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Throne Legacy

Started by Arnaud, 11:07, 07 November 20

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I played the game but gave up after a short time ... (see my yt chain).
The main flaws: Totally illogical plan. Impossible to make a plan of the castle to find one's way there, whereas we should fall back on a place already seen, we end up in the end elsewhere ... In short, we need a real plan.
The torch that goes out by itself, that we relight with the lighter and that goes out again immediately causing us to lose since the energy decreases immediately (but I read that you corrected that).
Apart from these main flaws, I really liked the game which really makes you want to play it seriously once it is finished.


Quote from: GOB on 16:39, 23 November 20Totally illogical plan. Impossible to make a plan of the castle to find one's way there
I don't agree, I managed to draw one. Ok, sometimes I had to make some strange curves, but it works quite fine. Just don't use a small page :).

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Hi @GOB,
and thank for making a video on Throne Legacy.

Quote from: GOB on 16:39, 23 November 20
I played the game but gave up after a short time ... (see my yt chain).
The main flaws: Totally illogical plan. Impossible to make a plan of the castle to find one's way there, whereas we should fall back on a place already seen, we end up in the end elsewhere ... In short, we need a real plan.
I have made a plan on paper before coding it and apart a few special cases such stairs and secret passages, the plan is logical.

Here the last version of the map (spoiler inside)

Quote from: GOB on 16:39, 23 November 20
Apart from these main flaws, I really liked the game which really makes you want to play it seriously once it is finished.
Great :D

Here the current patch, the game is being testing :

  • In game translation (not menu or intro for now)
  • Restoration of original Woman painting, being replaced by Prince of persia for cpcretrodev gesture
  • Remove lighter usage limit
  • Speed up player movement
  • Now life is lost by movement and not by time (prevent quick lost life in dark room because game run too fast)
  • Game map slightly changed, Shop is nearer and room of the cup is attached to the castle.
  • Golden key cannot open doors anymore
  • Change text to better understanding why torch extinguishes
  • Old torches can be taken from wall (but caution there are nearly burnout)
  • Replace text in "redefine key" menu Sel(ection) by Inv(entory) for more clarity
  • In inventory you can now use either "Fire" or "Inv" key to use object


O, i see where is the problem !!! And it's a graphical problem :) I don't understand i'm going down stairs when i was on the last room at the last right !!! So ok, map is ok.


Quote from: GOB on 16:06, 25 November 20
O, i see where is the problem !!! And it's a graphical problem :) I don't understand i'm going down stairs when i was on the last room at the last right !!! So ok, map is ok.

Ok i understand  :D Is better like that ?


Update current patch :

  • Change stair down image because stair was not visible enough


Hmm vocal synthesis on an Odroid Go, nice !

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@Arnaud So, well the V1.1 is going to be released? I'm waiting for it!! :)

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Quote from: Targhan on 20:33, 13 December 20
@Arnaud So, well the V1.1 is going to be released? I'm waiting for it!! :)
Hi @Targhan,
if Steph don't find new bugs (i send the last version yesterday), Bruno will be able to finish the V1.1 with language selection.


I'm waiting too !!!


Throne Legacy V1.1 is nearly finished and Bruno is making multi-language version.
I haven't got German translation, if someone can do this, i'll included it.

Here last version of text resources.



Here my German translation Google/Harrap's, can someone take a look please ?


Edit : Thanks to Phoenix0870 to send me german translation.


Quote from: Arnaud on 14:01, 20 January 21
Here my German translation Google/Harrap's, can someone take a look please ?


Edit : Thanks to Phoenix0870 to send me german translation.

Do you still need help? I could take a look tomorrow.


Quote from: villain on 20:58, 20 January 21Do you still need help? I could take a look tomorrow.
Thanks @villain but i have all i need.


here at last Throne Legacy v1.1 :


- New intro by CPC-POWER and TITAN
- Game translation En/Fr/Es/It/De
- Restoration of original Woman painting, being replaced by Prince of persia for cpcretrodev gesture
- Remove lighter usage limit
- Speed up player movement
- Now life is lost by movement and not by time (prevent quick lost life in dark room because game run too fast)
- Game map slightly changed, Shop is nearer and room of the cup is attached to the castle
- Golden key cannot open doors anymore
- Some text modification for better understanding
- Old torches can be taken from wall (but caution there are nearly burnout)
- Change stair down image because stair was not visible enough
- Handle Fire3 for Suicide (as Esc key)
- Many graphicals glitches fixed

Thanks a lot Steph for testing !


Awesome!! I'll play it as soon as I can!!!

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Quote from: Arnaud on 18:35, 15 February 21
here at last Throne Legacy v1.1 :
Amazing work, @Arnaud ! :)

You are constantly growing as gamedev with each new step you take, and always eager to share your productions, code and whatever you learn. I take my hat off ;).


Quote from: ronaldo on 17:30, 16 February 21
Amazing work, @Arnaud ! :)

You are constantly growing as gamedev with each new step you take, and always eager to share your productions, code and whatever you learn. I take my hat off ;).
Thanks a lot @ronaldo  :)


I only could play a bit (I'll try to find more time soon!). One remark, is it normal that, when entering the first dark room, there is no "eye" to locate the player? If I go north in the dark room, I enter the second dark room, and the eyes are present. If I manage to go back to the first dark room, the eyes are still not there. This made me get lost in the first dark room. A bug... or a feature I didn't understand?

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Quote from: Targhan on 23:25, 21 February 21
I only could play a bit (I'll try to find more time soon!). One remark, is it normal that, when entering the first dark room, there is no "eye" to locate the player? If I go north in the dark room, I enter the second dark room, and the eyes are present. If I manage to go back to the first dark room, the eyes are still not there. This made me get lost in the first dark room. A bug... or a feature I didn't understand?
It's normal, the "eyes" are not present in the first rooms near the exit.


Quote from: Arnaud on 14:52, 22 February 21
It's normal, the "eyes" are not present in the first rooms near the exit.

Mmmh, ok, but what is the reason for that?

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Quote from: Targhan on 15:23, 22 February 21
Mmmh, ok, but what is the reason for that?
I didn't want the player to directly encounter the monster at the start of the adventure. First see the painting with the moving eyes and after the deadly eyes in dark (in my mind it's the same monster everywhere).
I thought it was a good introduction to the dangers of the castle.


Damn, got killed again by the "wind". It's really treacherous, because turning again the torch and moving will provoke another "wind", and so on. So the best thing is to leave the room in the dark.
I'll have another go later :).

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Quote from: Targhan on 19:34, 28 February 21
Damn, got killed again by the "wind". It's really treacherous, because turning again the torch and moving will provoke another "wind", and so on. So the best thing is to leave the room in the dark.
I'll have another go later :).
The torch on wall are not impacted by "the wind", if you have enough torches in inventory to put on wall of course.


i have just finished version 1.2, here the release note :
- Jumps use stamina more than walking (prevent not losing life just moving by long jump).
- Add consumation level to each individual torch in inventory.
- Prevent reloading torch consumation by putting torch on wall and taking it back.

I will send this (final!!!) version to to make the physical version of Throne Legacy.


Are you also preparing a tape version?

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