USIfAC II:Convert a PC or USB stick to Amstrad HDD,access dsk's,and many more!

Started by ikonsgr, 08:17, 01 December 20

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one further issue:

With Filemanager the computer locks, when I try to enter certain directories. with |cd everything works fine, but with the filemanager, it's completely dead and requires a hard reset. I tried with the contents of File and

I could replicate this on 2 different computers (CPC 6128 and Plus 6128). Also the endless spinning motor is happening on both systems.


Quote from: eto on 22:22, 24 March 22Let me put it another way: Once I loaded I DSK, how can I have direct file access again (e.g. to start the Filemanager again) without doing a hard reset? And MG will not be the best way to deal with it ;-) After |MG," a CAT locks the computer.
Just give: |EN ,this will automatically disable FDC emulation and enable the direct file access. Giving again |FDC will re-enable dsk image access  ;)

Quote from: eto on 22:22, 24 March 22Regarding the motor: This is not while accessing a DSK. I know that there it's normal for a few seconds. I am talking about a motor that spins for minutes. This is after switching to USB and then doing a normal CAT.
  • turn on computer
  • |USB
  • cat
  • motor turns on and NEVER turns off while in this mode
  • once a DSK is loaded, motor turns off after 5 seconds.
I mean in (4) it literally never stops. I just recognised it as I was sitting at my PC when I realised that I hear a buzzing sound behind me, coming from the CPC. The floppy drive motor was still spinning several minutes after I tried out the new firmware. I guess this will eventually kill the drive, if it's accidentally not recognised.

 Indeed, this seems to be a bug with CAT, |CAT commands. Thanks for noting, i'll see to it and fix it.


Quote from: eto on 22:44, 24 March 22one further issue:
With Filemanager the computer locks, when I try to enter certain directories. with |cd everything works fine, but with the filemanager, it's completely dead and requires a hard reset. I tried with the contents of File and
I could replicate this on 2 different computers (CPC 6128 and Plus 6128). Also the endless spinning motor is happening on both systems.
With filemanager you should use new board version (respond no-'n' at the initial question),unless you have rev.6c (e.g. choose old board version ,respond yes-'y' at the initial question).
With new filemanager, you should use old board version unless you have rev.6c


Quote from: ikonsgr on 23:46, 24 March 22With filemanager you should use new board version (respond no-'n' at the initial question),unless you have rev.6c (e.g. choose old board version ,respond yes-'y' at the initial question).
With new filemanager, you should use old board version unless you have rev.6c
I have updated the firmware to rev 6.c just yesterday.

I have now tried new filemanager and old filemanager with yes and no to the inital question. There is no combination anymore that is working properly.

  • old filemanager, yes: no locking when directory is selected, but if I reset, the computer locks during start up with some blinking dots across the screen
  • old filemaner, no: locking when accessing some(!) directories
  • new filemaner, yes: error message "no files or dirs found". if I reset, the computer locks during start up  with some blinking dots across the screen
  • new filemaner, no: locking when accessing some(!) directories 

I now flashed 6b and it's different but not better:

  • old filemanager, yes: no locking,but if I reset, the computer locks during start up with some blinking dots across the screen 
  • old filemanager, no: no locking,but if I reset, the computer locks during start up with some blinking dots across the screen
  • new filemaner, yes: locking when accessing some(!) directories, the computer locks during start up with some blinking dots across the screen 
  • new filemanager, no: computer locks immediately with a black screen, the computer locks during start up with some blinking dots across the screen 


Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.


@eto, @Audronic  Ok,i think now all problems are fixed. I've updated the hex file:
Feel free to test it, and verify that disk motor enable problem when give CAT,|CAT commands, and filemanager problems are fixed.

p.s. thanks eto for the "beta testing" ;-)



Quote from: ikonsgr on 12:42, 25 March 22@eto, @Audronic  Ok,i think now all problems are fixed. I've updated the hex file:
Feel free to test it, and verify that disk motor enable problem when give CAT,|CAT commands, and filemanager problems are fixed.

p.s. thanks eto for the "beta testing" ;-)

hi john, those of us who have the first 6c should update again?


