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Started by arnoldemu, 11:13, 06 August 11

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I will be less active than I have been on the forums.

I will continue with my cpc activities and visit the forum at the weekend and evening and not during the day.
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We will waiting for you here :)


I know the feeling, I will also be cutting back on my CPC activity soon. But no problem, as long as we can still contact you.



Well, I'm sure there's a good reason for this, even though you'll be missed. Good luck :)


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Oh well, time enough to play around with your programming contributions, looking foward to your future contributions!  :)
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@arnoldemu I don't know what are your reasons ; but I'm going to follow your way. I'm starting a new job next week, and I know I sometimes abused with the "cpc on the net" stuff in the past at work. I don't want this to repeat in my new job. I guess I have better to do ;) so..... "less talking, but with better quality".


@arnoldemu: Make sure you do keep you promise to visit on the weekends!!!!!

I'm also with norecess. Started a new job in June which is now fulltime in animation instead of the freelance I was doing before. This means getting home at 7:30 - 8pm which means the cpc projects are now relegated to evenings(for an hour or 2) and saturday's only.



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Quote from: Gryzor on 11:00, 10 August 11
You guys suck.

I had to do it for the same reasons as norecess.

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QuoteYou guys suck.

Well I guess it was kind of joke, right? don't ask us to give the CPC higher priority over real life.


Quote from: norecess on 13:35, 10 August 11

Well I guess it was kind of joke, right? don't ask us to give the CPC higher priority over real life.

Well, if it was a joke, why then so many other jokes had been deleted?

Edit: Sure, I know, this reply is meant as joke!
But perhaps other people also joked here, and their postings had been censored?
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

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Quote from: norecess on 13:35, 10 August 11

Well I guess it was kind of joke, right? don't ask us to give the CPC higher priority over real life.

Come on guys, for the love of god, of course it was a joke, as in "you guys suck, giving up the cpc for real life".

And comparing to other "jokes" is kindergarten stuff, sorry, as if there's the slightest possibility I could mean it as an offense. Let alone the fact that those other "jokes" had a loooong long history (longer than Rome's...) behind them. Let alone the fact that those other "jokes" were so much worse than a "you suck". You can't be serious.


Quote from: Gryzor on 15:06, 10 August 11
Come on guys, for the love of god, of course it was a joke, as in "you guys suck, giving up the cpc for real life".

The joke missed some form of identifiable hint, like a smiley.

You're statement was comparable to a joke told with a solemn face and bitter tone. ;)
Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


You're right. We're getting old and senile (as someone else told me :D ), so here:

Seriously, smileys have impaired our ability to think, methinks ;)


Quote from: arnoldemu on 13:25, 10 August 11

I had to do it for the same reasons as norecess.

And, of course, I completely understand, as I actually wrote in my first reply. If nothing else, there have been periods when my presence is limited here due to real-life stuff.


Look, Themis, I hope you know, why at least I reported your reply ;)
You cannot assume that other people don't write ironic or sarcastic things here in forum, but you do that...

But really, sometimes smileys help much....

When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

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Quote from: Gryzor on 15:06, 10 August 11
And comparing to other "jokes" is kindergarten stuff, sorry, as if there's the slightest possibility I could mean it as an offense. Let alone the fact that those other "jokes" had a loooong long history (longer than Rome's...) behind them. Let alone the fact that those other "jokes" were so much worse than a "you suck". You can't be serious.

Plus, it was neither sarcastic nor ironic. I would suppose we're grown up enough to understand what these words mean.


Quote from: Gryzor on 18:14, 10 August 11
I would suppose we're grown up enough to understand what these words mean.

Are we?
Sure, I know the meaning of "You suck" but it was Bryce who explained me the deeper sense of this nice word combination...

It has a reason that I put my forum signature in here ;)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Thanks for distorting and taking to the extreme, on purpose and just to show a point (what? Beg Kangaroo back?) a really minor issue, blowing it out of all proportion.

Bryce, Arnold, do you seriously believe that what I said, especially after my first post, was meant seriously and as an insult? If so, then I humbly apologise, because that was not my intention, obviously. I don't believe I ever had any quarrels with you to justify taking something wrong or that there was any bad blood among us, so I fail to see how my comment could be interpreted as such, but again, if I offended you, I'm sorry.

Just to emphasise:

Well, I'm sure there's a good reason for this, even though you'll be missed. Good luck :)


See? You still compare it with what happened with Kanga and you...
But I really just meant it as "in general" ;)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


No, you talked about the "past".

This is pure trolling, not gonna do this any more.


Let's try and not derail this thread as it's not fair on arnoldemu.

@arnoldemu: Is your job programming related?


I only suck on Jokes!  ???
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