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Results of the #CPCRetroDev competition

Started by Gryzor, 17:44, 23 November 14

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...which went unnoticed and with no announcement whatsoever outside that community... :(

Resultados del #CPCRetroDev 2014: 2º Concurso de Creación de Videojuegos Retro


There are two CPC communities:
- Spanish peoples that don't speak english
- All other peoples

And sadly, they are more productive than us!  :-\
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Yeah, but I doubt there aren't any Spaniards who speak english AND visit Spanish-only communities that can bring us the news :(



I find it really fascinating that there are so much activity in the spanish forums!

I visit the forum from time to time but I already struggle with my french language skills, so it's very limited what i can read there.. (mostly watch screenshots etc.  :D  )

Could be interesting if the "two" communities would collaborate more!
[/size][size=78%]/Ygdrazil  [/size]

Quote from: TotO on 18:26, 23 November 14
There are two CPC communities:
- Spanish peoples that don't speak english
- All other peoples

And sadly, they are more productive than us!  :-\


I think I saw one of these games on Twitter.   Good to know there's more active CPC users/developers.   I don't know Spanish though.   :-[
Favorite CPC games: Count Duckula 3, Oh Mummy Returns, RoboCop Resurrection, Tankbusters Afterlife


This game looks like fantastic fun!

..even if it is harvey headbanger(ish)


Nothing wrong with Harvey Headbanger-ish
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


the non-english speaking french comunity fails to deliver that much... neither the somewhat english speaking one. ;D


Looks like a great idea.


QuoteLooks like a great idea.
I agree. These are the exact games I am trying to think of and do myself. Quick, easy and immediately playable / fun.
I wish I had enough imagination to think up a simple concept like colour wars  ::) . Oh, and the skills to make it.  :laugh:
Keeping it Kiwi since 1977


Hi there!

I would like to appologize for not posting information about de #CPCRetroDev in english before. We conceived the #CPCRetroDev contest as a national contest and, therefore, we have published everything in Spanish. We didn't think that it would go abroad that fast, and we are still fascinated that the contest has received so much attention. I promise we will think of international community for the next edition and that I will personally come here to share everything with all of you.

Having said that, I want to start sharing: we are going to publish all the games (CDT and DSK versions) one by one, with source code (for the ones that have) and with all the information the developers have given to us about the development process (sorry, that one will be mainly in Spanish). Moreover, we are producing a cassette version of the games (yes, a phisical one) that will be available for purchase at the end of January, expectedly. Every single euro got from the copies sold will go directly to the prizes of #CPCRetroDev 2015.

And, of course, we have started sharing the games today, and here you are CDT, DSK, source code and information about this years' winner:


Thanks for the information.

... made by Vortex, that was a bit misleading for me, since Vortex was a German producer of hardware and software for the CPC. I already thought they are back.  :laugh:
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Welcome to the forum!

The international CPC community is super nice, and likes to know about anything CPC. After all, that's what makes a community!

Great to have you here!


Fantastic news and thank you for the info. I can't wait to give all of these games a go!  :D

Can I please ask... What were the rules for the competition? Size limits or anything of that nature? Can I enter for next year?  :P
Keeping it Kiwi since 1977


Excellent I'll be buying that tape then. More software for my 464plus.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: Morri on 22:47, 26 November 14
Can I please ask... What were the rules for the competition? Size limits or anything of that nature? Can I enter for next year?  :P

Would be interesting to know!  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Thank you very much for this great welcome :) .

@TFM: It is actually confusing. I think that lots of groups have named themselves "Vortex" in the past. But well, it was the decision of the authors after all :) .

@robcfg: Thank you very much :) . I hope to be able to give interesting contributions to the community :)

@Morri, @TFM: Of course, all of you are more than welcome to enter next year's edition :) . The original rules were written on Spanish. Summing them up in english would be like this:

  • Jury evaluation: Up to 100 points, divided as follows: (30:Playability and fun, 15:Technical level, 20:Graphics, 20:Sound, 10:GPL source code).
  • Awards: 2 awards for best and second best games (250€ and 75€) and 1 speciall award for the best BASIC game (75€). Only 1 award at most for each participant/group.
  • Games requirements: Should run on actual Amstrad CPC 464 hardware, as well as one emulator (WinAPE 2.0. alpha 18 or JavaCPC 2.3). They should load on one shot (multi-load is forbiddent). Games should be new (no previous publication). Games should be of any theme or type, as long as their content could be classified as "for all publics" (no extreme violence or explicit sex, for instance). Only 1 Game can be presented from each group/participant.
  • Entry: To enter the contest, a ZIP file (12 MB at most) should be submitted containing: A CDT file with the game (and a DSK optionally, just to simplify jury judgement), a PDF manual of the game, and author's TXT file with third party credits, and a ZIP file with GPL source code (optionally). Entering the contest mean assuming the rules and giving organizers explicit permission to publish the games and to create and sell the #CPCRetroDev 2014 cassette containing all the games.
@CraigsBar: Excellent! That will make next year's bag of prizes a little bigger :D .


Quote from: CraigsBar on 22:50, 26 November 14
Excellent I'll be buying that tape then. More software for my 464plus.

If I send you a C90 will you do me a copy :P


Quote from: TFM on 18:21, 27 November 14

Would be interesting to know!  :)

Are you sure that's a good idea?


IMHO the technical level should get some more points.  ;)  But ok, it may manifest in playability anyway.  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Welcome to our forum @ronaldo , and thanks for sharing with us! Indeed, our appetite is insatiable so yeah, there'll always be much interest in new releases or evens such as competitions...

Please, do come back and let us know when the physical tapes are released!


Hi all again!

   Thank you very much for your appreciation :). You are getting me motivated to do much more cpc-related stuff, great! :D

   As an advance, here you are some pictures of the actual tapes (yes, the real tapes have already been produced). Sadly, we still have to retain them, because we are waiting for an official permission to sell them (administrative related things... you know... ¬¬). But we expect to be able to get the permission soon and let these beautiful tapes fly away to their new homes :D. There you go the pictures:

  Aren't they so cute? :D (Excuse me, It's first time we do a physical production for de CPC and can't prevent my eyes from tearing :)). And, of course, I remember you that every single euro got from selling this beauties will go in its enterity to prizes for this year's #CPCRetroDev compo :). Better prizes, better entries, the best contestants and much more funny stuff for our beloved CPCs, that is our dream :D.

  BTW, we also have updated #CPCRetroDev site with new posts about some more of past year's entries:
All of them with comments from the developers (mostly in Spanish, sorry), source code, dsk, screenshots and video. Hope you enjoy them all :D.

   Regarding this year's #CPCRetroDev, we are planning on releasing rules on April/May and giving contestants up to October to send their entries. If you are planning on creating any new game for the CPC, it might be interesting for you :) (Hope it is!). I'll post more information here as soon as it is available :).
If you have any comments, please, let me know!


Quote from: ronaldo on 20:52, 24 February 15
Hi all again!

   Thank you very much for your appreciation :). You are getting me motivated to do much more cpc-related stuff, great! :D

   As an advance, here you are some pictures of the actual tapes (yes, the real tapes have already been produced). Sadly, we still have to retain them, because we are waiting for an official permission to sell them (administrative related things... you know... ¬¬). But we expect to be able to get the permission soon and let these beautiful tapes fly away to their new homes :D. There you go the pictures:

  Aren't they so cute? :D (Excuse me, It's first time we do a physical production for de CPC and can't prevent my eyes from tearing :)). And, of course, I remember you that every single euro got from selling this beauties will go in its enterity to prizes for this year's #CPCRetroDev compo :). Better prizes, better entries, the best contestants and much more funny stuff for our beloved CPCs, that is our dream :D.

  BTW, we also have updated #CPCRetroDev site with new posts about some more of past year's entries:
All of them with comments from the developers (mostly in Spanish, sorry), source code, dsk, screenshots and video. Hope you enjoy them all :D.

   Regarding this year's #CPCRetroDev, we are planning on releasing rules on April/May and giving contestants up to October to send their entries. If you are planning on creating any new game for the CPC, it might be interesting for you :) (Hope it is!). I'll post more information here as soon as it is available :).
If you have any comments, please, let me know!

oh please let me know when I can buy a tape. More than. Happy to support a genuine CPC project.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Oh! Oh! Yes please, do let us know!!


I take this thread back to life only to tell those of you who were following it that #CPCRetroDev2014 cassettes with the 16 games presented to the contest are now available for sale.
Hope you enjoy them :D

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