Quote from: shacpc on 16:53, 25 March 22hi john, those of us who have the first 6c should update again?

 Well,since none of the problems is critical, i suppose you can use the previous rev.6c. But if you can update the firmware, it's always best to have latest firmware installed.


Quote from: ikonsgr on 20:29, 25 March 22
Quote from: shacpc on 16:53, 25 March 22hi john, those of us who have the first 6c should update again?

 Well,since none of the problems is critical, i suppose you can use the previous rev.6c. But if you can update the firmware, it's always best to have latest firmware installed.
ok, updated again without issue.


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Hi John

6c has some small concerns.

If I run FM the, Press "N"  and then try to go back to Basic the "Escape Key" appears to be Disabled ?

I use a "MAC" computer to transfer files to the USB Stick.
A New concern is that the "Hidden" Files that the MAC creates now show as directory entries ?

Photo " Cat For John"

Keep Safe

Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.


Quote from: Audronic on 23:38, 25 March 22If I run FM the, Press "N"  and then try to go back to Basic the "Escape Key" appears to be Disabled ?
File manager is not a Basic program. It has some Basic parts (initial loader and final action after pressing RETURN are in BASIC), but main code is a binary, and as you probably know, you can't "Escape" when running a binary program. In any case,the proper way to return to basic from filemanager is reset Amstrad

Quote from: Audronic on 23:38, 25 March 22I use a "MAC" computer to transfer files to the USB Stick.
A New concern is that the "Hidden" Files that the MAC creates now show as directory entries ?
This sounds like the known problem with "Archive" flag (check readme.txt in filemanager archive). You should remove the "archive" flag property, from all files/directories,then all directories will be shown properly, although i don't know if MAC messes up with other flags too that might need correction....  ::)



Quote from: Fran123 on 11:47, 26 March 22maybe something |sizeof,"file" ?
Yes,i think i can add a small RSX command like: |SIZE,"NAME" to get size of file.
For now, i discover another bug (and updated REV6c hex file), although this probably would affect very few people: SAVE file, using direct PC connection, didn't work...  ::)
This last fw update seems very hard to get it right....  ;D  Hope this time will not have any further problems...


Quote from: Fran123 on 13:45, 26 March 22doesn't save"file" work?   :o
Only for direct connection with a PC (and i've already fix it). Save to USB flash drive worked fine  :)
btw, i'm already working on the "size of file" RSX command... ;-)



Quote from: Audronic on 23:38, 25 March 22I use a "MAC" computer to transfer files to the USB Stick.
A New concern is that the "Hidden" Files that the MAC creates now show as directory entries ?
This sounds like the known problem with "Archive" flag (check readme.txt in filemanager archive). You should remove the "archive" flag property, from all files/directories,then all directories will be shown properly, although i don't know if MAC messes up with other flags too that might need correction....  ::)

Hi John
Pressing "1" does not remove the entries for on the screen for |cat - Cat

I am going back to 6b 

Keep Safe


Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.


Ok,i just finish the |SIZE command and add it to a new firmware rev. 6d:
Usage is very simple: |SIZE,"filename" will give you the size of file in bytes.
Memory address &A000 (less significant decimal digit first) holds the size in ascii decimal form, if anyone wants to use it in a program.


Tried 6d right now and the previously reported issues have gone. I have found 4 further issues:

1) After switching to USB mode (|USB) |DIR will still try to access Drive A but has issues and after several seconds it shows catalogue but always 158K free (CPC 6128 and 6128+)
2) After mounting a DSK and then doing a RESET, USB is still active. When typing |USB and then doing a CAT, computer hangs forever. (CPC 6128 and 6128+)
3) After |USB and as long as now DSK image has been mounted, a reset on 6128+, computer resets and shows "press play then any key" (6128+)
4) after a DSK has been mounted and program has been startet, a reset results in a halted computer during startup or an endless loop or screen is corrupted (6128+)

3 and 4 I find especially surprising as, as long as no DSK image has been mounted, a Reset will properly work.

