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Throne Legacy

Started by Arnaud, 11:07, 07 November 20

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Quote from: Arnaud on 18:28, 28 March 21
i have just finished version 1.2, here the release note :
- Jumps use stamina more than walking (prevent not losing life just moving by long jump).
- Add consumation level to each individual torch in inventory.
- Prevent reloading torch consumation by putting torch on wall and taking it back.

I will send this (final!!!) version to to make the physical version of Throne Legacy.
A very nice game that gets better and better with each new release, really well done! :P

I just report some small inaccuracies!

All phrases showing "PER" must be replaced with "A CURA DI" in the initial introduction of the Italian version, in order to have a more correct translation. For example: INTRO "A CURA DI" KUKULCAN e TITAN, TEST "A CURA DI" SLT, etc.

In the attached screenshot I think there is a bug in the text display! (it doesn't read well, but the correct translation could be: "TOOL UTILIZZATI CPCTELERA E ARKOS"?)  ;)


Quote from: Mr. DVG on 02:45, 29 March 21I just report some small inaccuracies!
Thanks a lot @Mr. DVG.

Quote from: MiguelSky on 20:38, 28 March 21
Are you also preparing a tape version?
Here all cdt, one per language.

Hope all is Ok. I was too lazy to make a generation script for all languages, i regret not having done it  :doh:



Really, really good longplay (in french) of Throne Legacy with map and commentaries.

Thanks a lot AyorSaeba, it takes a lot of time to make game and i am really happy to see this kind of video  :D


An excellent game indeed. I was very close to the end (I missed the secret keyhole...). As I'm playing on a real CPC, I didn't cheat with snapshots, and the torch management (with the "winds" turning them off) is rather unforgiving and always ruined my attempts to finish the game. @Arnaud, if you can, please add a save system in your next game :).

Arkos Tracker 2.0.1 now released! - Follow the news on Twitter!
Disark - A cross-platform Z80 disassembler/source converter
FDC Tool 1.1 - Read Amsdos files without the system

Imperial Mahjong
Orion Prime


Quote from: Targhan on 08:54, 11 September 21
An excellent game indeed. I was very close to the end (I missed the secret keyhole...). As I'm playing on a real CPC, I didn't cheat with snapshots, and the torch management (with the "winds" turning them off) is rather unforgiving and always ruined my attempts to finish the game. @Arnaud, if you can, please add a save system in your next game :).

To solve the wind trap, in my mind it just have to put a torch on wall directly when enter (there is a place for it in each room) then no obscurity problem.

Yes i really want to have used a save system (and i really need it for my next game) but the eternal problem is, where can i put my file read/write code in my already full memory  ;D
By the way there is interesting solution here


Quote from: Arnaud on 09:03, 11 September 21By the way there is interesting solution here
Yes I know, I'm the one who provided the T&J link :).

Also, instead of a save system, it is possible to have a code system based on a hash with your inventory, energy, etc. (plus a small checksum to prevent hackers!). It works very fine for a game that doesn't have many flags or data to save.

Arkos Tracker 2.0.1 now released! - Follow the news on Twitter!
Disark - A cross-platform Z80 disassembler/source converter
FDC Tool 1.1 - Read Amsdos files without the system

Imperial Mahjong
Orion Prime


The video is in Spanish (sorry) I hope google auto-translation works. But in a few words: Very great adventure. I really enjoy exploring the castle with this big guy. I played v1.1 because I notice some strange behavior with the torches in v1.2. One run off, then I lit another new one, and in a few seconds it also blew out.
The only thing I don't like is when you suddenly turn into darkness. Maybe some indicator o some twinkle effect could advise you that the torch is near to the end. Also, a few times, I notice the energy starts to decrease one by one without reason. I'm not talking about the 5% drop by time, just 1% steps but very fast. When you move the character then it stops. Very strange.
Congratulations for the game, It was really fun. I hope we can see another game of yours next month.


Hi @cperezgrin, thanks very much for making a video on Throne Legacy.

With v1.2 the torches from the walls are old and practically burn out, unlike those in the store.
I have not found a way (ie without use more memory) to differentiate them in the inventory and i agree that the state of the torches is not easily seen although it can be seen in hand (see picture).
I should have simply draw a bar of life under the torch in inventory.

Concerning the energy decreasing too fast is in darkness with eyes ? They are monster's eyes and it is killing player, i should have add to text to explain what's happened.

I have rpg in progress (too big in fact), but i fear it will never fit in 64kb.


