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The success of the CPC in Greece...

Started by Gryzor, 10:30, 19 August 11

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Just now, the producer at the biggest radio station in Greece said he doesn't know anything about Facebook, all he knows is the Amstrad and stuff :D


Quote from: Gryzor on 10:30, 19 August 11
Just now, the producer at the biggest radio station in Greece said he doesn't know anything about Facebook, all he knows is the Amstrad and stuff :D


Facebook isn't exactly the first port of call in this household!  ;D  RW doesn't understand Twitter and it's sort of clear it works well with a Valid email or have your Internet phone plugged into it (not that I'm criticising RW!  8) ). Advantage of Twitter, even though your frustratinging limited to 140 characters (why 140 I don't know), it's free and you send your little ditties to your followers - a celbrit's best friend without being harrassed is what I make of it.

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What gives with Bluetooth?? Today I have two Phones, I want to send an image file from one phone to another using Bluetooth, it wouldn't do it - isn't Bluetooth supposed to be universal? Okay both phones were the same, one had it's own Keyboard, the other Didn't and was touch screen rubbish.

EDIT: Sorry for the changes, all changes are Glowing!  ;D
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Quote from: Gryzor on 10:30, 19 August 11
Just now, the producer at the biggest radio station in Greece said he doesn't know anything about Facebook, all he knows is the Amstrad and stuff :D

Well that explains why the Greek economy is in the gutter. Those Greeks are playing with their CPCs instead of doing something extremely productive and modern such as posting on Facebook!  :D :D



The irony, connected to what you said, is that he said that in a discussion with a Deutsche Welle reporter. Figures :D


Quote from: Gryzor on 13:47, 19 August 11
The irony, connected to what you said, is that he said that in a discussion with a Deutsche Welle reporter. Figures :D

Ouch, he was really courting cruel jokes then, wasn't he. Or maybe he's some secret agent provocateur for stirring up anti-Greek sentiment in the foreign media. Can't trust those greedy media people's motives. :)


Isn't Greece in trouble slightly because of the US?

As long as Companies in the US are making a Profit, the US will always be in Debt. Sure they can move to China, though on-shore places are still making money & people there have money (they do have to pay large sums in Tax, I'll give them that). That is the sad reality of it. The US is Poor, so in reality, there shouldn't be any rich people there. It's a harsh place to be though.
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The US is in huge debt, and the only way they've been still trudging along is that they can print money - because there's demand for it. As long as other nations keep their deposits in USD instead of, say, gold or other currency, they'll be mostly fine. If you'll recall, Sadam Hussein wanted to switch from petrodollars to another currency, which was a real, major thread to US interests. And so does Gadaffi. You do the math.

Greece is in trouble because, as a weak link in the Euro zone, the monetary funds and such mafia organizations attacked her first as a way to get to the Euro. An easy target, ripe to pick and a back door to the Euro currency. They're making lots of money betting against Greece, but the real money will come from other countries. And if they do produce a Eurobond, boy, that will be the fattest target of them all.

Not that Greece was in any sensible state before the crisis, mind you; but she's not the only one - others are in similar condition. It was just easier to begin from here.

Back to the US, it may be a huge economy, but as a society it purely, really sucks; 50 million US citizens living off food coupons (can you imagine that?), however many millions living in tents, innumerable millions with no health care... you get the picture.


But Greece has such good stuff to export. They exported Georgia Salpa to Ireland :) Thank you Greece  :P
(Sorry we can't pay though)



Well, I thought you were going to say figs and olives and olive oil and yogurt, I had never heard of Georgia Salpa to tell you the - BAZINGA!!!! Oh my, that IS a nice fruit indeed... I've asked my woman to bring me some relevant UK mags (Front etc) when she goes to Cambridge for two weeks in September...


Lol, Gryzor, I also lost it for a minute there. At first I thought "Bryce must have gotten the name wrong" and then I realised it wasn't about some food product  :P



Well I can still see a good use for that olive oil ;) But if I have the choice of a truck load of figs, or Georgia, I know which one I'd choose :) She's completely unknown in Greece as far as I know, but she's No. 1 in Ireland.

I assume the UK mags are purely for research purposes due to your "patriotic duty" to support a Greek in a foreign land etc....