3) start computer, type |USB, Reset => computer resets and shows "press play then any key"
X) start computer,, type |USB, mount DSK with Filemanager, RESET => computer resets properly and DSK can be accessed
4) start computer, type |USB, mount DSK with Filemanager, run program, RESET => computer hangs with corrupted screen/endless loop

See screenshots attached


Quote from: eto on 21:12, 27 March 221) After switching to USB mode (|USB) |DIR will still try to access Drive A but has issues and after several seconds it shows catalogue but always 158K free (CPC 6128 and 6128+)
This symptom doesn't have to do with rev.6d, most probable you will get the same behavior with any firmware version. |DIR is not supported by USIFAC's direct mode function, so you should only use it when FDC emulation is active  (e.g. after enabling |FDC).

Quote from: eto on 21:12, 27 March 222) After mounting a DSK and then doing a RESET, USB is still active. When typing |USB and then doing a CAT, computer hangs forever. (CPC 6128 and 6128+)
Reset doesn't disable USB activation, only FDC emulation is disabled. So,if you power Amstrad,give |USB,mount a DSK image,reset,and then you give again |USB, it will disable USB host module,thus any CAT,LOAD,RUN,SAVE command will be redirected to disk drive. The "hang forever" symptom, is usually caused, when you use an external 3.5" drive with a ribbon cable (that probably has READY signal always activated), so, if USB mode is disabled, and no disk is inserted, amstrad will hang forever waiting for a floppy disk to be inserted...  ::)

Quote from: eto on 21:12, 27 March 223) After |USB and as long as now DSK image has been mounted, a reset on 6128+, computer resets and shows "press play then any key" (6128+)
4) after a DSK has been mounted and program has been startet, a reset results in a halted computer during startup or an endless loop or screen is corrupted (6128+)
Unfortunately i don't own an Amstrad plus, so USIfAC II does not "officialy" support Amstrad plus. AFAIK (according to people tested USIfAC II with Amstrad plus) it seems that, at least direct file functions work ok, and FDC emulation works using |464 (like with CPC464). So, can you confirm that direct file access and dsk image access using |464 works ok with fw rev.6d on 6128+? Because, apart from that, i'm afraid i can't guarantee that any other function works on Amstrad plus.


Quote from: ikonsgr on 22:00, 27 March 22The "hang forever" symptom, is usually caused, when you use an external 3.5" drive with a ribbon cable
That USB is still active is OK, no problem there. That was just for clarification how I get to the problem where it hangs forever. No external drive is connected, it's a plain Amstrad 6128 with only USIFAC II connected.

I will check |464 next time I sit at the 6128+.


Quote from: ikonsgr on 22:00, 27 March 22using |464
DSK image access and direct file access works without |464. It's just that a resets leaves the 6128+ in some weird invalid state. Something seems to go wrong during initialization then.

|464 does not help. Actually it has bad impact. 6128+ resets and no USIFAC rom is initliazed anymore. |USB is no longer available and CAT will halt the computer.


Quote from: ikonsgr on 18:47, 27 March 22Ok,i just finish the |SIZE command and add it to a new firmware rev. 6d:
Usage is very simple: |SIZE,"filename" will give you the size of file in Kb. It supports file sizes from 1k up to 16Mb. For smaller sizes will show:'<1K'
Memory address &A920-&A924 (most significant decimal digit first) holds the size in ascii decimal form, if anyone wants to use it in a program.
updated. thanks! @ikonsgr for your work and the time you spend improving and perfecting this wonderful toy for the amstrad  :P


Quote from: eto on 23:09, 27 March 22|464 does not help. Actually it has bad impact. 6128+ resets and no USIFAC rom is initliazed anymore. |USB is no longer available and CAT will halt the computer.

 When you perform |464, Amstrad loads amsdos or parados (selected using |DOS command) from USIfAC ROM, and after it resets, you can only access the selected image, USIfAC is not initialized again so you will not get any boot message. Anyway, it's good to know that FDC emulation works with 6128+  directly, using |FDC, like with  6128  ;)


And here you can find the firmware update guide in Spanish (Thanks Fernando  :) )

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