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The Abbey of Crime - La Abadia del Crimen (from:Converted GX4000 .cpr)

Started by dragon, 17:38, 10 January 23

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Really you like turn the things difricult. Adso in button   2 its the original control choose by  Paco Menéndez. 1 was the don't used.

Its only in the mirror screen,pressing  one button or two button there its no diference That don't k lill you. The Game don't check  anything with that.

But if you use two buttons that It can  stuck  you. Because the Game recive two orders moving And activate the mirror. It you move first you can die. It the same that in the night. Where we  don't have free  buttons and the yes was in the movement.view who Guillermo turn 90° before the Game Discover you are try to sleep. Its using only adso button to avoid that.

Im not sure if was posible changing the text,is  changing all lenght in the text Game. All phrases.

Nobody read the manual sniff. :picard2:

No toto in the original Game there its.only a cursor when you doing  it simply press a combinación key. Crtrl+l+F1 things like that.

I have rehused that crappy cursor with the slot number more useful  think


Into the manual, it is printed that you can use cursor down, the joystick fire button or the Z key.
For my player view, the joystick fire button hang the game, so I just report it as a bug. :-\

It looks Paco MENENDEZ have not tested his game with a joystick.
He as used the code &20 instead of &10 to handle the good button.
Nobody own a two buttons controller in 1987 on CPC. It was a bug.

So, I confirm that will be nice to swap the buttons usage.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


i refer to my manual. :D

Pergamine speed up.

its in &2e40, but i need  changed all the other controls,sleep,mirror,save... to swap it.


Quote from: dragon on 11:45, 22 January 23Really you like turn the things difricult. Adso in button  2 its the original control choose by  Paco Menéndez. 1 was the don't used.
No, I don't turn things difficult. But the gameplay and pleasure of the player surpass programmer comfort :P There was no two button joysticks in 1987 on CPC, and the original instruction manual indicates that you have to press fire on joystick to call Adso. So I just pointed an historical bug. It's wonderful to be able to correct it in this upgraded version making Fire 1 correspond to standard actions and Fire 2 to open load/save system ;)

Quote from: dragon on 11:45, 22 January 23Im not sure if was posible changing the text,is  changing all lenght in the text Game. All phrases.
I was afraid of a thing like that. It's a shame but that's it, no problem. At least, maybe you can change to text in English version replacing S:N by Y:N ?

Quote from: dragon on 11:45, 22 January 23Nobody read the manual sniff. :picard2:
I read and translated the documentation in English, I'm a good boy 8) And I saw the button to activate the mirror mechanism. I was just afraid that @RockRiver had pointed a new thing to patch.

But the fact is that people doesn't read manual, the never read them. That's why good games are designed to be fully playable without having to read the documentation or with a logical gameplay that makes it easily comprehensive., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: dragon on 13:45, 22 January 23Pergamine speed up.
Whooo, now you have to know that you can press right to accelerate and you made it so fast it's unreadable before the next page display :-\  Just double the speed by default (ni need to keep the original speed in that case), not x4 or x8, please !

Quote from: dragon on 13:45, 22 January 23its in &2e40, but i need  changed all the other controls,sleep,mirror,save... to swap it.
Have you made it? As far as I can see, Fire 2 is again used to call Adso. Or if you plan to do it, I think it's an important gameplay upgrade that justify the effort  ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


You can back with  left to normal speed and read. :D

Not sure about the speed.The parameters standars are.

0320->normal letter
0000->next page

top speed are 0001 :D

i need take a look at text subutines its not a not,only maybe yes or not.

Now you need remade the manual with the swap button.


Quote from: dragon on 14:57, 22 January 23Now you need remade the manual with the swap button.
All the functions previously on fire2 are now on fire 1 and vice-versa, including the RAM load/save features ?

I will modify the manuals in English and Spanish a@ soon as I'm at home 😉, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Only to acces it, inside the menu save/loaded i don' have change it. it continue as always

So ingame,sleeping, and in the mirror screen,

You can add in the manuals the speed buttons of the patchement if tou want.


Quote from: dragon on 15:54, 22 January 23Only to acces it, inside the menu save/loaded i don' have change it. it continue as always

So ingame,sleeping, and in the mirror screen,

You can add in the manuals the speed buttons of the patchement if tou want.
You don't want to make the acceleration by default? I don't understand the idea to wait more than 5 minutes to read so little texts..., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: dragon on 14:57, 22 January 23Not sure about the speed.The parameters standars are.

