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Started by e-dredon, 15:36, 23 June 20

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Hello guys.

Thanks for the "manual activation" of my account
As an early computer enthusiast, I owned many machines over the age : ZX81, Thomson TO8-D, TO9+, Atari 800XL, Apple IIe, Macintosh classic (briefly), Commodore C128D, Amiga 500 then A1200 and later on some quite more exotic hardware (X68000, Acorn A3010, A5000, a SUN UltraSparc, etc...). Curiously I came to the CPC after I already switched to 16 bits machines. My dad owned an Amiga A500+, then an A3000 and a NextCube. One of my favourite machine has always been the Amstrad CPC6128 (as you can guess it).

Like many I have been particularly impressed by the few CPC+ demos that popped the last few years after the ASIC protection had been reversed engineered (CRTC3, Eerie Forest, etc...). I've been close to the demoscene for years but never got a really active participation except on A.C.E BBS, Then The deadline BBS, and I released few chiptunes under various nicknames (I think I've tried almost EVERY single SoundTrackers on Amiga / PC / C64  ;:)).

Few month ago, OneVision started to work on The New Zealand remake for CPC+. This game is one of my favourite. One of the few genuine copy I purchased (Amiga version). So I tried to help and this is where the story begins.
Writing music for the AY-3-8912/YM-2149F door bells came significantly more complicated than I expected. I had to learn again how PSG chips & instruments works. I did some tests with Vortex Tracker, then I discovered Arkos Tracker 2. I mostly wrote covers at first (before you can be creative and have your own style, you need to understand how it works). You can find my SoundCloud here : or a youtube channel over there : Note the youtube is my testlab and you'll find mostly previews of the songs here but beginners with Arkos Tracker might find some interest in what I'm publishing. IMHO, if you're a chiptune lover you probably know much better musicians than me.




I listened your AY musics on your Youtube channel and I have to say I'm impressed !!  8)

I'm sure @Targhan (present here on this forum) will be thrilled to see the work you provided using his Arkos Tracker 2.

Joining a project is the best thing to do. I'm sure there are game/demo programmers around that will be pleased to use one of your songs.

Wish you the best!
My personal website:
My current project is Sonic GX, a remake of Sonic the Hedgehog for the awesome Amstrad GX-4000 game console!


@Targhan @TotO : I'm curious.

Can this music from @e-dredon be heard exactly like on this Youtube video on a real CPC using a PlayCity card ?

(I love how the guitar sample is used.)

My personal website:
My current project is Sonic GX, a remake of Sonic the Hedgehog for the awesome Amstrad GX-4000 game console!



Yes I know this person, we've been in contact already :).

As for this music, it must be coming from AT2 because I don't have the player to play both samples and PSG sounds. Not simple but possible to do (Landscape part of DemoIzArt anyone?).

Arkos Tracker 2.0.1 now released! - Follow the news on Twitter!
Disark - A cross-platform Z80 disassembler/source converter
FDC Tool 1.1 - Read Amsdos files without the system

Imperial Mahjong
Orion Prime


Boy these are lovely tunes! Going for a drive in a few, I now know what to listen to :)


bienvenu, e-dredon! 8)


Wow! Those are some really nice tracks! Well done!

I've personally never done a PlayCity track (more than 3 channels), but they sure sound awesome.  :)

In case you're really productive with non-copyright / your own tracks, consider putting them (the AKS) along with a mp3 preview on for gamedevs (on 8 retro platforms) to find.
The "chipmusic" category is relatively new on the site, so not many of them yet.

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