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Malc Jennings making a come back?

Started by Gryzor, 07:25, 25 August 15

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Ah, looks like Malc was found on Twitter :)


Well, it'd be nice if Malc was preparing indeed something new and original. He was a talented designer and developer.

Of course it'd not be nice if it was just another forum.


It was shortly after the demise of CPC Zone that I left the scene. I stayed around a little bit, posting here & there. I just thought it was a real shame as CPC Zone was (at the time) THE place to go for CPC related bits & pieces.

People really abused the poor guy for taking it down? Wasn't that site the victim to malicious hacking on 2 different occasions?


Yes it was, but it wasn't the only reason for taking the Zone down, as far as I can recall. It was personal reasons, too (better not go into them). But, no matter what, taking down something that so many have contributed to to such a huge extend is a dick move if you ask me, hence the "abuse".


Quote from: Gryzor on 08:02, 25 August 15
Yes it was, but it wasn't the only reason for taking the Zone down, as far as I can recall. It was personal reasons, too (better not go into them). But, no matter what, taking down something that so many have contributed to to such a huge extend is a dick move if you ask me, hence the "abuse".
Now that I can understand!


I'm really not comfortable with this topic at all.   I don't like that tweets of mine have been copy pasted here like that.   I was surprised to come across the guy and I reached out cos before all that fuss some years ago we got on very well back on CPCZone and I felt like I wanted to try reconnect cos our CPC community is so small I don't see the point in fragmenting it any further if necessary.   I now feel guilt for being indirectly responsible for whatever attacks he'll receive from this topic and he is not here to defend himself.  Nor should he feel the need too.  As I said on Twitter, just leave it.  It's in the past.  Let's move on and focus on the encouraging and positive aspects of the CPC scene and all the good stuff that's been happening lately and it's promising future.

Favorite CPC games: Count Duckula 3, Oh Mummy Returns, RoboCop Resurrection, Tankbusters Afterlife


I was also a CPCZone user at the time, and I'm glad that Malc is ok and working on some new projects, but you'll have to agree that "I still remember the 'dick head' comments on CPCWiki" is no way to bring a community together.

If it really is in the past, as it should be, don't start the blaming again.


@Carnivac : apologies, mate, I should've thought of it. Though to be fair, these were public tweets, and it's not like anyone's picking on what you said or did? How would you be guilty om anything? As for @Malc.Jennings , he's got an account here, he can defend all he wants.

@robcfg : in general I agree, but over-generalisation is not a good thing either. When speaking of "bringing a community together" you can't really forget what happened.


Come on guys, all relax. Don't get old crap of the past up again and stir it again. It won't make a well meal. Now, let us all together focus on the present and let's do the best for the CPC right now!  :) :) :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


I still can't get over how he just deleted the whole website, wouldn't even let someone take it over and thus all the content and input people put in was lost.

If this kind of thing stresses him, maybe not a good idea to make a comeback!

Shaun M. Neary

Quote from: khisanth on 13:31, 01 December 20
I still can't get over how he just deleted the whole website, wouldn't even let someone take it over and thus all the content and input people put in was lost.

If this kind of thing stresses him, maybe not a good idea to make a comeback!

Dragging up a 5 year old thread to vent this?
I'm sure he cares...  ::)
Currently playing on: 2xCPC464, 1xCPC6128, 1x464Plus, 1x6128Plus, 2xGX4000. M4 board, ZMem 1MB and still forever playing Bruce Lee.
No cheats, snapshots or emulation. I play my games as they're intended to be played. What about you?


Yeah, someone got really pissed off, though I've got to say I'm with @khisanth on this and occasionally I do think about it myself.

Shaun M. Neary

Quote from: Gryzor on 14:23, 01 December 20
Yeah, someone got really pissed off, though I've got to say I'm with @khisanth on this and occasionally I do think about it myself.

I was actually having this discussion with someone else earlier.
End of the day, like yourself. You run this place because you like it. But you don't owe anyone else anything. If you want to close up shop, it's entirely your decision. Like anywhere that provides a service for free really, to expect something free to last forever, while it can happen, but it's unrealistic because at the end of the day SOMEONE has to pay the bills.

If that person doesn't want to do that and close it down entirely, even if they don't trust someone else to carry it on (World Of Spectrum, anyone?), that's entirely up to them.
But it's nearly ten years ago, time for people to get over it.
Currently playing on: 2xCPC464, 1xCPC6128, 1x464Plus, 1x6128Plus, 2xGX4000. M4 board, ZMem 1MB and still forever playing Bruce Lee.
No cheats, snapshots or emulation. I play my games as they're intended to be played. What about you?


Ehhh I stronly disagree. I fully retain the right to call it quits and move on with my life but I consider it a moral imperative to make the material available to the community. I "own" the platform. The content, that's so many people who have the rights to it. So no, I don't owe people anything but the content.

Shaun M. Neary

Quote from: Gryzor on 14:47, 01 December 20
Ehhh I stronly disagree. I fully retain the right to call it quits and move on with my life but I consider it a moral imperative to make the material available to the community. I "own" the platform. The content, that's so many people who have the rights to it. So no, I don't owe people anything but the content.