@Rexbeng: Well, I think she's edible enough...
@Bryce: Maritina actually told me we've seen her on TV, but I never cared much about models (well, except for Keeley Hazel that is). The mags are not for me, I've found that they are printed on a kind of paper that is excellent for lining the kitty litter box. But of course I have to tear out the pages one by one, so it's a win-win situation.
Ok, here's some eye-candy for the weekend to save others from googling (NSFW probably!):

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That's quality :) It's almost enough for us to forgive you for inflicting the world with Nana Mouskouri :D



So I take it you liked Demis Roussos, ehhhh? :D

Btw, several years ago I had seen a really "WTF??!" full-page photo of hers in the last page of a magazine; they were ridiculing her (rightly so) because the photo was taken during a tour she did in sub-saharian Africa to teach emaciated women the importance of breast-feeding... Might as well have taught them the importance of anti-icing fluid in your car during harsh winters. Pfft.

Back to Georgia now... so many pics on Google!


This is one of the major export Greece did to France...
Please can't you take it back ?

We even have an expression :
"Vas te faire Nikos chez les Grecs..."

Quotehe said that in a discussion with a Deutsche Welle reporter.
Sadly those German don't know what an Amstrad is, they knew only Schneider.
So the German reporter probably didn't understand.


Oh my god how I hate that guy... Yikes. And, for some reason, he's the most followed Twitter user in Greece. I really, really can't say why.


Quote from: Gryzor on 12:57, 20 August 11
So I take it you liked Demis Roussos, ehhhh? :D

Funny, I was thinking of mentioning him, when I read your comment. :D

On the other hand there's Vangelis. So the quotes are evened out.

I quite like mastix sweets. But I guess it's not to everyone's taste.

About Georgia Salpa:
Is the 30-45 club here in the forum experiencing their "second springtime"? It's a bit early for that, ain't it? :P

@MacDeath: A German reporter wouldn't even know what a "Schneider" computer is. I deny most of them even a hint of intelligence.
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Aw, come on, Vangelis is a pompous ass... True, some catchy tunes but nothing really as great as his belly.

Yeah, masticha is quite nice - got a bottle of masticha liquer in my fridge. You know it's very good for stomach ulcers? A few years back some Japanese pharmaceutics companies (Japanese are famous for their ulcers - all that stress...) bought a good chunk of the entire production for research purposes; that year you couldn't find it in the stores even if you had a tree for yourself... And they can't be cultivated outside Chios, for some reason.

The DW reporter was actually Greek himself, though probably born and raised in Germany.


QuoteOh my god how I hate that guy... Yikes. And, for some reason, he's the most followed Twitter user in Greece. I really, really can't say why.
Nikos "Ayay-ass" ?
Well, perhaps because he has huge success in France, and you know...
We are about 70Million persons here while you in Greece are only 300... ;)

(ok, about 11million peoples... actually...)

QuoteAw, come on, Vangelis is a pompous ass... True, some catchy tunes but nothing really as great as his belly.
Daley Thomson's Decathlon per example ???

Oh, and Rain and Tears...

Funny thing...
Greek... we can mostly cite Demis Roussos (huge pilosity that forces respect...)
Nana Mouskouris (sorry for the spelling).

Onaziss (kenedi's widow husband...)

And Nikos Argargl-Ass... (the well named)

niquer = to fuck in french...
so "nikos" (nee-k'os) sounds a bit like this.

Personnally I prefer Basil Poledouris, but he was mostly American (the composer of film's musics like Cocan, Robocop,; Starship Trooper and the Blue lagoon... don't ask...)

And sadly, Robocop had no poledouris chipTunes.
Anyways Barbarian's chiptune is somewhat inspired by his job on Conan actually.

There my fave amongst them all...

The MAN himself while still alive (rest In Peace Maestro...)

And a cheap greek rippoff... ;)


Quote from: Gryzor on 17:32, 20 August 11
You know it's very good for stomach ulcers?

I didn't know that. So much the better. My colleague is a huge fan of Greece. He introduced me to it. And my guess is, we'll buy them regularly in the future. (He's also the one who found a seller of finest olive oil - who sells only once in a year. Unbelievable the refined taste!)

Vangelis is not that bad (Bladerunner).

His music is certainly better than Skyladiko (if the texts are comparable to those of Turbo Folk, Chalga and Manele of other Balkan countries). But I'm a bit biased here. ;)
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Skyladika are the trash of modern Greek culture. And modern pop music has nowhere near the quality it had a mere 30 years ago. It's all downhill...

