are waiting for your final version  8) Maybe you can directly modify the keys, it would be faster : I for Left, O for Right so you can use P for pause game instead of ESC  ;) ?, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


@CyrilAmstrad I respect the idea of a game that directly start without a cheat menu but in that case a poked CPR beside of the standard file would be nice imo  :D, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


@iXien indeed ,
Then I took in consideration your tip about the Pause Button instead of Break key .
And also update the Title screen from Titan. for the OPQA controls , I prefer to let it as original ... like OPQA team ^^
So here is the Updated version (V2) :
new title screen from TITAN
 and the GX4000 Pause Button active in game now as you asked . cheers
Here we go :
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Very nice work @CyrilAmstrad ! The title screen fits the spirit of the game perfectly, well done, love it  :-* The new colours offer a wonderful upgrade two, as the music.

But, if you permit me, about the Pause button. If it remains connected to right direction, it makes Blinky move while you want to pause game and it's unusable to control it with keyboard on CPC+. With your agreement, we could propose an IOQA version, there would be no more conflict. The P key on GX4000 would no longer make Blinky move and on CPC+ the player could again control it using the keyboard ?  :D, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


@iXien thanks !  Well I understand about CPC+ point of view indeed .
I was only thinking about GX4000 ( which I still works on new others homebrews too ^^)

Regarding CPC+ , you are right ,  it make sense , I didn't consider it .
then I will update it this evening with IOQA control to avoid CPC+ conflicts .
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Already done ^^
Titanic Blinky V3 : update

IOAQ controls effective for CPC+ users

here is the updated CPR:
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Quote from: CyrilAmstrad on 18:06, 16 July 22Already done ^^
Titanic Blinky V3 : update

IOAQ controls effective for CPC+ users

here is the updated CPR:

Wonderful!, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Lala Prologue 2022 new game: GX4000 version
 I did it quickly:
CPC+ colors
Fire 1 key to launch the game with gamepad
key 1 to launch for CPC+ keyboard

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Discovered by @Urusergi during his wanderings, here is :

HYPERBOWL from Mastertronic

On each joypad :
d-pad = Drive your ship on the playground
J1B1 = Fire

Futur sport game, halfway between shuffleboard and Asteroids, you control a ship on a playground that must shoot a puck to take it into the opposing goal. The game is playable with two players simultaneously, unless you prefer to play against the computer. Both pads are recognized by default., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


well done,
@Xyphoe just played this unknown game last Friday on his stream 👍🏻
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The game of the day from @Urusergi :


Press J1B1 to start game and d-pad/J1B1 to select your mission.

D-PAD = Move in 4-way directions.
J1B1 = Fire
J1B2 = Bombs/Shield
Pause button : Pause game (J1B1 to resume, J1B2 to quit current game)

Another very clever conversion. In the original CPC game, you have to select a mission using keyboard numbers. Now you can choose your mission using the d-pad and confirm just pressing J1B1. Ingame, J1B1 and J1B2 permit to resume or quit while the game is in pause. Height of luxury, you can even play this very hard game with unlimited lives. That's why the DSK file is also included to enjoy these greats improvements even on CPC., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Daily delivery from @Urusergi  ;D :

BOUNDER from Gremlin

J1B1 = Start game
D-Pad = Move Bounder
J1B2 = Pause (button must be maintained to the pause being effective as in the original game)
J1B2 + Pause button = Quit current game

A very hard game, but looking on the web, people seem to have fond memories of this instrument of torture 8) . Maybe it's the cute main character represented at the bottom of the screen, the music very entertaining, or just the challenge the game consists of : "Ok, just another one, I'm sure I can go further"

For those who want to keep their sanity, this version offers unlimited lives  :P, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Great job @iXien

Don't think that the cart post is regularly updated, like the roms one.
I've uploaded the roms on internet archive.
We should consider doing that for the carts too.


