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R-type remake video unemulated

Started by ivarf, 06:01, 11 September 16

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I have never seen a video about that.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


That would be a good one for @chinnyhill10! Some R-Type on several systems (plus the CPC remake, that is).

Or may be we can suggest @ZEUSDAZ to make a video of the remake...

Those are the best YT channels that do unemulated stuff.
Released The Return of Traxtor, Golden Tail, Magica, The Dawn of Kernel, Kitsune`s Curse, Brick Rick, Hyperdrive and The Heart of Salamanderland for the CPC.

If you like my games and want to show some appreciation, you can always buy me a coffee.


I could make one, except I suck at the game, so I'd only be able to show the first level..........


is there actually a youtuber with a proper camera to regulary do good videos on real hardwares ?

Xyphoe did a video on real hardware for CyberChicken.
nice and fun but the picture ratio is not proper (a 16/9 turned into a 5/4 or something)
And you most of time get a somewhat blurry result for the monitor, CRT are not easy to film.

Still it is nice and R-Type128k could get such things.

Perhaps some videos may show briefly the game on real monitor but not sure and not even sure good picture quality is here.

I guess to have the game properly officially rleased with physical copies helps to have this sort of videos.

oh wait, there are those :

not CRT though.


Quote from: MacDeath on 20:29, 11 September 16
is there actually a youtuber with a proper camera to regulary do good videos on real hardwares ?

I use real hardware *every single week*. I covered the Batman demo from a CTM as well and my recent Chase HQ and Head Over Heels videos had footage from a CTM. All at 50fps on professional video cameras.

But if you want that every week, forget it. Too much effort and headache doing it. And I gave my CTM away in any case. Whenever I use footage from one its from a cache of stuff I recorded in the few weeks I had one here.
ChinnyVision - Reviews Of Classic Games Using Original Hardware
chinnyhill10 - YouTube


Quote from: reidrac on 16:47, 11 September 16
That would be a good one for @chinnyhill10! Some R-Type on several systems (plus the CPC remake, that is).

Can't say it's on my radar. There's plenty of videos on it on Youtube already and the game is old news now. I'd also need to get far enough into it and without a trainer that ain't gonna happen on the weekly release schedule I work to.
ChinnyVision - Reviews Of Classic Games Using Original Hardware
chinnyhill10 - YouTube


Quote from: chinnyhill10 on 21:49, 11 September 16

Can't say it's on my radar. There's plenty of videos on it on Youtube already and the game is old news now. I'd also need to get far enough into it and without a trainer that ain't gonna happen on the weekly release schedule I work to.

The games you usually review aren't too new either ;)

Fair enough, is not an easy game and given your tight schedule it is understandable you review the games you really feel like reviewing.
Released The Return of Traxtor, Golden Tail, Magica, The Dawn of Kernel, Kitsune`s Curse, Brick Rick, Hyperdrive and The Heart of Salamanderland for the CPC.

If you like my games and want to show some appreciation, you can always buy me a coffee.


Yes, this video is not so bad to see the game moving...

"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: reidrac on 22:08, 11 September 16
The games you usually review aren't too new either ;)

Fair enough, is not an easy game and given your tight schedule it is understandable you review the games you really feel like reviewing.

There's a whole schedule and criteria for doing them. Yes most of the games are old but they are multi format which seems to be what appeals to people. Single format stuff doesn't do as well unless its a hot new game (especially the Atari 8 bit stuff).

Although if you look at the channel you'll see I do squeeze in single format older stuff, especially CPC stuff. I've got a big list of CPC exclusive Amsoft stuff I want to do even though I know it won't do well. But I'll do it because I want to.

R-Type is on my list and has been considered. I even started recording bits for a big multi format review. But the problem I hit was I just couldn't get far enough on enough of the versions. I just about got away with Nemesis when I did it thanks to a good trainer on the C64 version and managing to put a good run together on the MSX without any assistance. But unless someone can pull a trainer out of the hat for CPC R-Type I don't think I've ever got past the mid point of level 2.
ChinnyVision - Reviews Of Classic Games Using Original Hardware
chinnyhill10 - YouTube


Chinny hill.

i think I just discovered your vine channel and yep, many "real screen footages" on it, despite not being CRT.

Also how could I forget this one :

easier for demos as you don't have to play while it films.

Zoe Robinson

Thank you for linking that. I'm not a Vine user but it was nice to see so much retro stuff. Also, Dr Scrimes' Spook School in a shot of Chinny's CPC was a nice bonus - one of my favourite CPC games. :)


Quote from: MacDeath on 23:17, 11 September 16

easier for demos as you don't have to play while it films.

I recorded a lot of Chase HQ footage from the CTM. It was mostly terrible (those with the calendar will find a load of Chase HQ CTM footage on the DVD). The game was nearly impossible to play because the camera was in the way.

Batman Forever took a few attempts to get right as well. It's fiddly and perfect results are nearly impossible (on Batman Forever you still get the occasional scan line going down the screen).
ChinnyVision - Reviews Of Classic Games Using Original Hardware
chinnyhill10 - YouTube


Quote from: Zoe Robinson on 00:21, 12 September 16
Thank you for linking that. I'm not a Vine user but it was nice to see so much retro stuff. Also, Dr Scrimes' Spook School in a shot of Chinny's CPC was a nice bonus - one of my favourite CPC games. :)

I must get back to using it again. Since GIF's became available on Twitter I've been using those instead for real hardware gameplay clips on there.
ChinnyVision - Reviews Of Classic Games Using Original Hardware
chinnyhill10 - YouTube


Dr Scrimes Spook school? Couldn't work out what that one was about . I'd love to see a you tube vid on it tbh


Quote from: Puresox on 17:23, 21 September 16
Dr Scrimes Spook school? Couldn't work out what that one was about . I'd love to see a you tube vid on it tbh

Glad to hear I'm not the only person who had no idea what to do! :laugh:

Last year, after finding cheats for the game to give me infinite energy, I finally managed to work out how to solve the first test:

Spoiler: ShowHide
You need to hunt around the entire mansion and find the hammer and nails and ten woodtiles in order to fill ten holes.

I still never managed to complete this test, though...


Ahhh , will take a gander at it .


Quote from: TotO on 22:11, 11 September 16
Yes, this video is not so bad to see the game moving...

It seems a lot smoother here than what I have seen in the emulated videos


"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: chinnyhill10 on 22:23, 11 September 16But unless someone can pull a trainer out of the hat for CPC R-Type I don't think I've ever got past the mid point of level 2.
There are some infos about the trainer here : r-type &copy easter egg (2012)
"NOP" is the perfect program : short , fast and (known) bug free

Follow Easter Egg products on Facebook !

Zoe Robinson

Oh man, the first test on Dr Scrimes was literally the only one my very young self could manage. That game was TOUGH!


Quote from: Zoe Robinson on 11:25, 26 September 16
Oh man, the first test on Dr Scrimes was literally the only one my very young self could manage. That game was TOUGH!
There you go then a good  vid for you to do a demo lets play Dr.Scimes . Seems it is crying out for a vid.
TBH it was never a game I bought at the time , and I have only sort of scan played it in recent years . And because it didn't hook me I didn't bother to look into what it was about. The game does intrigue me mind you .

Zoe Robinson

It's the subject of a forthcoming GameHammer video. :)


Give the public what they demand lol !  :D

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