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The Abbey of Crime - La Abadia del Crimen (from:Converted GX4000 .cpr)

Started by dragon, 17:38, 10 January 23

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Quote from: dragon on 18:03, 17 January 23Add the option of plus palette.
I'm really sorry but I understand nothing to this cryptic system to choose colours in the 4096 colour palette :-X  Please can you just offer a nice Plus palette like the ones shown by @RockRiver or @CyrilAmstrad rather than the hability to change all the colours manually ? Maybe holding UP while pressing the button to choose the language for example ??? ?

Note: I didn't immediatly understand what you were talking about when you said you changed 'DAY' in the English version. Well done, it's a nice adjustment that was lost in your first English version, indeed  ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


I am not a graphycall guy.

The game have three palettes  each palette have 4 inks + border.

0:Are all black in the original palette
1:its tha pallete used in the  day.
2: its the palette used in the night

An thats all. In every ink you can choose from 4096 colours.

So chosining the color here:

And traslated  the number in decimal

Yo know what to enter.

In other words,i  can put a palette predefined.But i don`t know what palette put.So you can test with these :S Tell me what do you want.

Maybe @CyrilAmstrad can help with this.

iXien, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: dragon on 21:54, 17 January 23I am not a graphycall guy.

The game have three palettes  each palette have 4 inks + border.

0:Are all black in the original palette
1:its tha pallete used in the  day.
2: its the palette used in the night

An thats all. In every ink you can choose from 4096 colours.

So chosining the color here:

And traslated  the number in decimal

Yo know what to enter.

In other words,i  can put a palette predefined.But i don`t know what palette put.So you can test with these :S Tell me what do you want.

Maybe @CyrilAmstrad can help with this.
Hello @dragon :
Considering inks number as : 0 drawing  ; 1 faces colums ; 2 walls ; 3 grounds

Day palette :

0= 000
1= #8E4   = 2276 decimal
2= #152   = 338 decimal
3= #767  = 1865

Night palette:
1= #5c4 = 1476 decimal
2= #041 = 65 decimal
3= #014 = 20 decimal

let me know if it suit for you , by the way as usual , by PM if more confortable for you ;)

Amstradiens Facebook Group
Amstradiens Channel


Thanks for your time and good work, mates!!
Enjoy "Abadia"

Guide PDF (sorry in spanish)(mega link there)

One great game, four flavours: (five, at PCW by Habisoft)
- CPC classic
- MSX2 remake
- Abadia Extensum
- CPC+  / CPR   by Dragon

Masterpiece !!!   Credits:
Umberto Eco / Jean-Jacques Annaud
Paco Menéndez & Juan Delcan
Pazos & Celemin
and now Dragon 😎 this is historical, man. History!!!


Quote from: CyrilAmstrad on 10:55, 18 January 23
Quote from: dragon on 21:54, 17 January 23I am not a graphycall guy.
The game have three palettes  each palette have 4 inks + border.
0:Are all black in the original palette
1:its tha pallete used in the  day.
2: its the palette used in the night
An thats all. In every ink you can choose from 4096 colours.
So chosining the color here:
And traslated  the number in decimal
Yo know what to enter.
In other words,i  can put a palette predefined.But i don`t know what palette put.So you can test with these :S Tell me what do you want.
Maybe @CyrilAmstrad can help with this.
Hello @dragon :
Considering inks number as : 0 drawing  ; 1 faces colums ; 2 walls ; 3 grounds
Day palette :
0= 000
1= #8E4  = 2276 decimal
2= #152  = 338 decimal
3= #767  = 1865
Night palette:
1= #5c4 = 1476 decimal
2= #041 = 65 decimal
3= #014 = 20 decimal
let me know if it suit for you , by the way as usual , by PM if more confortable for you ;)
Ok, after some tests, I think it's more something like this for the colour order to use in the @dragon 's test system :

0 grounds; 1 walls; 2 faces colums; 3 drawing 

Day palette :

0= #767 = 1865 decimal
1= #152 = 338 decimal
2= #8E4 = 2276 decimal
3= #000 = 000 decimal

Night palette:
0= #014 = 20 decimal
1= #041 = 65 decimal
2= #5c4 = 1476 decimal
3= #000 = 0 decimal

I didn't have time to test the night colours but for day colours, the ground colour isn't the good one. It's more a blue than a grey. Can you see if you can reproduce the same grey that you shown on your mockup previously ?, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


A test finding the colours slightly matching with @CyrilAmstrad mockup.

And I think that after that it would be nice to patch colours of the introduction, these red and pink aren't very effective if the game itself become "Plus friendly" 8), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


There is a bug with inkey$ function from basic. Every time inkey$ was invoked the amstrad basic store in ram the key you have pressed.

The problem was when you are in a loop selecting the number of the ink using inkey$ from 0 to 4096 every pressed was stored.....and stored..... and stored...... eternally and all in ram was destroyed. :picard2: :picard: :laugh: that include the palette stored in ram.

So i have changed inkey$ with joy that fortunly don't store the keys  pressed in ram.

i dot`t have tested the palettes im busing fixing  this.

So its posibble that sometime the palete was input ok and other pissed if you press many time the pad wtf.

