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Uwol 2 (Quest for Money) a new game from Mojon Twins on 2011.

Started by Cpcmaniaco, 00:50, 07 January 11

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Quote from: trocoloco on 09:00, 12 January 11
It's good to see well written games and bug free, but hey I appreciate more their effort on making it. The  point is to keep the cpc alive, I couldn't care less about the technical part of a game if I enjoy it.

I agree with trocoloco.

I'm a sparetime developer for mobile phones myself. Talk about a market with lots of fragmentation. Here we have J2ME, Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Palm, Windows Phone 7, Symbian etc etc.

My favorite platform is J2ME, despite its age and bugs and limitations. It is infact the most limited platform of the ones mentioned, which means that anything I can create with J2ME will definitely also be able to run on any of the other platforms. But that definitely doesn't mean I'll go through the trouble of porting my J2ME game to those other platforms. I'm way too lazy for that.

So here we have a Spectrum game, where the authors take their time to make a CPC version. That should be embraced and appreciated. Complains about that it could have been better, is based on a misunderstanding.
My J2ME game could also have been done better on Android - but that's not the goal. The goal is merely to make the game available on more platforms - even those platforms that are more powerful, despite how little the game uses the abilities of that platform.

So quit complaining, and start thanking the authors instead.

Or, if you insist on complaining, then code your own CPC game with all those things you miss - and then provide an Amiga port that's better.

I think it's great what Mojon Twins are doing.


Quote from: redbox on 10:21, 11 January 11
I agree.

Having said that, I am impressed that they do it in C because it obviously works for the type of game they're developing (speed isn't essential) and it obviously cuts their development time considerably.

But I always prefer assembler.  Maybe it's just because I don't know C  ;)
interestingly, I was asked to look at Miami Vice to find some info to help complete the game.
And when I looked at the assembler I could see that it was from compiled C!
So even back then compiled C was being used to make games.
They probably used hisoft c to make miami vice.
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Quote from: mr_lou on 09:35, 12 January 11
I agree with trocoloco.
I agree with both of you.

I too think it is great what the Mojon Twins are doing.
They are creating games, they are making cpc version.

And yes the source is available if you want to improve the game.

It is a pity that all the build files are not there (or maybe I didn't look enough). But still they provide source and gfx.
They used the good cprslib library which i have also used. It is a powerful library that can give results.
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Theres no tape version :(, although I've never been able to get the Mojon Twins to work on my CPC464 anyway.


Quote from: awergh on 08:01, 13 January 11
Theres no tape version :( , although I've never been able to get the Mojon Twins to work on my CPC464 anyway.
What problem do you see?

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Well to load the game I use a cassette adaptor plugged into the front audio out of my computer and then I load the game in an emulator and this sometimes works sometimes doesn't seems to be pretty hit and miss. I tried a lot of things with lala and it just didn't want to work. When I just tried it I used WinAPE and it looks like its all good but when the game is supposed to have finished loading it doesn't work on a real 464 but works in WinAPE. Caprice has the same thing happen.

I haven't tried much with the other games but I'm not sure what to do.


Quote from: awergh on 13:55, 13 January 11
Well to load the game I use a cassette adaptor plugged into the front audio out of my computer and then I load the game in an emulator and this sometimes works sometimes doesn't seems to be pretty hit and miss. I tried a lot of things with lala and it just didn't want to work. When I just tried it I used WinAPE and it looks like its all good but when the game is supposed to have finished loading it doesn't work on a real 464 but works in WinAPE. Caprice has the same thing happen.

I haven't tried much with the other games but I'm not sure what to do.
I assume you're using the cassette version of the game, and then you are loading the game and piping the audio out to the cpc? The problem here is that if the audio is not perfect from the emu (it's reproduction is not accurate, or there is corruption in the audio perhaps from bad syncing) this will cause a problem and loading will fail.

Perhaps you need to convert the cdt to wav. with Markus's tool cdt2wav for example.
And play this.

The other problem (not checked yet), is that the cassette adaptor is filtering the sound.

