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The Abbey of Crime - La Abadia del Crimen (from:Converted GX4000 .cpr)

Started by dragon, 17:38, 10 January 23

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Quote from: abalore on 15:21, 20 January 23Maybe it's time to move the messages related to La Abadia to another thread @Gryzor ?
Sure, can you point me to the first post? Haven't followed...


Quote from: Gryzor on 16:19, 20 January 23
Quote from: abalore on 15:21, 20 January 23Maybe it's time to move the messages related to La Abadia to another thread @Gryzor ?
Sure, can you point me to the first post? Haven't followed...
You can move everything from :

Just take care to keep this one in the topic:, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: dragon on 16:09, 20 January 23-Don't lost the point of view. The cartridge was made to be compatible with all cpc range that include the old range 464,472 and 664 and 6128 .So a screen plus at boot no.

-Overscan(convimg) sound dificult to make it work as i don't know what memory range they use. And i  have to lidiate with the original loader.  It appers it need store it in 0200, That proably kill the loader. And in basic they only throw a memory full......(inside the other basic program)

-About the other (withconvimg)if it work with lucky and you call it and it come back after load the picture in the video zone.Maybe can be put in 0 mode.Because the game should reset all the inks and the mode at the start by herserlf. But if you use the same picture from english and spanish, you need a picture witihout any text inside.

-¿When you buy a ps5 game it come with one disk to every languaje?.

Even if you buy a north and south  in amstrad you choose the languaje inside, not outside. Even the poke version don't should exist. And they shoud work integrated activated with a combination of buttons. Thats alan sugar philopsophy all integrated.

About the pergamine, i don't have idea if he could be accelerate.But patching it mean patchin the other pergamine, and thats mean rework inside the ram ingame. There is some retards here and there.But who knows.

Even now i left out of space,because the subrutine became more bigger and bigger(it beggin litte), and i have rearched the barrier of amsdos ram so if i  call another new picture i need move  it down, and i need change all the jumps one by one at  hand in the dsk.

I have made a test in a dsk alone with  a pair of pictures using convimg.

And about physical cartridge,Thats some muddy in the time you put money in middle. You need ask to opera,And that's something I don't want to mess with that,If someone wants to do it, do it, but for me this is something non-profit only for hobby.

-I don't view any rare in virtualmachine, it works as they should,loading and save in f1.
ok, ok, @dragon , no problem

Personnally, I think that you have done what was important. For me the last thing is the title screen that we can keep where it is. But it would be nice to see a Plus titlescreen when loading the Plus version.

Your test included in the 2.6 version is interesting, need some care, but interesting. I think it would be better to keep a 320x200 screen as the game itself isn't in overscan. After that, you'll have done the job (and a fantastic job) provided that there are no more ingame nasty bugs  8), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: dragon on 16:09, 20 January 23When you buy a ps5 game it come with one disk to every languaje?
PS5? Obviously not. But on CPC, it was the case.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: RockRiver on 15:21, 20 January 23
Quote from: TotO on 15:12, 20 January 23There are official game enhancements on Steam to update colors and graphics.
Strange idea to think of using a movie frame which will replace the original content.
C'mon it is a 80's pirate inspiration... you never copy a cassette???
(In early 80's nobody except Nintendo and Atari worried about copyrights, ask Japan or Kojima)
This marvellous game is not more famous cause film maker didn't allow the Same Name...
And Umberto Eco had a Spectrum or Amstrad???


Many thanks @Gryzor, now we can continue that fabulous project on the right place !  8), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


iXien, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Ok guys, we are in the right place to show marvels !  :D

@dragon , here are nice Plus title screens to replace the original ones in Spanish and English !

Just suggestions. Maybe you can remove the store effect (inherited from the original loader on tape) to make the title screen directly splash on screen in all versions. 

More important, as I just notice showing a longplay of the game, it would be nice to move the title screen back before the parchment as it is its real place in the original release  8), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.

iXien, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Msx2 title screen:

Forever I have a big doubt about MSX2 vs CPC+
My brain exploded when I saw MSX2 Isometric Remakes of Batman , Alien8, Abadia, HeadOverHeels, Knight Lore... Great use of colours and graphics .

