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What New Game do you want developed for the Amstrad if the option was there?

Started by Puresox, 01:47, 07 August 15

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What Type of Game....?

Tower Defense
1 (2.4%)
Remake of Badly made original game
8 (19.5%)
Infinite Runner
1 (2.4%)
Classic Arcade game eg. Mr Do,Gorf, Galaga
4 (9.8%)
Brand New Original Idea
14 (34.1%)
1 (2.4%)
Memory Restrictions... 64k Game
4 (9.8%)
128K Game
15 (36.6%)
512K Game No holds barred
7 (17.1%)
CPC Plus Game
9 (22%)
5 (12.2%)
SCUMM Type Game
4 (9.8%)

Total Members Voted: 41

Voting closed: 17:37, 06 September 15


Right poll reset  Everyone can vote a fresh  with specific games removed Only memory restrictions and Genre as options


Here is my offer £100 for a decent version of River Raid! all you have to do is rob the third level off Assault on port Stanley beef it up a little and there you go  as easy as that ! ;D


Quote from: Puresox on 22:28, 13 August 15
Right poll reset  Everyone can vote a fresh  with specific games removed Only memory restrictions and Genre as options

I can't vote  :( , perhaps the poll is not letting vote who did before?


Quote from: Joseman on 13:35, 16 August 15
I can't vote  :( , perhaps the poll is not letting vote who did before?

Voting closed: Yesterday at 19:28:43

I believe that might be the reason why you cannot vote, Joseman... the poll is now closed! However we're nowhere nearer to deciding what to do. Maybe another poll to pass the time? Maybe someone actually taking some initiative and doing something? Who knows. The suspense, personally, is killing me.


What's the reason for close a poll so quickly!!

i don't understand some people...

Are we playing some type of "i'm god" game?

What a mess... this is not serious...


Quote from: Joseman on 16:24, 16 August 15
What's the reason for close a poll so quickly!!

i don't understand some people...

Are we playing some type of "i'm god" game?

What a mess... this is not serious...
Look Chap , rather than get your knickers in twist , make up a new poll on a new thread . It's as simple as that , I'm not particularly interested in redoing the poll , because the discussion has run dry , there does not appear to be anyone who wishes to take this project on to the next stage. So maybe you can relight the fire and get things moving .


Quote from: Puresox on 16:41, 16 August 15
Look Chap , rather than get your knickers in twist , make up a new poll on a new thread . It's as simple as that , I'm not particularly interested in redoing the poll , because the discussion has run dry , there does not appear to be anyone who wishes to take this project on to the next stage. So maybe you can relight the fire and get things moving .

Puresox, this is not serious, really, no offense.

You put an unbalanced poll, some people tells you that is not right (not only i), then you change the poll and close it in a rush!! really??

Next you talk about offering 100 pounds for i don't know what game... i even not know if you're joking, when here some people (as I) are offering 1000 euros for some games...

Really, no offense, but this is not serious...


Look you're making assumptions, so just you make a poll and then you can be the boss. I didn't close the poll early , the poll is restricted from the time that it was first implemented, so after resetting the votes I was not given the option to re establish a closing date . I am not particularly bothered to set up a new poll myself  because I was hoping that a project leader may rise to the surface who has the skills in this field if . I cannot see the point in talking the talk if nobody is prepared to walk the walk.


Quote from: Joseman on 16:47, 16 August 15
Puresox, this is not serious, really, no offense.

You put an unbalanced poll, some people tells you that is not right (not only i), then you change the poll and close it in a rush!! really??

Next you talk about offering 100 pounds for i don't know what game... i even not know if you're joking, when here some people (as I) are offering 1000 euros for some games...

Really, no offense, but this is not serious...
You are not  English Speaking  , so I do not expect you to understand the subtleties of tongue in cheek . From a different language

The tone of my posts after the poll alteration are flippant because I am losing interest.
But there is hope , You maybe are the man who can! Seriously


I don't understand the rudeness; it's not only the "look chap" comment or the "you are not an English Speaking" (sic) but also previous posts.

In any case, I've edited and re-opened the poll. Please everyone be constructive and considerate.


The best thing is too wipe the poll and start afresh  whoever wants to compile it can do , the poll is not  particularly made up as people want it,as is apparent .


Quote from: Puresox on 17:19, 16 August 15
You are not  English Speaking  , so I do not expect you to understand the subtleties of tongue in cheek . From a different language

The tone of my posts after the poll alteration are flippant because I am losing interest.
But there is hope , You maybe are the man who can! Seriously

And then we complain that no project is finished on the cpc scene...

I don't mind to speak Spanish, English or even French if this will help the CPC scene...

but you can continue making jokes about that... i don't mind.

What a pity...


Communication breakdown , forget it , I was making allowances for you not having English as your mother tongue . Not making fun of you not understanding something from another language , I have only respect for people who make the effort to talk in an other language . I am not going to try and discuss this any futher. 




For me : Brand New Original Idea and 128K

For the 128K, i really don't think that you can have a decent 128k game if it's not been thinked at this size from the start... I really don't believe that aiming at 64K and offering some extras for 128k will unveil all the possibilities of this configuration.
And i think, to have a maximum "WAHOO effect" we need 128K, even if it's sad to let down a few users.
I really feel 128k is the good mix between authenticity and possibilities.

Brand New Original Idea seems also the way to go to avoid all the licencing stuff and allow to taylor the game the best it's possible.
Brain Radioactivity


Totally agree with that. And if 512 KB are there, just use them. (But don't make em a prerequisite).  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Sorcery for Spectrum as a really crappy port: PAYBACK TIME! [emoji6]

Gesendet von meinem iPhone mit Tapatalk


I would like an amazing game that shows off and pushes the gx4000 as much as possible so that it is on par or exceeds anything the master system did just to show once and for all that it was a good capable little machine.

A sprite editor if possible so that we can go back and re-colour double dragon.
Thou shall not question Captain Wrong!


Quote from: seanb on 12:18, 23 August 15
I would like an amazing game that shows off and pushes the gx4000 as much as possible so that it is on par or exceeds anything the master system did just to show once and for all that it was a good capable little machine.

A sprite editor if possible so that we can go back and re-colour double dragon.
Considering the quality of some of the games that were brought out at the beginning of the system (I know there were many duds,of course) but you have some lovely looking and impressive moving games also . There is nothing lacking in this system IMO.  I would also like to see what it could do if it had been pushed to it's limits.


Something I remembered, I was playing Minecraft recently, how about a sandbox/resource management game similar (but in 2d of course)


I'd like to see a FPS of some sort, even with a Wolf3D-type engine, similar to what has been achieved on the "Atari 8-bit"  (XL?):

Realistically, it would have to be a Mode 0 game, with two-pixel-wide "rendering units", so that one byte can be used to write two pixels to the screen directly, without the need to perform time-consuming bit shifting.


Quote from: Velktron on 11:43, 08 September 15
I'd like to see a FPS of some sort, even with a Wolf3D-type engine, similar to what has been achieved on the "Atari 8-bit"  (XL?):

Well, I am working (again) on this :)


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