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Hello everyone!

Started by BoneTurbo, 13:20, 12 June 20

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Hello! Admittedly, I joined this forum to request a C4CPC from 'Gerald' but I figured I should make the effort to actually say something and introduce myself in some way.

I got my first Amstrad CPC 464 (with a green screen monitor), as a kid in 1988 or maybe it was 89. Suffice to say I fell in love with the thing and read the manual, argued with Spectrum and C64 owners, became very familiar with those little screwdrivers, and developed a life long relationship with video games! During the 90's I lost it somewhere in a drugged up haze and never looked back. Skip forward to the turn of the century-ish and I discovered emulation. The rest is pretty much as you'd expect. I've maintained an active interest in retro gaming ever since, mostly arcades, N64, fighting games, and of course Amstrad.

I currently have a working 464 in very good condition with a DDI3 and full memory expansion. I did have a huge collection of tape games, all the big hitters, but I sold it all on Ebay for lots of cash! Space limitations and practicality mean I'm happy to just have the hardware and way to load the games. I also have a GX4000 which is why I was looking to get a C4CPC. They are unfortunately unavailable at the moment, I think I'm a few years too late on that one! I've settled for a 32in1 cart for now.

To be honest, I try to limit the amount of time I spend using the actual Amstrad hardware I own because, well there's only one of them and they're already super old! I stick to special occasions like trying out RetroDev competition games, something epic like say Pinball Dreams, or running the Batman Forever demo (again!). If I just want to play Robocop for the 10,000th time then I'll use WinApe.

This lockdown business has given me some unexpected time to indulge in my Amstrad urges! I've really enjoyed the content on YouTube from Novabug, Xyphoe and many others. I might even do a bit of streaming myself one of these days.

Anyway, I'm babbling now. What time is Vespertino?



You've came to the right place :)


Welcome man, thanks for introducing yourself :)

Interesting take on the use of original hardware... though, I don't think our computers will break down from use but will just disintegrate with time. It's not like even the most hardcore among us play 24/7 on a CPC?


Thanks for the warm welcome  :)

Indeed, so many games/platforms and so little time! I go through phases with the Amstrad obsession and this latest one is quite acute it seems!


Welcome to the forum! Here's hoping you continue to have fun with the old CPC... the DDI3 is a fantastic bit of kit!

It's a great time to get back into these old machines now... there's so much information out there nowadays, there's lots you can do with them that wasn't possible back in the days... and plenty of old games floating around the net to play too!

Have fun
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I've been having fun for a long time! This forum and the wiki in general have been invaluable resources over the years. How many years has it been now I wonder?! 20?! I just figured maybe it's time to actually sign up and at least say Hi. My next bit of fun will be trying out the Shinobi remaster. I found the thread on here and I noticed it was in Retro Gamer a few issues ago too.


Quote from: BoneTurbo on 20:48, 13 June 20How many years has it been now I wonder?! 20?!

21 Nov 2006 is the wiki forum's birthday :)

The wiki itself lists its first edit as having taken place on 21:16, 6 June 2006‎.


Quote from: BoneTurbo on 13:20, 12 June 20
I currently have a working 464 in very good condition with a DDI3 and full memory expansion.

Well, the C4CPC is not for the CPCs, it's for 6128Plus, GX4000 and 464Plus.

But for the CPC464 you still can get the Alcon Cartridge.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 14:46, 15 June 20
Well, the C4CPC is not for the CPCs, it's for 6128Plus, GX4000 and 464Plus.

But for the CPC464 you still can get the Alcon Cartridge.  :)

Yeah I'm fully aware of that thanks. I'm using a 32in1 cart for my GX4000 at the moment. But I was hoping to get a C4CPC from Gerald so I can load new games like the Ghosts n Goblins Remake on the actual system.

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