Ah, that must happen. The second torch I used was from the wall and that's why it burnt out quickly. I didn't know there was a difference between them and the store ones.
I also didn't notice there was a different flame when it was nearly to burn out, my fault.
No, the energy decreasing was in a normal room. It was very strange because it happens randomly.Instead of the normal drop of 4%, it decreases one by one.81% => 77% normal81% => 80% => 79% => 78% => ...Unfortunately, I don't have any clip with that behavior
Good news you're working on a new project, although can't fit in a 464. I suppose you have tried compression.


Quote from: Arnaud on 17:28, 22 October 21
Hi @cperezgrin, thanks very much for making a video on Throne Legacy.

With v1.2 the torches from the walls are old and practically burn out, unlike those in the store.
I have not found a way (ie without use more memory) to differentiate them in the inventory and i agree that the state of the torches is not easily seen although it can be seen in hand (see picture).

I should have simply draw a bar of life under the torch in inventory.

Concerning the energy decreasing too fast is in darkness with eyes ? They are monster's eyes and it is killing player, i should have add to text to explain what's happened.

I have rpg in progress (too big in fact), but i fear it will never fit in 64kb.

Hi Arnaud.

That's really exciting to hear, about your RPG in progress.
How is it coming along?
Any screenshots to share?  ;D

Are you entering cpcretrodev this year?
I haven't had time unfortunately.


Quote from: ervin on 04:36, 23 October 21
Hi Arnaud.

That's really exciting to hear, about your RPG in progress.
How is it coming along?
Any screenshots to share?  ;D

Are you entering cpcretrodev this year?
I haven't had time unfortunately.

Hi @ervin,
as usual I didn't think there would be so much to code and that it would take so long  :D
And the game design of a rpg is really complex.

Yes i think i will show something about the project because i am not sure it can be working on 64kb and so entering to CPCRetrodev.

Sorry you have not time to send your game cpcretrodev, have you at least started something ?


Quote from: Arnaud on 06:51, 23 October 21
Hi @ervin,
as usual I didn't think there would be so much to code and that it would take so long  :D
And the game design of a rpg is really complex.

Yes i think i will show something about the project because i am not sure it can be working on 64kb and so entering to CPCRetrodev.

Sorry you have not time to send your game cpcretrodev, have you at least started something ?

Really looking forward to seeing what you are working on.
Your games get better and better every year.

I have spent a lot of time this year working on a game idea, but it's still only in the very early prototype stage.
It will probably take a few more months to make it into a game.

I definitely don't want to make the same mistake as last year, and end up with an interesting game technically, but a game that is incomplete.
And goatfish was very incomplete.


Quote from: Arnaud on 06:51, 23 October 21as usual I didn't think there would be so much to code and that it would take so long 
And the game design of a rpg is really complex.

Yes i think i will show something about the project because i am not sure it can be working on 64kb and so entering to CPCRetrodev.

Sorry you have not time to send your game cpcretrodev, have you at least started something ?

It would be a little bit disappointing if you can't make it into 64kb, could you do the 128k enhanced version later or would you end up compromising the game if you you have to cut too much?
I was thinking of suggesting cutting it into two episodes but that might not work so well for an rpg because of progression.

Quote from: ervin on 12:15, 23 October 21Really looking forward to seeing what you are working on.
Your games get better and better every year.

I have spent a lot of time this year working on a game idea, but it's still only in the very early prototype stage.
It will probably take a few more months to make it into a game.

I definitely don't want to make the same mistake as last year, and end up with an interesting game technically, but a game that is incomplete.
And goatfish was very incomplete.

So maybe next year? I'm sure there is a balance between coming up with a design and implementing it. Theres probably no correct answer to this and it depends on the person and the project.


Hi to all,
i am really happy to announce Throne Legacy have got a physical release with a really nice packaging.



Went to buy and ouch, is Bitmap Soft shipping from the UK? :(


Quote from: Gryzor on 13:13, 01 November 21
Went to buy and ouch, is Bitmap Soft shipping from the UK? :(

Yes, there is VAT (%20) to add and convert sterling to euro, i think the final price will be near 20€ (with shipping).

If someone can know the final exact price.


Yeah... plus whatever duties? Plus the ad-hoc import fee (I think it's €15) :(


Quote from: Gryzor on 13:38, 01 November 21
Yeah... plus whatever duties? Plus the ad-hoc import fee (I think it's €15) :(

I just asked someone who bought (to france) the game to tell me the total price when he will received it.


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