I prefer to stick to Ritsos. Pure, unadulterated greekness. Sigh...

Concerning olive oil, well, you bottle it once a year. So if you got a small production, you also sell it once a year. But I agree about the taste, and even though taste quality greatly differs from place to place, I consider even the worst variety better than anything I've tried from abroad (sorry, fellow Spaniards!). I should know - I do have some "roots" (as we call olive trees here) thanks to my wife; her cousins actually do all the production and they send us a few hundred litres each year. You can really just dip your finger and start licking. Add some good bread, a little feta and oregano, which is what people used to it in the fields in the olden times, and you got yourself a deal. I could live on that stuff.

Unfortunately good olive oil -especially in delis outside Greece- is quite expensive. Definitely not for everyday use. Yet here we buy it in 30l containers :D

Oof, got hungry. I think I still have some bread in the kitchen!


Quote from: Gryzor on 23:25, 20 August 11
Skyladika are the trash of modern Greek culture. And modern pop music has nowhere near the quality it had a mere 30 years ago. It's all downhill...

Yes, that's what I was hinting at. You'll get pretty much the same reaction from any sophisticated person from the other Balkan countries when mentioning their local variant of Skyladika.

There's one thing where these songs have its use. The texts are so hilarious, you'll have a blast learning any of these languages. I know I had. Ok, the vocabulary is a bit restrained, and you only better take them on in small doses. :D

Unfortunately good olive oil -especially in delis outside Greece- is quite expensive. Definitely not for everyday use. Yet here we buy it in 30l containers :D

Yes, unfortunately. 30l containers? I envy you. Olive oil, oregano and bread. *sigh*
Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


Quote from: Gryzor on 12:10, 20 August 11
The US is in huge debt, and the only way they've been still trudging along is that they can print money - because there's demand for it. As long as other nations keep their deposits in USD instead of, say, gold or other currency, they'll be mostly fine. If you'll recall, Sadam Hussein wanted to switch from petrodollars to another currency, which was a real, major thread to US interests. And so does Gadaffi. You do the math.

The Math on the Stock exchange shows the US Dollar is weaker than the AU Dollar - good if you want to buy something from the US cause 1 of our Dollars buys over a Dollar of goods in the US. Good from that Perspective, though Aussie Produce (exporting goods) is cringing cause they like to sell more to the US, that Weak US dollar means they won't turn to Australia as much if they know they can get it cheaper elsewhere.

QuoteGreece is in trouble because, as a weak link in the Euro zone, the monetary funds and such mafia organizations attacked her first as a way to get to the Euro. An easy target, ripe to pick and a back door to the Euro currency. They're making lots of money betting against Greece, but the real money will come from other countries. And if they do produce a Eurobond, boy, that will be the fattest target of them all.

Not that Greece was in any sensible state before the crisis, mind you; but she's not the only one - others are in similar condition. It was just easier to begin from here.

I might have the wrong country, though one of those places where crime was extremely high and people's safety of concern cause the rule is corrupt - I think it was a Maffia thing, though from Memory I think it was going on in one of the cities in Italy.

QuoteBack to the US, it may be a huge economy, but as a society it purely, really sucks; 50 million US citizens living off food coupons (can you imagine that?), however many millions living in tents, innumerable millions with no health care... you get the picture.

Which is why I think it's crazy that there are people there with Money. Actors for example - what the hell. Scrapping the NASA was a step in the right direction - true they can say there've been to the Moon and these other places, have a nice telescope, and can show us all these lovely photos, though the cost to simply show all of those efforts will always far exceed any profit they make from any information they will be able to sell. Sure the Movie industry (Hollywood) makes money cause they get butts on Seats at a cost, then the DVD industry makes some of that - sadly pirated movies does hurt the industry and since piracy hits the US market with Computer Software, Music & Movies, it's impact may play bearing on their Deficit.

I simply feel though that if people are earning enough and can put some of those earnings away then it needs to drawn back to where everyone has enough to get by.
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Quote from: Gryzor on 10:30, 19 August 11
Just now, the producer at the biggest radio station in Greece said he doesn't know anything about Facebook, all he knows is the Amstrad and stuff :D

Which radio station was it? Where have you read this interview?

I am happy about his saying though, because of the amstrad love and the fact that I totally dislike facebook :)


It was on SKAI radio, the producer was Voularinos, around 1pm (prime time!).

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