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Super mario bros on CPC 464, still alive!

Started by GinBlog82, 11:50, 27 October 16

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"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


that's what I said! Arnold Mario [emoji14]

Enviado desde mi GT-N7100 mediante Tapatalk


This week I continued the project. I removed part of the unused tiles from the tileset, saving 3 KB. I changed the sprites/scroll implementation, removing the back buffer, saving another 16 KB. My technique is to update only the moving pixels on the front buffer to not have the blinking glitch. I added all the characters animation and I was able to move Mario on the screen, for the first time. With the free space, I can add more levels, so the game is becoming a real thing.


Quote from: GinBlog82 on 10:37, 02 November 16
This week I continued the project. I removed part of the unused tiles from the tileset, saving 3 KB. I changed the sprites/scroll implementation, removing the back buffer, saving another 16 KB. My technique is to update only the moving pixels on the front buffer to not have the blinking glitch. I added all the characters animation and I was able to move Mario on the screen, for the first time. With the free space, I can add more levels, so the game is becoming a real thing.

That's great news!
*Really* looking forward to playing this.


Quote from: Joseman on 09:38, 02 November 16that's what I said! Arnold Mario
Arnold and Roland sure... Who is Mario?  :-\
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


in Super Mario Bros (film) the last name of the brothers is revealed:

Mario Mario
Luigi Mario

It was a joke:

Arnold Mario
Roland Mario


You are right. It was confirmed by Miyamoto and it is logical.  ;D
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: TotO on 13:52, 02 November 16
You are right. It was confirmed by Miyamoto and it is logical.  ;D

Well the right joke in Roland world will be

Roland Roland
Arnold Roland

but it's a bad joke anyway  :P


"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


@GinBlog82 :

The most important thing about this type of game is the response to inputs, the ai, collision etc.

If you haven't looked at that yet, why not make a few test levels (without scrolling) and then you can easily nail all of this.

Then when tested on a scrolling level then you just need to fix a few issues and it's ready.

EDIT: if you're comfortable with C you could do the design in C using cpctelera and then transfer the c code to hand-asm when it's all finalised.
My games. My Games
My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


It is a cool project!
Have you thought about using rasters to add color? for example, in the floor.


My games. My Games
My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Quote from: arnoldemu on 14:57, 02 November 16
Just a prototype and the coder have not respected the gameplay.  :doh:
Mario must not walk behind the "trees"... It should be hidden only when he is not playable or vulnerable.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)



I think that the ZX Spectrum version is awesome, it's the only one that really tries to look like the original, it inspired me before starting my experiment. I don't know the
spectrum hardware but as far as I know, most of the features that I see on the youtube video are really hard to achieve on amstrad cpc+, impossible on classic CPC. Maybe
the gameplay is slightly different than the original and little bit frustrating, but before blaming you must consider the huge amount of work that there is behind it. To make my
game a real thing, I cut most of the features that I planned at the beginning, now there is only the front buffer (no double buffering), the scroll is moved with CRTC register 3
(that creates sync issues) and not 12, and I optimized the code to respect the original responsiveness. Today, I implemented the skidding and fixed some issues on the jump,
and finally I saw on the screen something that is good, but there are still lot of problems to fix, like collision detection, at the end of the day, it's a good amount of work. And
maybe somebody on youtube is gonna tell me "oh god, your game looks like shit, the nes one is way better" without understanding the hardware differences, the amount of
work behind it, that you have a totally different job on real life and that you are making it for free! So, the spectrum title is amazing, nobody is doing it to create a commercial
activity, to be professional or become a huge youtube celebrity, just for fun and for free, so if the game doesn't look like the original the positive thing is the great work that
lies behind and the proof that with a little bit of more efforts, the title could be produced in the old good days of Amstrad CPC 464, Commodore 64 and Spectrum ZX.


Quote from: GinBlog82 on 14:05, 04 November 16
I don't know the spectrum hardware but as far as I know, most of the features that I see on the youtube video are really hard to achieve on amstrad cpc+, impossible on classic CPC.

Out of curiosity, what features of the zxsmb do you think that isn't possible on a classic CPC ?

I really don't think the spectrum has any advantages than the cpc couldn't do, i think otherwise, the ZX can't do all that an amstrad cpc classic can do...


Huuum... I am not a coding expert but in principle I guess that the CPC Plus should be able to run an almost perfect Mario  :) . I mean, perfect besides the differences coming for the different graphic modes in the NES and the Amstrad. You could use hardware scrolling and move the sprites by hardware too... moreover, it would be possible to use a 512KB cart  :D


Quote from: ||C|-|E|| on 15:10, 04 November 16You could use hardware scrolling and move the sprites by hardware too... moreover, it would be possible to use a 512KB cart  :D
512KB Cart? You want to program it in BASIC?  ;D
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: TotO on 15:31, 04 November 16
512KB Cart? You want to program it in BASIC?  ;D

That I was thinking, IIRC SMB for NES ROM was less than 32KB.

EDIT: also the Z80 has better code density than the 6502.
Released The Return of Traxtor, Golden Tail, Magica, The Dawn of Kernel, Kitsune`s Curse, Brick Rick, Hyperdrive and The Heart of Salamanderland for the CPC.

If you like my games and want to show some appreciation, you can always buy me a coffee.


Quote from: TotO on 15:31, 04 November 16
512KB Cart? You want to program it in BASIC?  ;D

Hahaha... sure, it was just the biggest possible number  :laugh: (it is 512KB, right?)


Super Mario Bros. 3 might need all 512kb... Anyone fancy a go? :D
An expanding array of hardware available at (and issue 4 of CPC Fanzine!)


My latest efforts, I wish that you like it:

It's pretty fast and easy to control, I'm pretty happy with the responsiveness and the overall result. The next step is to add enemies and bonus, make the level playable.


Quote from: GinBlog82 on 14:05, 04 November 16
I think that the ZX Spectrum version is awesome, it's the only one that really tries to look like the original, it inspired me before starting my experiment. I don't know the
spectrum hardware but as far as I know, most of the features that I see on the youtube video are really hard to achieve on amstrad cpc+, impossible on classic CPC. Maybe
the gameplay is slightly different than the original and little bit frustrating, but before blaming you must consider the huge amount of work that there is behind it.
The Speccy demo is very impressive, though I'd definitely agree that having Mario walk behind objects is a terrible idea from a gameplay perspective - it looks a bit more like a coder showing off, but hey it's a demo after all! There certainly isn't anything there (or probably in the whole game) that would be technically difficult on a Plus machine though, it would be more than capable of pulling off Mario at 50fps without really trying. The tricky part would be getting the physics bang on, because Mario clones really live or die by how fluid the controls feel.

Your version for the CPC is looking pretty awesome though, it's a much harder deal to pull off on the old school machines, especially if you're limiting yourself to 64K. Looking forward to seeing how this progresses.


Does anyone knows how to record SMBX without lag? I'm using Bandicam


Quote from: davidsmith150 on 10:50, 05 November 16
Does anyone knows how to record SMBX without lag? I'm using Bandicam

If you have a GeForce graphics card, you can use GeForce NVIDIA Experience, the best video capture software I ever used so far. It implements something similar to NVIDIA GRID technology on kepler/maxwell hardware, so the lag is totally absent. If not supported, you can still use Bandicam that should support NvEnc or Cuda on NVIDIA series for video capture + H264 encoding on the fly, or OpenCL (AMD APP) for AMD series or Quick Sync Video for the Intel series.

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