But my childhood was with CPC

CPC+ is only a CPC with 4096 colours? or has similar capabilities as MSX2 gfx ? (maybe less video ram in CPC...)

I love the CPC+ palette remakes / CPRs by @CyrilAmstrad Ayor61
Good food for my CPC+ and GX

The use of the CPC Plus Palette remember me MSX2 system. That colourfull games.
Thanks @dragon for make this version with Plus Palette option.


"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


2.7 Add plus screeen generated by convimg (that mean they can be changed, but the palette and the code should be include  in the .scr generated  by the program.)

Quote from: iXien on 21:25, 20 January 23Ok guys, we are in the right place to show marvels !  :D

@dragon , here are nice Plus title screens to replace the original ones in Spanish and English !

Just suggestions. Maybe you can remove the store effect (inherited from the original loader on tape) to make the title screen directly splash on screen in all versions.

More important, as I just notice showing a longplay of the game, it would be nice to move the title screen back before the parchment as it is its real place in the original release  8)

These effect are in the loader side of the sevillian guys in the 80, i think opera change the order in the tape version,and change it mean change the loader of the 80 cracker guys.


@dragon If that can help, here the files for the Plus title screens.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: dragon on 01:17, 21 January 23These effect are in the loader side of the sevillian guys in the 80, i think opera change the order in the tape version,and change it mean change the loader of the 80 cracker guys.
It's disturbing that the title screen isn't in the place Juan DELCAN put it in the original version (Opera made this modification just only for technical constraints), and I'm not sure the authors liked that ;)

Just removing the title screen of the loader from the sevillian guys and adding it in your Basic loader after the ask for colours/language/pokes would permit to fix all the problems, loading the title screen at first even in the classic colours version, and without the store effect.

I can provide you all the SCR screens with detailed inks. Here they are  :), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: RockRiver on 23:31, 20 January 23Msx2 title screen:

Forever I have a big doubt about MSX2 vs CPC+
My brain exploded when I saw MSX2 Isometric Remakes of Batman , Alien8, Abadia, HeadOverHeels, Knight Lore... Great use of colours and graphics .

But my childhood was with CPC

CPC+ is only a CPC with 4096 colours? or has similar capabilities as MSX2 gfx ? (maybe less video ram in CPC...)

I love the CPC+ palette remakes / CPRs by @CyrilAmstrad Ayor61
Good food for my CPC+ and GX

The use of the CPC Plus Palette remember me MSX2 system. That colourfull games.
Thanks @dragon for make this version with Plus Palette option.
We all saw the MSX2 title screen ;) , but you'll never display that on a Plus machine. And the attempt in the 2.7 version shows us how a direct conversion deteriorate the MSX2 picture. The screens that I showed you are in my humble opinion the best we can do with only 16 colours displayable on screen.

I hope @dragon will include these screens using the elements we provide him, it would be so beautiful  :), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


it create more problems,because something in convimg decide that the plus pictures should stoped with space.Thats mean a bunch of pokes in basic.Also every .scr ocupped more space in the dsk.

Moving screent to the start.

Now im no sure  try take a look at  the pergamine or the overscan.


Quote from: dragon on 16:26, 21 January 23it create more problems,because something in convimg decide that the plus pictures should stoped with space.Thats mean a bunch of pokes in basic.Also every .scr ocupped more space in the dsk.

Moving screent to the start.

Now im no sure  try take a look at  the pergamine or the overscan.
A loading feauture maybe can be in plus series if we put a loading in hardware sprites.They are always on top of the screen.Connect and disconnect the sprites,don't matter is some loader is using screen to moving things.


@dragon  at the end of the game we must to press two keys (two letters) on keyboard... 
Then on game pad you must press only two determinate direction and/or button  8) or will die  :o

I'm on the way??? I think you thought about that.