0320->normal letter
0000->next page

top speed are 0001 :D
Maybe you can try half of each original value to double the speed and I will tell you if it's ok  ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Not sure first best we search the speed idealy

this is with the settings 25% faster;

ld hl,&0258 ;25%speed
ld (&66e8),hl;letras normales
ld hl,&afc8
ld (&6745),hl;retorno carro
ld hl,&08ca
ld (&6735),hl;espacio
ld hl,&c000
ld (&6760),hl;pasar pagina


Quote from: dragon on 18:51, 22 January 23Not sure first best we search the speed idealy

this is with the settings 25% faster;

ld hl,&0258 ;25%speed
ld (&66e8),hl;letras normales
ld hl,&afc8
ld (&6745),hl;retorno carro
ld hl,&08ca
ld (&6735),hl;espacio
ld hl,&c000
ld (&6760),hl;pasar pagina

Maybe 50%  :D ?, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


ld hl,&0190 ;50%speed
ld (&66e8),hl;letras normales
ld hl,&7530
ld (&6745),hl;retorno carro
ld hl,&05dc
ld (&6735),hl;espacio
ld hl,&7fff
ld (&6760),hl;pasar pagina


Quote from: TotO on 12:46, 22 January 23Nobody own a two buttons controller in 1987 on CPC. It was a bug.
I had a friend that had an Amstrad JY-1, that had two independent fire buttons, and I'm fairly that was around 1987 (or even earlier).
- Barry Rodewald


Quote from: dragon on 19:58, 22 January 23ld hl,&0190 ;50%speed
ld (&66e8),hl;letras normales
ld hl,&7530
ld (&6745),hl;retorno carro
ld hl,&05dc
ld (&6735),hl;espacio
ld hl,&7fff
ld (&6760),hl;pasar pagina
For me that's the good one. But I really think this speed should be the only one. @RockRiver , what do you think? It's so smooth like this, the text is at last nice to read  8), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: mahlemiut on 21:48, 22 January 23
Quote from: TotO on 12:46, 22 January 23Nobody own a two buttons controller in 1987 on CPC. It was a bug.
I had a friend that had an Amstrad JY-1, that had two independent fire buttons, and I'm fairly that was around 1987 (or even earlier).
Sorry, but no :D . JY-1 had only 1 button. JY-2 had two buttons but cloned. I modified for my personal use two JY2 to offer them independant buttons and I even needed to replace the cables that only contain 8 wires to add the second button using 9 wire cables. But maybe your friend made the modification on a JY-2, nothing's impossible. Nevertheless, counting on 2 button joysticks in 1987 would have been a nonsense, particularly when your game just need 1 button to work. It's a bug due to a little mistake in an address ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.



Quote from: RockRiver on 22:58, 22 January 23SVI QuickShot II Turbo finally had 2 fires for CPC

85??? I think I saw it in Spain around 87-88-89 ???
Second button do the same on CPC, with just an autofire feature. Lot of joysticks had 2, 3 or more buttons doing the same action. More seriously, appart from this off topic discussion, what do you think about the idea of the new speed as default on parchment ?, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


If we put it the default but left the normal pressing right?


Quote from: dragon on 00:28, 23 January 23If we put it the default but left the normal pressing right?
Good idea, fast text by default, but remaining possible to switch to original speed. In that case, if possible, it would be interesting to use 'fire 2' to switch slow/fast rather than 'right/left'  ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


"Hard" weekend , sorry!!

OK serious week with working days... going to check Abbey 

OKserious week with working days


Ok I love the  "brownie" palette...
(but for my blues days,
would be a "rainy day" palette with blue floor? .
Sorry Dragon and mates... my blue madness, u know :P
A little rockriver's *.cpr mod , then double work for anakintf repros. I will order a sunny day cartridge ; and a rainy day cartridge... ha ha)

Returning to topic discussion, the new "pergamine" speed improve the work to another step 👍

@dragon : my payment to you in whisky is increasing... and a physical repro to you, indeed !!!


Quote from: RockRiver on 11:37, 23 January 23Ok I love the  "brownie" palette...
(but for my blues days,
would be a "rainy day" palette with blue floor .
Sorry Dragon and mates... my blue madness, u know :P
A little rockriver's *.cpr mod , then double work for anakintf repros. I will order a sunny day cartridge and a rainy day cartridge...)

Returning to topic discussion, the new "pergamine" speed improve the work to another step 👍
@dragon, I think it would be perfect to end the last modifications awaited in the game (parchment speed by default and Fire 2). After that of course, you'll be free to see if you want to make personalized CPRs appart from the "official" one  ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.

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