
Play2CPC (Plus2CPC II) : Extra sound channels and rewritable cartridges

Started by abalore, 15:38, 23 November 21

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Please add me down for 1 centronics version and 1 edge connector version. Thanks


Quote from: zhulien on 23:10, 04 June 22Please add me down for 1 centronics version and 1 edge connector version. Thanks

The Play2CPC is only edge version, and then there is a centronics-to-edge adapter.


Please send me PM for details


Quote from: abalore on 19:43, 27 May 22
Quote from: Maniac on 19:23, 27 May 22Did the solution of how to mix the extra audio in to the monitor speakers of the Plus models ever get sorted please?

That's not doable without additional elements, because you can't route anything to the audio output connector of the Plus from the expansion port. The same happens with the CPC, you can mix into the internal speaker with precise knowledge of the CPC schematics, but not into the audio jack.
So we made it in this way:
- You can hear the mix into the CPC speaker (or disable the mix with a switch)
- You always have the external sound in stereo in the Play2CPC connector
- You always have the internal sound in stereo in the CPC or Plus connector
so at the end you have the full mix in Mono or all independent channels in two jacks.
In my home arrangement I have two pairs of small external speakers, because I like to control individually the volume for music and sfx, but you can use an audio mixer too.
Quote from: abalore on 19:43, 27 May 22
Quote from: Maniac on 19:23, 27 May 22Did the solution of how to mix the extra audio in to the monitor speakers of the Plus models ever get sorted please?

That's not doable without additional elements, because you can't route anything to the audio output connector of the Plus from the expansion port. The same happens with the CPC, you can mix into the internal speaker with precise knowledge of the CPC schematics, but not into the audio jack.
So we made it in this way:
- You can hear the mix into the CPC speaker (or disable the mix with a switch)
- You always have the external sound in stereo in the Play2CPC connector
- You always have the internal sound in stereo in the CPC or Plus connector
so at the end you have the full mix in Mono or all independent channels in two jacks.
In my home arrangement I have two pairs of small external speakers, because I like to control individually the volume for music and sfx, but you can use an audio mixer too.
Here is simply the solution to enjoy six audio channels on the same pair of stereo speakers:


Quote from: rickyordi on 22:47, 05 June 22
Quote from: abalore on 19:43, 27 May 22
Quote from: Maniac on 19:23, 27 May 22Did the solution of how to mix the extra audio in to the monitor speakers of the Plus models ever get sorted please?

That's not doable without additional elements, because you can't route anything to the audio output connector of the Plus from the expansion port. The same happens with the CPC, you can mix into the internal speaker with precise knowledge of the CPC schematics, but not into the audio jack.
So we made it in this way:
- You can hear the mix into the CPC speaker (or disable the mix with a switch)
- You always have the external sound in stereo in the Play2CPC connector
- You always have the internal sound in stereo in the CPC or Plus connector
so at the end you have the full mix in Mono or all independent channels in two jacks.
In my home arrangement I have two pairs of small external speakers, because I like to control individually the volume for music and sfx, but you can use an audio mixer too.
Quote from: abalore on 19:43, 27 May 22
Quote from: Maniac on 19:23, 27 May 22Did the solution of how to mix the extra audio in to the monitor speakers of the Plus models ever get sorted please?

That's not doable without additional elements, because you can't route anything to the audio output connector of the Plus from the expansion port. The same happens with the CPC, you can mix into the internal speaker with precise knowledge of the CPC schematics, but not into the audio jack.
So we made it in this way:
- You can hear the mix into the CPC speaker (or disable the mix with a switch)
- You always have the external sound in stereo in the Play2CPC connector
- You always have the internal sound in stereo in the CPC or Plus connector
so at the end you have the full mix in Mono or all independent channels in two jacks.
In my home arrangement I have two pairs of small external speakers, because I like to control individually the volume for music and sfx, but you can use an audio mixer too.
Here is simply the solution to enjoy six audio channels on the same pair of stereo speakers:

This is unlikely to work satisfactorily and could even be dangerous by connecting grounds that would otherwise be separate (ask someone that knows more about what they're talking about with that last bit :))


As these are audio outputs, I don't see the problem, but you're right let's stay vigilant... :-\


looks incredible, put me down for one on the next batch please.


