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Hey All - New 464 Owner

Started by danhans42, 15:46, 26 June 20

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Hi Everyone,

I recently picked up a 464 & GT65 monitor from a local Facebook seller. Last time I had an Amstrad, it was the 6128 with a colour monitor and it was 1989. So getting another has been a long time coming.

Quite happy to be playing Chuckie Egg on it for the time being, but will probably start tinkering with the hardware as thats the kind of thing i like to do. I have another CPLD based project I am currently working on, so when thats finished hope to start playing around with that expansion connector.

See you all around,

Dan :)


Welcome!  :)

Enjoy the nostalgia!


Welcome to the forum! Good to see you've found reason to come back to the old CPC!

So you're looking to play with the hardware side of things?! (I can only manage software)
Anything particular you're planning?
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