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Started by AMSDOS, 06:49, 23 May 11

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Appologies for posting this here (I didn't know who to contact), unfortunately I'm having problems bringing up the games reviewed from the Magazines - with Amstrad Action for instance, on this page for example if I click on any of the letters or the Issue Numbers the page just clears and the same thing comes back up. Is anybody else having this problem? I'm sure I've cleared the Cache and tried it again, though hasn't fixed this, so I'm unsure whose fault that is.

I've also encountered a minor (I'm hoping) bug on my website where my programs come up and for some weird reason it jumps over to the CPC Ring Website, at first I thought it might of been on my main computer though it's happened on my Mac as well! Doesn't happen all the time, though it's just done this occassionally which is annoying cause it shouldn't be doing that! :(
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Just tried it here (Win7 Firefox 4) and it does the same thing for me too.




Hm, I've tried it here at work with Win XP + Firefox 4 and IE 8 and I get the same error with both browsers.

What's interesting: Whenever I klick on anything at this page, there's an error page that blinks for a very short time to the right of the logo in IE8. When I click on the logo itself, the same error appears but the page shows up just fine.

Oh, and I'm behind a proxy here at work.
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Interestingly I clicked the banner on the top of TACGR site to go back to the homepage, and after a few seconds it jumped to the 'web ring of cpcs' page too!! However, I can't replicate it again.


Out of interest though ... is the TACGR site ever going to be updated? It's a bit embarrassing seeing the home page with the last update being January 2006!


Quote from: Xyphoe on 06:28, 24 June 11
Interestingly I clicked the banner on the top of TACGR site to go back to the homepage, and after a few seconds it jumped to the 'web ring of cpcs' page too!! However, I can't replicate it again.

This fault seems to come and go, though I've have occassionally had this fault occur each time I want to load my page, fairly annoying. I thought it might of been the way the Domain I'm using was interpreting the page or bits of code and weren't loading the page correctly, though it appears error free. However if other domains are reverting to the Ring of CPCs, then it maybe something in that code which is taking it there.

QuoteOut of interest though ... is the TACGR site ever going to be updated? It's a bit embarrassing seeing the home page with the last update being January 2006!

Sorry I should have mentioned that I obtained (from a reliable source  :) ) a ZIP archive which contains (in webpages) the Games as reviewed in AA sorted Alphabetically, along with a list of Adventures games. Unfortunately I'm not sure if I'm allowed to attach the file!  :o
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I have noticed over the past few days/weeks ( I don't know exactly), that several websites have jumped to their respective webrings, I assumed it was a fault in Firefox or somewhere but I have no idea where.


Quote from: steve on 12:33, 24 June 11
I have noticed over the past few days/weeks ( I don't know exactly), that several websites have jumped to their respective webrings, I assumed it was a fault in Firefox or somewhere but I have no idea where.

Doesn't appear to be a fault from the Web browser cause I've had the same thing happen on my Mac using Safari as well as in IE8 in Windows.

I was wondering if it could be some kind of redirectional fault?
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Same here on windows XP/Netscape 9.


Quote from: Xyphoe on 06:29, 24 June 11
Out of interest though ... is the TACGR site ever going to be updated? It's a bit embarrassing seeing the home page with the last update being January 2006!
I don't think it ever will be updated. I haven't heard anything from David Wykes (the webmaster of TACGR) in years.


and in a puff of smoke he re-appeared from nowhere :)

so here's what's happening with TACGR....

Short story short : I've been meaning to update it but an addiction to WoW got in the way :)

However i've found I can't update it now because my password no longer works for FTP access on emuunlim. In  between new pcs and reinstall of windows i've lost the app data for my ftp client that had the pwd stored but i'm 99% sure i'm using the right one.
Anyway, that shouldn't be a problem except emuunlim has kinda died too, while the domains are still being re-registered, it seems the contact email address for the site doesn't work and the ztnet website is just a landing page.
So i might be stuffed for doing updates in the immediate future until i get my access back

But i can prep all my offline stuff to get the download links back in sync with NVG, the reviews links to Nichs site and remove all the CPC Zone links

I do have a longer term plan to update the design of the site, get some more modern web features in there, i know there's a lot of youtube vids up of games that i should be referencing on the game pages etc.

SO TACGR isn't dead, it's just been in a rather long unplanned stasis :)


Thanks for your feedback David and Welcome to the forum!  :)
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Great to hear you'll be getting it back up and running!


Hey! Welcome back to the scene :) Really happy about it, since TACGR has given me countless hours of satisfaction (and yes I know this comes out wrong).

Say, what if we joined forces and incorporated TACGR with the Wiki?

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