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Where to start with playing new CPC games?

Started by Otto, 11:04, 13 July 20

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Since 1-2 years I watch the CPC retro scene and so discovered many new games. New games from the year 2000 onwards in contrast to the "primal" CPC games from the 1980'ies. Also I read reviews, short ones like on CPC-Game-Reviews as well as longer ones like on Eight-Bit-Magazine.

Say, one could spend some 30-45 spare minutes in the evening and would like to to delve into a new CPC game lasting a few weeks: which games would we start with, when facing so many new titles? I'm not looking for casual games, like in the arcades (or MAME) or with their often fine conversions. (Casual games are great, but right now I'm looking for longer-lasting ones.)

In the 1980'ies we played a lot of games on the CPC. Back then several people created some of the most genius video-games ever because of pioneering totally new ground. However I admit there were also many other games which we "just" liked because we hadn't great expectations and because everything seemed new and cool. So often we were impressed by anything which moved across the screen (exaggerating a bit), whereas today, some decades older and hopefully partly wiser, we're not so easily impressed anymore.

Many of the new CPC games seem to be technically (far) superior compared to the primal CPC games, because over time the developers learned a lot more etc. That's great. But does it also apply to the game-content i.e. gameplay-attraction? Such new games I'm looking for.

Clearly there's no simple answer to my vague question, but maybe some of you had similar thoughts and would like to share their experience? Thanks!


Anything by Reidrac, R-Type, Doomsday Lost Echoes, Athanor, (and mostly all new adventure games), The shadows of Sergoth, Pinball Dreams, BB4CPC, Orion Prime?

Just off the top of my head...


Quote from: Otto on 11:04, 13 July 20
...and would like to to delve into a new CPC game lasting a few weeks: which games would we start with, when facing so many new titles? I'm not looking for casual games

I feel that the CPC is undergoing a rennaisance, with fantastic releases in these recent years.

Some suggestions:
Baba's Palace, Ludic, Pinball Dreams, Orion Prime, Sergoth, Doomsday, Curse of Rabenstein.


Thanks Gryzor and Manossg, these titles sound already great and that's the kind I'm looking for.
Quote from: manossg on 11:41, 13 July 20I feel that the CPC is undergoing a rennaisance, with fantastic releases in these recent years.
That's exactly my impression, too. A true renaissance, and it seems in several or even many cases better than the original time.

P.S. Baba's Palace is a good hint and the top favourite of my wife; she's playing it many evenings next to me (we have to involve our better half so she's not jealous anymore on our hobby) and is now at level 50 without extra help. Several levels were so though that I felt dizzy when I tried to "help". Clearly one of the greatest logic/puzzle games on the CPC ever: technically and content-wise absolutely brilliant. A well-earned 98% in the 8-Bit Annual 2018 magazine. One of the few "part-casual games" which due to clever levels give joy (or hot-head) for many many weeks!


Quote from: Otto on 12:53, 13 July 20A true renaissance, and it seems in several or even many cases better than the original time.

I totally agree!

Quote from: Otto on 12:53, 13 July 20P.S. Baba's Palace is a good hint and the top favourite of my wife; she's playing it many evenings next to me (we have to involve our better half so she's not jealous anymore on our hobby) and is now at level 50 without extra help. Several levels were so though that I felt dizzy when I tried to "help". Clearly one of the greatest logic/puzzle games on the CPC ever: technically and content-wise absolutely brilliant. A well-earned 98% in the 8-Bit Annual 2018 magazine. One of the few "part-casual games" which due to clever levels give joy (or hot-head) for many many weeks!

I also adore this game, it took me months of small, delicious chunks of gameplay to reach level 99 and I simply adore everything about it. My gf also likes it very much...SO-friendly games are a godsend!



Apart from the ones already listed, I also feel the following titles should be added:

Teodoro no sabe volar (Teodoro can't fly)
Definitely doesn't feel like a casual game to me. It's long and full of great music, great graphics and good gameplay. I rarely play a game as much as I did Teodoro. Had me hooked for a week until I completed it - which is also something I rarely do with any game.
It was made for several retro platforms, and I think the Amstrad CPC version is really good.

Dead on time
While definitely an arcade game, which thus can be considered casual, I still feel there are so many layers and variation in this game that it qualifies as more than your typical average casual spaceshooter game.
Also has great graphics, music and gameplay.  :)


With the help of your kind hints I could test a whole series of new games for the CPC in the evenings.

Most were very nice, but a few stood out for my preferences in particular, and these I plan to play through bit for bit. These are Orion Prime, The Dawn of Kernel, Magica, Kitsune's Curse and Lost Treasure of <some Spain name>.

Also Sword of Ianna is nice but unfortunately I can't play it with my MAME emulator (which I use since the Acorn Archimedes and so I'll stay with this forever).

P.S. Of course also Baba's Palace counts since it's being played by my better half so many times that I can hum McKlain's melody blind.



Here you can read review, download games and custom covers.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: TotO on 09:35, 25 July 20Again: Here you can read review, download games and custom covers.

Completely unreliable source, missing two great titles from LuBlu Entertainment.  :P
("Sort'em" and "Space Rivals")


Quote from: mr_lou on 09:39, 25 July 20Completely unreliable source, missing two great titles from LuBlu Entertainment.  :P
("Sort'em" and "Space Rivals")
I think the goal is to present homebrews that he has enjoyed and put into his collection. :P
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: TotO on 10:08, 25 July 20
I think the goal is to present homebrews that he has enjoyed and put into his collection. :P



The list is not up-to-date and may be he just doesn't know your games, as I don't too.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: TotO on 10:20, 25 July 20
The list is not up-to-date and may be he just doesn't know your games, as I don't too.

@Gryzor I need a bigger cry smiley. Totally unrelated to anything in this thread. I just need it.

Nah... Sort'em is old and unimpressive. Just my very first attempt coding a game with C. Although I did recently find a funny YouTube review about it by JBG.
I would have liked to see more interest in Space Rivals though. It's using the Multiplay adapter a certain forgetful someone on this forum sent me by snail mail.  ;)


Quote from: TotO on 10:08, 25 July 20
I think the goal is to present homebrews that he has enjoyed and put into his collection. :P
Yes, a great criteria  8)  but it seems a bit out-of-date. The most recent game I found there is from 2018 (The Shadows of Sergoth)


Quote from: MiguelSky on 11:58, 25 July 20
Yes, a great criteria  8)  but it seems a bit out-of-date. The most recent game I found there is from 2018 (The Shadows od Sergoth)
A 30 years (1988 to 2018) selection of good CPC homebrews aught to be enough to start to discover close to 100 titles on this computer. Next, I hope he will found the time to continue his website and peoples can take a look to CPC-Power games update releases by years.  :)
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: TotO on 12:57, 25 July 20peoples can take a look to CPC-Power games update releases by years.  :)

Ah, right! And people can also discover those releases from CPCGamesCD

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