And yeah i don't know the esact order of who whas who in the registers.

I think we can choose more that one. And i can change the menu so you have the option of insert it manually as now or  choose from a previus palettes selected by us.

well the pergamine palete are loaded apart so its need search where are the subrutines.

Maybe we can make palettes "pcw" and msx style :D

ixien night


Quote from: dragon on 20:02, 18 January 23There is a bug with inkey$ function from basic. Every time inkey$ was invoked the amstrad basic store in ram the key you have pressed.

The problem was when you are in a loop selecting the number of the ink using inkey$ from 0 to 4096 every pressed was stored.....and stored..... and stored...... eternally and all in ram was destroyed. :picard2: :picard: :laugh: that include the palette stored in ram.

So i have changed inkey$ with joy that fortunly don't store the keys  pressed in ram.

i dot`t have tested the palettes im busing fixing  this.

So its posibble that sometime the palete was input ok and other pissed if you press many time the pad wtf.

And yeah i don't know the esact order of who whas who in the registers.

I think we can choose more that one. And i can change the menu so you have the option of insert it manually as now or  choose from a previus palettes selected by us.

well the pergamine palete are loaded apart so its need search where are the subrutines.

Maybe we can make palettes "pcw" and msx style :D

ixien night

I'm sorry @dragon but I really don't see the interest of a custumizable palette. Just offer a nice Plus palette in alternative to the original one and that's it. Want to play the game with original colours? 1 or 2 and go. Want to play with Plus colours? UP+1 or UP+2 and go. 

Now what is important is to choose consistent colors between day and night (aka the same purple you show at night, used at day too) @CyrilAmstrad can maybe give us these right colours  8) ?, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.

iXien, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


I need a progam that tell me thje right codes.These web page output red in green. wtf :picard2:  anyway maybe we can be two or three. pcw,mode msx,mode as i tell.


Quote from: dragon on 21:52, 18 January 23I need a progam that tell me thje right codes.These web page output red in green. wtf :picard2:  anyway maybe we can be two or three. pcw,mode msx,mode as i tell.
Don't worry : CPC classic palette and CPC+ palette it's enough.
(The other palettes for the other systems )
Thank You very much


Quote from: dragon on 21:52, 18 January 23I need a progam that tell me thje right codes.These web page output red in green. wtf :picard2:  anyway maybe we can be two or three. pcw,mode msx,mode as i tell.
The simpler it is, the nicer it is. It's not a Super Gameboy @dragon  :P  ! CPC colours or new PLUS colours is enough for everyone  ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


A very impressive proposal from a real graphician. The use of the palette is clever and the colours of night permit to play without any loss of visibililty. As a bonus, these colours would make the Plus version really unique :, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


After MSX2 version , Pazos & Celemin make this:

Not 8bit, sorry!!
For the wait, training to Dragon's CPC+/GX4000 exclusive and luxury version  8)


@dragon ,
I think it's enough to have 2 colors options at start :
-Old colors
- CPC+ colors with stand choices. ( night and day)

@iXien graphist proposals looks a bit « commodorian » shades for some few part of them.
Anyway , it's a question of atmosphere.
But mode1 is not allow such possibilities.
( improve a bit the original or complexly different with some « discussed »shades.
About colors range value , is after to decide which ones you decide I guess.
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Amstradiens Channel


For me the second proposal is the good one  ;)

Yes, a bit commodorian, but difficult to avoid when you have more nuanced colors but can only display four of them simultaneously. But I love the fact these colours give is own identity to the PLUS/GX4000 version. And these soft colors perfectly match the cozy atmosphere of the game.

@CyrilAmstrad , @dragon , let's go! @RockRiver is waiting to play all the game for the 100th time with this new version  :P, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Feel free!!! the Commodore version does not exist. :D
[Nowadays Abbey only on Z80, 8086 and extensum modern systems]

CPC+ / GX , CPR will be the best !!!


By Commodore you mean Amiga? ;D
Because I will see more of these colours on NES/GBC than on C64.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: iXien on 21:32, 17 January 23
Quote from: dragon on 18:03, 17 January 23Add the option of plus palette.
I'm really sorry but I understand nothing to this cryptic system to choose colours in the 4096 colour palette :-X  Please can you just offer a nice Plus palette like the ones shown by @RockRiver or @CyrilAmstrad rather than the hability to change all the colours manually ? Maybe holding UP while pressing the button to choose the language for example ??? ?

Note: I didn't immediatly understand what you were talking about when you said you changed 'DAY' in the English version. Well done, it's a nice adjustment that was lost in your first English version, indeed  ;)

Abadia v2.3 / 2.3.1
How I could enter to palette menu ?
It is hidden ?

And what about a CPC+ overscan title screen ??
(examples of redone)
MSX2 one:
ZX spectrum by MAC:



2.4 add pergamine palette option

The dsk have a save at the finish of the game to view pergamine 2

In principle the two pergamines share same palette


Quote from: dragon on 14:32, 19 January 232.4 add pergamine palette option

The dsk have a save at the finish of the game to view pergamine 2

In principle the two pergamines share same palette
I just understood what is pergamine. But what about the proposed colour scheme ? The last one presented seems to please everyone ? Or not @dragon ?, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.

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