The other thing I thought of was that this cassette doesn't have the relay/motor control. So if you are playing a tape and the cassette loader requires the tape motor to stop, you need to watch it and stop it at the correct moment, or the loader will miss the next block and fail to load.

But these problems are common to all tape games loaded in this way.
Do you have problems with others?
(It may just be that they didn't provide a large enough gap between blocks to allow the motor to continue to play without problems).

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Well I converted "Lala Prologue" to WAV.
Perhaps this loads ok?
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In the worst case you can use the tapes (Cheril, Lala and Ababol) that i have attached, they use the firmware tape loader (slow = speed write 0 / fast = speed write 1), i hope you have more luck with them.

With respect to the tape of Uwol 2, it will appear in a few days, when the Mojon Twins publish a new version with a few fixes ;)


Quote from: Silvier on 21:57, 11 January 11

Only main body loop is C code. All important routines like sprites printing are in an Z88DK ASM library made by espsoft (it's not Mojon Twins code)
All Mojon Twins games are made with the same engine; a ZX Spectrum based engine. Only four animated sprites on screen (a bit dissapointing) and slow and chunky movements (have you seen diagonal enemies movements on uwol 2?). Anyway our hero's control when jumping throught platforms is the worst thing in the game.

But more important is the buggy mojon's production itself. "Mojon Twins" released untested games, with a lot of bugs all of them. A direct consecuence of using the same untested engine and routines ever. All "Mojon Twins" games needed bugfixes (and uwol 2 isn't an exception). "It obviously cuts their development time considerably"  8)

I'd like less but "better", tested and "playable" games to be released for Amstrad CPC, don't you?

Uwol 2 can be a fun game, maybe (I don't like it, it's more or less the ever same thing: Sir Adabol, Lala Prologue...), but technically is full of buggy and slow code; It's like eighties spanish games  ;D  (one more time). We are on the 2011 year guys! And there are a lot of tools and technical information online to make things better than in the past.


I hear what you're saying, and they are valid points and criticisms although I think you are being too harsh.

I definitely agree that bugs are unfortunate and it's not so nice to go back to the days of Speccy ports(!) but they have built a robust and decent game engine, so if it means they can release lots of games onto the Amstrad then this can only be a good thing as it increases awareness that the CPC is still alive and kicking in 2011. As others have said I would rather see lots of little games released than none, as there's been many 'big' projects fall to the wayside over the years (but thankfully we're now getting to see great things like Orion Prime, R-Type 128k, etc). Perhaps we are a little bit lenient on people releasing games and overlook some of their stumbles, but then we are trying to cultivate a friendly and encouraging environment for people to make these games, I saw too much negativity in the 90's that killed a lot of good programming teams or forced people to walk away from the scene.

The Mojon Twin's games, if I'm honest, don't excite me as much as say the beat-em-up "sigh" is working on or the R-Type remake - but I will still get and play them, and be very thankful for their contribution - long may it continue ... they can only 'improve' over time surely?


Quote from: SyX on 22:07, 13 January 11With respect to the tape of Uwol 2, it will appear in a few days, when the Mojon Twins publish a new version with a few fixes ;)

Looking forward to the bug-fixed version of Uwol 2.
It is a game I often feel like playing, but don't because of the bugs. I hope they'll also code it easier to go underground and up again. (Meaning, no need to stand precisely in alignment with the tube).


Quote from: mr_lou on 17:33, 15 January 11
Looking forward to the bug-fixed version of Uwol 2.
It is a game I often feel like playing, but don't because of the bugs. I hope they'll also code it easier to go underground and up again. (Meaning, no need to stand precisely in alignment with the tube).
Well, the bug fixed version of Uwol 2 has been published, you can downloaded here. And i have attached a few tapes of this game.

You can find two tapes using the firmware loader (speed write 0 and 1) and other two with my turbo loader, the usually 2500 bauds that i make for all the Mojon Twins games and a special version at 4000 bauds for people that use mp3 player or similar digital medias.

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