Quote from: VincentGR on 19:41, 19 July 22Great job @iXien

Don't think that the cart post is regularly updated, like the roms one.
I've uploaded the roms on internet archive.
We should consider doing that for the carts too.
I'm sorry but I don't understand your last message. Can you try again or maybe write exceptionally in french? Sorry again., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


My French is 10 times worse than my English.
No problem, just keep the good work you've done so far with the cartridges  :)


Quote from: VincentGR on 20:07, 19 July 22My French is 10 times worse than my English.
No problem, just keep the good work you've done so far with the cartridges  :)
If you're talking about the GX-4000 converted games page, it will be updated soon  ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 19:59, 19 July 22I'm sorry but I don't understand your last message. Can you try again or maybe write exceptionally in french? Sorry again.

Vincent has created a lot of 16-32k roms (to use in a rombox, for classic CPCs) and he has upload all of them to internet archive website.
And he ask you if it would be a good idea if you do the same with the gx4000 conversions.


Many thanks, I was sure that the problem was not his English but my lack of knowledge of something  :P

Now I understand. Converting CPR to ROM files is easy and it would be a good idea to offer to people ROM files based on the GX4000 conversions. But I don't forget that this thread is dedicated to offer games to GX4000 users, even if a patched version of a game that becomes fully playable using a simple 2-button controller can be very useful on this good old CPC.

@VincentGR , I will let the task to convert CPR to ROM files, and maybe offers these conversions to a dedicated list page like the one for GX-4000, to somebody that have more interest in this subject :D, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


One year and a half later...

The page is updated and the fullset is available !!!!

Thanks to iXien for his pre-work that made a few days task into a few hours task.

EDIT : Well it's updated except for the June-July releases apparently. I'll take care of it at my return from hollidays.
Brain Radioactivity


Many thanks @remax . Now the list is near to up to date with all the games downloadable in one click ;D .

42 games added (and 5 updated) since the beginning of 2021 to TOMBSTOWNE on page 134 in April 2022, the 3rd.

And I'm sure the best can be yet to come! Long live the GX4000  ;D, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


After a lot of pain, blood and tears :P , here is the new patch from @Urusergi :

SABOTEUR from Durell

Press J1B1 to start the game. Use up and down to choose a difficulty level then J1B1 to confirm. At the end of a game, press J1B1 to skip the highscore table (Pause button can be used if you really want to enter a key that will be "P" before leaving the screen).

Ingame controls :
J1 LEFT/RIGHT = move left/right
J1 UP + LEFT/RIGHT = Sideways jump (distance depends if you're running or not)
J1 UP = Climb up if on ladder, kick if still, Starts the helicopter
J1 DOWN = Climb down if on ladder or duck if still
J1B1 = Throw/use/take object, altern between near/held objects or punch if none
Pause button = Abort mission

Quickstart guide
Enter warehouse, Avoid dogs, guards, and ceiling-mounted anti-personnel weapons which are guided by video cameras. Go up through a number of floor levels, then go over top of lift shaft to other side of the warehouse. You will have to use the computer terminals to unlock some doors. Next go down to sewers. On your journey you should try to find a hidden time-bomb and carry it to the underground computer center. Use mini-trains which connect sewers to the underground centre. Take (or swap time-bomb with) the disk, then escape by helicopter which is on the roof of the warehouse. You will have to climb the stanchions and jump accross the gantries on the top floor.

Lot of work was required to be able to convert this legendary game on GX4000. Here is the complete list of the job done :
    - Usual remapping of the quitkey to the Pause button
    - Anti-piracy information screen removed.
    - Main menu removed, as keyboard keys don't need to be redefined anymore
    - Message PRESS FIRE TO START THE MISSION added on the remaining high score table.
    - Replacement of the keyboard input of the difficulty level by an up/down cycling selector on joypad.
    - J1B1 is enough to skip the highscore table at the end of a game.
    - "No time-bomb" bug in difficulty level 3 fixed (using the Clive Townsend instructions).
    - Two versions available in CPR and DSK : Standard version directly loading the game, poked version with cheat menu offering unlimited energy and time.

SABOTEUR was really missing in the GX4000 compatible game list since the launch of the thread in 2015. Many thanks to @Urusergi for spending so much time and efforts to make the game 100% joypad 8) .

Enjoy Saboteur, one of the first stealth games, on your GX4000. DSK files are also included to enjoy these great improvements on a standard CPC too., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Request: can someone remap the game menu in this version of Robocop please. This is untrained and has a forced 128k mode so would work better on 128k GX4000 consoles.
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