Well you're talking a moral judgment call there, that's a whole different discussion altogether.
If you want to criticise someone for closing down their site and hijacking the content (Malc with CPCZone), then shouldn't CPC-Power be equally criticised for taking contribitions, watermarking them and not making the originals available without alterations? I know one or two of my early tape dumps are on that site, but I've no idea how they got there because I certainly didn't upload them, but I'll bet there was a digital watermark put in there all the same.
Currently playing on: 2xCPC464, 1xCPC6128, 1x464Plus, 1x6128Plus, 2xGX4000. M4 board, ZMem 1MB and still forever playing Bruce Lee.
No cheats, snapshots or emulation. I play my games as they're intended to be played. What about you?


Sure, I agree with all you say about CPC-Power. Much as I like the site, if that's true it's condemnable, but it's also irrelevant to the discussion here.

Shaun M. Neary

Quote from: Gryzor on 14:57, 01 December 20
Sure, I agree with all you say about CPC-Power. Much as I like the site, if that's true it's condemnable, but it's also irrelevant to the discussion here.

It kinda is though. My point is, once anything goes up on the internet, nothing is guaranteed. People upload content to sites like this and take a chance. But you're owed nothing for it, not even a thanks.

My point is, how other people run their sites will be different to how you run yours, morally.
We don't know his actual reason for feeling that he needed to close the site down, only Malc does, and he's not telling. And quite frankly, it's nobody elses business.

I still find it amusing that people are butthurt about it over ten years later.
Currently playing on: 2xCPC464, 1xCPC6128, 1x464Plus, 1x6128Plus, 2xGX4000. M4 board, ZMem 1MB and still forever playing Bruce Lee.
No cheats, snapshots or emulation. I play my games as they're intended to be played. What about you?


Because nothing is guaranteed doesn't mean it shouldn't. You're mistaking painful reality and facts of life for proper etiquette and basic understanding between people.

We do know why Malc closed shop. That's not the issue.

Shaun M. Neary

Quote from: Gryzor on 15:06, 01 December 20
Because nothing is guaranteed doesn't mean it shouldn't. You're mistaking painful reality and facts of life for proper etiquette and basic understanding between people.

I'm not actually mistaking it though. I'm fully aware. But not everyone thinks the same, do they? We'd be a bunch of drones if we did!

QuoteWe do know why Malc closed shop. That's not the issue.

We actually don't, we got a lot of hearsay and conjecture and we know Malc made a rash decision at the time (even he'll admit that now!), but we don't know as to why he made that decision!
Currently playing on: 2xCPC464, 1xCPC6128, 1x464Plus, 1x6128Plus, 2xGX4000. M4 board, ZMem 1MB and still forever playing Bruce Lee.
No cheats, snapshots or emulation. I play my games as they're intended to be played. What about you?



Shaun M. Neary

Quote from: WiltshireWizard on 23:09, 01 December 20

No you don't *owe* anyone anything. But in the context of that incident, I would have expected it to be a matter of common courtesy to explain an action that caused frustration, irritation and bafflement by a significant number of people.

Then again, I have no idea what really happened. For all I know, the person could have bi-polar disorder that caused them to act in a self-destructive way at the time, and that they are so embarrassed and remorseful about that act, they then try their best to erase it from their own mind and pretend it never happened.

Who knows what goes on in the hearts and minds of others.
Guys... see this guy?
This guy gets it!...
Currently playing on: 2xCPC464, 1xCPC6128, 1x464Plus, 1x6128Plus, 2xGX4000. M4 board, ZMem 1MB and still forever playing Bruce Lee.
No cheats, snapshots or emulation. I play my games as they're intended to be played. What about you?


Quote from: Shaun M. Neary on 14:52, 01 December 20

shouldn't CPC-Power be equally criticised for taking contribitions, watermarking them and not making the originals available without alterations?
Actually, you can click on a tiny icon right after the size of the file of the Artwork, introduce the typical Capcha from CPC-Power and download the file without watermark.


Oh what... wait... you're right !!!

"Best news of the day" award
Brain Radioactivity

Shaun M. Neary

Quote from: Dubliner on 18:06, 02 December 20
Actually, you can click on a tiny icon right after the size of the file of the Artwork, introduce the typical Capcha from CPC-Power and download the file without watermark.
That is genius, sir! Well done!
Currently playing on: 2xCPC464, 1xCPC6128, 1x464Plus, 1x6128Plus, 2xGX4000. M4 board, ZMem 1MB and still forever playing Bruce Lee.
No cheats, snapshots or emulation. I play my games as they're intended to be played. What about you?


The bottom line is: Websites are no good. Fragile, unstable, never know how long it'll be there.

What we need is diskmags! Everything should be on a physical media so it'll live forever!  :)


Quote from: mr_lou on 07:19, 03 December 20What we need is diskmags! Everything should be on a physical media so it'll live forever!

Or paper! Everything's great on paper.

We'll bury a 3" disk mag, Issue 3 of Colour Personal Computing, a blu-ray of 8-bit Memoirs and a URL of the CPCWiki in a time capsule for our great-great-grandchildren to open  in one hundred years time. They can post back here and let us know how they got on with them....
An expanding array of hardware available at (and issue 4 of CPC Fanzine!)

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