[Community project] Let's create DSK from the 200 type-in games without one

Started by cwpab, 18:10, 30 March 24

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I was thinking of making an Excel with all the Amstrad CPC exclusives, but that would be a very boring task. After all, most games listed on CPC-Power are exclusive anyway!

But then I accidentally came across a couple of mysterious Portuguese type-ins that didn't have any screenshot or disk/tape available to download. And I wondered how many of these could there be.

It turns out there are 223 games listed as type-ins without a DSK or CDT available to download on CPC-Power. But there's a twist: 9 of the games are actually "programming tricks" by a Spanish magazine, and 5 more are just programming explanations from a German magazine. And a few more are not games, but applications.

So the actual number is probably around 200. This is the link to these games: CLICK ME AND ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE

So the thing is, hey, why don't we type those and create the DSKs? Is there anyone doing this at the moment? If not, well, here's the idea! I guess I can try to type 2 or 3 when I have some time, but I'm not typing the 200 myself! So feel free to join the "project".

I guess we can let Kukulkan know when we add one. I don't think the games are very good, but having the ability to play them and see screenshots of them is always nice.


Update: Kukulkan sent me an email replying to my contact form on CPC-Power.

He says there is already a team "the little Chema team" working on this and they are completing 2 type-ins per week, so I assume the 300 remaining type-ins should  be done by Summer 2027.

Still, if anyone wants to individually add one of these files, you can do it by (personal suggestion) extracting the code from the magazine screenshots using an online OCR page (they allow to upload any picture with just text, so you can capture column by column with the Snipping/Recortes tool, the one with the scissors icon), and then importing the BAS files via the "import file" option in WinAPE, for example.

Once you have a working DSK, you can send it to Kukulkan ( kukulcan83@gmail.com ).

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