I will not make more spoiler.


its only button 2. Anyway you die if you don't do it in the rigth place... (its  more easy  this that  use in the game pad ttwo keys as we don`t have free butttons , using adso button don't affect walk or save/load,its the best option).


Quote from: dragon on 16:26, 21 January 23it create more problems,because something in convimg decide that the plus pictures should stoped with space.Thats mean a bunch of pokes in basic.Also every .scr ocupped more space in the dsk.

Moving screent to the start.

Whooooo, nice job! It's beginning to be very impressive with the Plus title screens and all title screens before the parchment  :o Well done!

Quote from: dragon on 16:26, 21 January 23Now im no sure  try take a look at  the pergamine or the overscan.
Personally, I don't think that overscan is interesting here as the game itself doesn't use even a 320x200 display, only 256x192. It would be puzzling.

About the parchment. I think that x2 the speed of the two parchments would be very nice and good enough, and it would justify the difficulties to modify it  ;) And would it be difficult to replace the parchment itself in the Plus version? As you can suppose, I already have something to submit to you. You'll find it attached (ZIP file including SCR + palette in TXT respecting original order for normal and capital letters) What do you think?  :)

Quote from: dragon on 16:37, 21 January 23A loading feauture maybe can be in plus series if we put a loading in hardware sprites.They are always on top of the screen.Connect and disconnect the sprites,don't matter is some loader is using screen to moving things.
It is better not to add anything to such a respectable work. Even other recent versions haven't  ;)

Quote from: dragon on 20:06, 21 January 23its only button 2. Anyway you die if you don't do it in the rigth place... (its  more easy  this that  use in the game pad ttwo keys as we don`t have free butttons , using adso button don't affect walk or save/load,its the best option).
Is that indicated somewhere in the instruction manual or directly in the game? Because, without this information, of course the player will die ignoring what to do  8), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Not sure what you mean the parchement was paco menendez code.Its alone but its the game.

edit: i dont understand do you want change the plus palette?

I think the 2nd button it isn the manual if i remeber o.k


Quote from: dragon on 23:16, 21 January 23Not sure what you mean the parchement was paco menendez code.Its alone but its the game.

edit: i dont understand do you want change the plus palette?
That was part of my question, in reality. So it is part of the code. No matter, we won't change the parchment and the palette is perfect like this ;)

But you can keep the effort to accelerate the write speed 8) ?

Quote from: dragon on 23:16, 21 January 23I think the 2nd button it isn the manual if i remeber o.k
It's a problem. @RockRiver , as you seem to well know the game, how we can indicate this ? Are we talking about the mirror screen or something else?

Some other things, in the game this time. 
    - Would it be difficult to invert fire 1 and 2 ? You know, button 1 is usually devoted to main action while button 2 (even on Nes or Master System) is prefered for a secondary action. I think calling Adso (activate miror and this mysterious action @RockRiver is talking about) is a main action that better fit on button 1 while button 2 would be perfect to trigger the save system. I say that because while plyaing, I often confuse the two button, and I trigger the save system whien I just wanted to call Adso.
    - Do you think it would be possible to modify ingame text when they ask for sleeping in the cell ? To indicate what to do without having to remember the manual: S:N replaced by SI(DER):NO(F2) or YES(RT):NO(F2) (Of course, I suppose that F2 would become F1 if you invert buttons for main action/save), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 22:25, 21 January 23
Quote from: dragon on 20:06, 21 January 23its only button 2. Anyway you die if you don't do it in the rigth place... (its  more easy  this that  use in the game pad ttwo keys as we don`t have free butttons , using adso button don't affect walk or save/load,its the best option).
Is that indicated somewhere in the instruction manual or directly in the game? Because, without this information, of course the player will die ignoring what to do  8)
Check Abadia Guide pdf by EnriqueG73


I discover the game not hang by pressing fire, but want to record the game progress. :-\
So, the main action buton allow to save and the second buton (if you have one) to play.

I agree, that will be nice to be able to swap them, and if possible to keep the related keyboard key.
Into the original version, there are no message displayed while you are doing that?
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)

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