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Vector Vault released in september 2016

Started by roudoudou, 20:26, 28 September 16

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I asked also for defence back then. Some people said that they've no time but others said they like to help but after submitting my wishes and ideas they did not write back at all. So I did everythng on my own, keeping in mind that I'm bad in GFX...

So conclusion: We have good gfx-people out there but time is limited to everyone and also if you ask it is not always helpful...
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Too much coders,so few gfx (wo)men...

My pronouns are RASM and ACE


Vector Vault remember me some "bits generation" games from Nintendo on GBA.  :)
A great game, sadly for the collector the physical version don't worth the money.

"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


As good as Vectrex can be, but with real colours indeed.

Well done.


I love that game. So ggod !!! Congratulation.


GFX menu are bad... I think with better gfx this game will be a really excellent one. A cardtridge version with cpc+ palette is welcome too ;)


Quote from: GOB on 16:58, 09 October 16


GFX menu are bad... I think with better gfx this game will be a really excellent one. A cardtridge version with cpc+ palette is welcome too ;)

Everyone as best as he can. Also sometimes time is a problem. We all do this in our spare-time and I am proud that we have so many productions on our beloved CPC today. I'm totally happy about every hardware, every tool and every game released on our >30 year old machine. And personally I would not dream of criticize a game someone put hours and hours to code in.
I'm really upset of this denigration here and there in the forum.
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Both GOB & I have said the game is great, both of us pointed at things to improve. It's not denigration. It's constructive criticism.

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@Targhan: You might mean that, but a little tact would go a long way...


Here is what I said :

QuotePlayed it a bit, the game itself is really good, the ship moves smoothly, it's a real pleasure!Just one constructive remark (I hope) if I may: all the packaging around the game itself is... not the same quality: the introduction pictures are very ugly, the menus are sluggish.
I think it's quite, quite, respectful. Plus it seems I'm actually one of the few that really played it and went past level one (still stuck to level 5!). So... when I said the game is really good, I meant it.

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I'd rather the core game was great, and surrounded by basic menus; than the menus were amazing with a super intro and the game was a borefest!


@Targhan: I know you mean well, but you don't seem to understand that your words are hurtful. I know I would be hurt by what you wrote (I truly am not made for today's world...).
The fact is, you're a talented coder and artist & you have contacts in the CPC world. Now imagine for a second that some people don't have the same expertise as you (although Alberto is obviously quite the coder) or know people who can help them. But they still try their best (Vector Vaults is indeed worthy of praise) and stating bluntly that their intro is ugly & the menus are sluggish is well... contemptuous. And I know you are not meaning that, but that is what you are saying & I completely undestand what Shining is saying. Maybe a better approach that would not be so tactless would be to offer your help to Alberto or find someone who could help improve the intro & menus.
I believe that every program released for the CPC should be celebrated and yes, some programs are not genius works or impressive (I guess we've been spoilt by Orion Prime, R-Type & co). That's not the point. The point is that someone made a program & made it available to the CPC community. And that is awesome !


We'd never reached that quality for releases if there'd not have been guys telling the other "improve this, improve that" and pushing things on that way to the limit. No doubt, there are always guys who cross the border with their critics but I can't see them in this thread (so far)... 


@ Targhan: I did not mean your first post. But in the others you wrote about "failed a good Menu" and that you expect more in 2016. I did not write anything before but when gob posted yesterday and declared the menu as bad, I could not resist to post.My hope and goal is that we all, including me, keep in mind that not everyone can deliver the same quality all over and that we think about what we write a little more. I don't want that someone,regarding critics, decides that it was his last production.

@villain: Sure ? You want to read about anything what you have done that a part of it is bad ?

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Quote from: Shining on 07:38, 10 October 16
@villain: Sure ? You want to read about anything what you have done that a part of it is bad ?

If it's bad from an objective point of view? Of course! Why not? Aber selbstverständlich: der Ton macht die Musik. Das ist schon klar.


Genau das meine ich ja. Exactly that is what I meant.(Der Ton macht die Musik)

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Quote from: Shining on 07:38, 10 October 16
@villain: Sure ? You want to read about anything what you have done that a part of it is bad ?
Oh absolutely. I'd much rather know which bits didn't work for people than have total fawning over everything and no real feedback about what could be better next time. Sometimes developers know where the weak spots are, because there was only 128 bytes left to cram the front end in or it was knocked up quickly just to finish the project, but other times an objective outside opinion can reveal things they've kind of become blind to. Of course it's equally important to point out the good parts and to bear in mind that it is a labour of love, which deserves some leeway too.


oh nice ! My message got deleted...
Well, my point was (is), don't push your ideals onto others. If Alberto asks for your opinion, that's one thing, but he did not (probably doesn't even know about the forum).
If you don't understand what a respectful & helpful community is, go there & read a few threads: Compare this to the CPC forums & maybe you'll get my point.
I don't wish to argue this any further, but I would like to have that message stay on the board for a good reality check in the CPC community. If you wish to discuss this further or don't understand, feel free to contact me via PM.


I just wanted to come and say I freakin' LOVE this game!!!  :D :D :D

Thank you so much Alberto, keep up the fantastic work!

My thoughts and views on the game can be found in the longplay and review video that went up today -


THis game is awesome , with some o the best techniques I have seen brought to our machine , I personally feel that the good points about the game massively outweigh the ,negative points that some feel.
I am blown away by his work tbh , and I hope that his idea's can be developed futher .
Thanks Alberto.

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