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What New Game do you want developed for the Amstrad if the option was there?

Started by Puresox, 01:47, 07 August 15

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What Type of Game....?

Tower Defense
1 (2.4%)
Remake of Badly made original game
8 (19.5%)
Infinite Runner
1 (2.4%)
Classic Arcade game eg. Mr Do,Gorf, Galaga
4 (9.8%)
Brand New Original Idea
14 (34.1%)
1 (2.4%)
Memory Restrictions... 64k Game
4 (9.8%)
128K Game
15 (36.6%)
512K Game No holds barred
7 (17.1%)
CPC Plus Game
9 (22%)
5 (12.2%)
SCUMM Type Game
4 (9.8%)

Total Members Voted: 41

Voting closed: 17:37, 06 September 15


Shut yer moaning  If you want a game listed tell me , I am not fannying around trying to work out who wants what .


You want to compile the list then go ahead and I will implement it . Or better still You put up a Poll with how it is meant to be done.

Didn't particularly want individual games in the first place  because ,where does it stop,thats why they are tagged onto the end .


Quote from: Puresox on 16:19, 12 August 15
You want to compile the list then go ahead and I will implement it . Or better still You put up a Poll with how it is meant to be done.

Didn't particularly want individual games in the first place  because ,where does it stop,thats why they are tagged onto the end .

I don't want to compile any list, as you said where it stops? Then i don't know why still are games on this list...

The title of the threat is "what new game..." perhaps is a wrong title, perhaps, "what kind of game..." i'm sure that everyone have 1 or 2 titles that  want to be on this list, and at the end it will be 100 games!

I was just saying... if "mario bros" is there, i don't know why "lotus 3" is not there or "warcraft"... i don't really mind if my game is not in the list, but if others are to vote to...


You compile it or someone compile it  and we can re do it. At the end of the day we can be perfectionists about it after the debate has started. But the important thing is to get the ball rolling . The debate has begun and peoples views are being aired. The important thing though, is not to end up going in circles , but make continual steps toward getting this done. I am sure their are people on here that know the steps that are  too be made and can put forward a plan to work too. I am not the person who has the answers , but would like to see this project develop.


I think the answer is 128k and something original judgin by the results so far.... lets choose a genre and a similar game ( or something that doesnt ). This is the easy stage. Whats next?

1. Do we stick skills lists here and form 2 or 3 competing teams. "I wanna be on team 'Brill' cos team 'Garbage' are rubbish!"
2. Get as much cash as we can raise and try to pay somebody to do it
3. Hope somebody does it anyway (Tried and doesnt really work)


TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Competing teams is a good incentive, but double the funding


Quote from: Puresox on 20:00, 12 August 15
Competing teams is a good incentive, but double the funding

Why? Only pay the winner. That's competition. If you don't want that then make one big team. Who would participate anyway? I'm curious about that.

Anyway, I need somebody to paint some little Kangaroos for me. Either MODE 1 or 0, but I need them until the end of the month. Anybody up to? Else I have to cancel it.

TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Well yeah if it is done that way , I see what you mean.
  Well then the big question who's gonna put their hat  in the ring then ?


Quote from: jbaudrand on 06:57, 12 August 15
I really wish sigh will finish that promising beat them all.

As stated by arnoldemu, it's still in development:) Once I get the female template and female big boss out the way, things will move a lot faster graphically.

In regards the 4 other voters who chose "other"* like myself, it would be interesting to know what it is that you had in mind?

* As mentioned earlier, for me it's a music game.


Quote from: arnoldemu on 12:59, 12 August 15

Everything would be on the up & up for it I presume? Code doesn't have to be firmware driven so would compile all relevant code (from a Library it selects) and leave plenty of memory.
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D   * with the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Coz Tower defense will be there in the future  :P , I voted for cpc-plus game. How nice would it be to see a plus-game beating-out the 16-Bit machines...

But my main favorite, which was not on the list, would be a scumm-like funny adventure on CPC.

To give just my 2 cents for the development-discussion:

As Targhan posted, developing a game in your spare-time takes its time and you have to get focused to finish it. I also have and had many ideas to put in defence but besides of the memory-restriction, I had to make a cut somewhere not to get lost in all the imaginable features. So best of all will be, like in professional developement, to define all the nice things before you start developing.

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Quote from: Shining on 15:01, 13 August 15

But my main favorite, which was not on the list, would be a scumm-like funny adventure on CPC.

Just saying (again  ;) ), how many times scumm-game has been mentioned?

We all now that we want scumm ported to our powerful CPC!!

I think that here is a start from something related to scumm...


I looked into scummvm some time ago and it seemed to me that the games, we are speaking about on cpc (Maniac Mansion or Zack) are emulated completely different than the others and only existed as byte-code. Did someone find these with the scumm-code intact ?

On german-wikipedia-article about scumm there is an example out of maniac mansion:
script clock-tick { do { clock-state = not clock-state object living-room-clock state clock-state play-sound clock-tick break-here 60 } }
[/size]cut-scene { ... actor nurse-edna in-room edna-bedroom at 60,20 camera-follow nurse-edna actor nurse-edna walk-to 30,20 wait-for-actor nurse-edna say-line nurse-edna "WHATS'S YOUR POINT ED!!!" wait-for-talking nurse-edna ... }

I think, when this is not available,  better way to get something like this is to make something like scumm but not scumm itself on cpc.
When you then separate gfx-handling form the rest you have an easy approach to reach this goal on cpc,msx and speccy.

TGS is back

Download my productions at:


some msx-team are doing monkey island for msx2 called donkey island...

I really don't know how 3 systems so similar, amstrad, msx and spectrum with a HUGE base, dont join forces and make scumm all together


You really want to make a SCUMM game?   You're gonna need a lot of graphics...

(that wasn't a offer, just a statement of the ridiculousness of the concept.   If you're gonna collaborate for the first time... pick something SIMPLE!  Just so you can find out if you even get along.  Start small.   Start reeeeally small)

Favorite CPC games: Count Duckula 3, Oh Mummy Returns, RoboCop Resurrection, Tankbusters Afterlife


right I am going to alter the Voting unless you don't want me too , I will take off all individual games , but will add SCUMM game too the list , you can redo your votes I believe.


TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


I can change it and reset the votes , but will it allow to re vote?


EDIT: nevermind...


Quote from: Puresox on 18:45, 13 August 15
I can change it and reset the votes , but will it allow to re vote?

If you reset the votes it should.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


SCUMM should be more easy to port using the X-MEM + X-MASS combo.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)



HEHE. ;)
I said that because most SCUMM games used lot of RAM and files on a hard dive directory.
Doing the same should help a lot for a Monkey Island port, ...
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)

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