Nothing arrived here. Few weeks ago, I make payment. Some news?


We are currently assembling the Play2CPC / Alcon 2020 combo box.
Next, we will do the Play2CPC box version. Please, be patient. :)
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Happy Birthday Tot0!!!  :) :) :)

Enjoy your great day!!!  :) :) :)
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


If I would still own a real CPC, I would buy a copy too. "Alcon" delivers real arcade-quality on a machine, that was made for Roland in time. 

And the hardware for the extra sound-channels makes the audio fatter than fat! 


Ok Toto. No problem, It's just for have news. Regards.;)


2x JustCPC


My CPC crashes reliably when playing Alcon 2020 with the Play2CPC. Sometimes after a few minutes, sometime immediately. At least once I could see that it drew corrupt tiles to the screen just before crashing.

I have a second CPC where it works better, but also there it crashed twice (both when I lost my last life).

Any idea what could cause this? Extension port has been cleaned and otherwise has no issues with other extensions.

Update 1: on a 464 it doesn't work at all. Sometimes I get total garbage on screen but usually the screen just stays black. The 464 has a built in Vortex SP512 ram extension which might be in conflict.


Quote from: eto on 18:00, 12 July 22My CPC crashes reliably when playing Alcon 2020 with the Play2CPC. Sometimes after a few minutes, sometime immediately. At least once I could see that it drew corrupt tiles to the screen just before crashing.

I have a second CPC where it works better, but also there it crashed twice (both when I lost my last life).

Any idea what could cause this? Extension port has been cleaned and otherwise has no issues with other extensions.

Update 1: on a 464 it doesn't work at all. Sometimes I get total garbage on screen but usually the screen just stays black. The 464 has a built in Vortex SP512 ram extension which might be in conflict.

The RAM expansions shouldn't affect the Play2CPC, but maybe it's drawing too much current. Do you have other cartridges to try or the Centronics adapter to check the Play2CPC on a Plus?

Philippe Lardenois

Hi @abalore , is there one Play2CPC for me available ?
Currently, would be kindly interested in a cart+Alcon pack.



Quote from: Philippe Lardenois on 12:31, 16 July 22Hi @abalore , is there one Play2CPC for me available ?
Currently, would be kindly interested in a cart+Alcon pack.


the second batch is already closed, but I can add you to the waiting list for the third batch.

Philippe Lardenois

Ok great. Will wait for your PM. No hurry.


This thread grows. Hard to find particular data. So I ask, could be of common interest.  :)

Is there a Play2CPC with an M4 compatible plug?  ???

In this case one could use the regular Centronics to M4 adapter cable.  8)
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 15:45, 19 July 22This thread grows. Hard to find particular data. So I ask, could be of common interest.  :)

Is there a Play2CPC with an M4 compatible plug?  ???

In this case one could use the regular Centronics to M4 adapter cable.  8)
Play2CPC and M4 work perfectly together if you don't activate the cartridge emulation in the M4. You can plug a MX4 board, then the M4 on it, and the Play2CPC with a MX4-to-edge adapter


Well, I talked about the M4 connector - NOT the M4 expansion.  :) Else my text wouldn't make any sense.  :) Tot0's Mother MX4 plugs. Well, I forget the X letter.  :-\
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 16:08, 19 July 22Well, I talked about the M4 connector - NOT the M4 expansion.  :) Else my text wouldn't make any sense.  :) Tot0's Mother MX4 plugs. Well, I forget the X letter.  :-\
Ok, there is no Play2CPC with MX4 connector, but as I said you have MX4 to edge adapters.


Edge connectors are dodgy and not reliable in my experience. In case the Play2CPC only has edge plugs and not MX4 then this would be a disadvantage imho. My suggestion would be to create a series with MX4 plugs (or any other non-sliding connector). I would definitely buy one then.  :) :) :)
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Any news on when the standalone Play2CPC interfaces will be sent.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


The Play2CPC box version will be for September now. Because, closed factories during July/August and many peoples in vacations asking to not ship anything before. (that not mean we are doing nothing :p)
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Yo @abalore! Any news on when the writable carts, and the software to write them with on the CPC natively?

Cheers. Loving Alcon and the Play2CPC :) 

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