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New game for Amstrad GX-4000 from Condense

Started by XeNoMoRPH, 16:37, 08 August 19

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Can't wait to hear what this is. New GX games are always a good thing.


Yes, a canadian cold game ! maybe spanish guys will be interested about cpc+/gx4000 programming after that...

Ast/iMP4CT. "By the power of Grayskull, i've the power"

All friends are welcome !


Quote from: Ast on 09:11, 11 August 19
Yes, a canadian cold game ! maybe spanish guys will be interested about cpc+/gx4000 programming after that...
Why should be spanish guys be interested in CPC+? Maybe should be british or greeks or germans or people of Mordor, sorry but this must be the most stupid thing that i have read ever.

In my case, i have a CPC+ and the Gerald cart, and the CPC+ is the most boring CPC machine with unuseful and silly extras (the worst sprite system ever designed, even the Atari 2600 one is more fun and useful) that are hacked to the CPC architecture in the most anti-cpc way (memory mapped vs i/o ports). And only because the Gerald cart the machine is a little more useful... for pirates that love convert the worst cracks ever made using a tool that we have not source.

Sorry, but show me more 6128 floppy friendly game, more Orion Prime and less CPC+ shit.


Quote from: SyX on 14:45, 11 August 19
Why should be spanish guys be interested in CPC+? Maybe should be british or greeks or germans or people of Mordor, sorry but this must be the most stupid thing that i have read ever.

In my case, i have a CPC+ and the Gerald cart, and the CPC+ is the most boring CPC machine with unuseful and silly extras (the worst sprite system ever designed, even the Atari 2600 one is more fun and useful) that are hacked to the CPC architecture in the most anti-cpc way (memory mapped vs i/o ports). And only because the Gerald cart the machine is a little more useful... for pirates that love convert the worst cracks ever made using a tool that we have not source.

Sorry, but show me more 6128 floppy friendly game, more Orion Prime and less CPC+ shit.

Each to their own


Quote from: SyX on 14:45, 11 August 19
... for pirates that love convert the worst cracks ever made using a tool that we have not source.
If you're talking of Nocart, that's not a fair comment. The source is included within the zip file.


Quote from: gerald on 15:13, 11 August 19
If you're talking of Nocart, that's not a fair comment. The source is included within the zip file.
It is fantastic to discover that i am wrong :) I didn't know that there is an alternative to the old no$cart :)


One important thing, i have not been speaking about this project, i am sure that this project would be great, as everything that norecess always make.

I have answered specifically to Ast and his stupid comment.


My personal website:
My current project is Sonic GX, a remake of Sonic the Hedgehog for the awesome Amstrad GX-4000 game console!


Quote from: SyX on 18:28, 11 August 19
One important thing, i have not been speaking about this project, i am sure that this project would be great, as everything that norecess always make.

I have answered specifically to Ast and his stupid comment.

Thanks for your stupid answer ! It was only pure joke but i saw you didn't understand it!

Ast/iMP4CT. "By the power of Grayskull, i've the power"

All friends are welcome !



"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


So new guests expected in Greece soon ?


Quote from: kawickboy on 08:48, 20 August 19
So new guests expected in Greece soon ?
I received something similar ("pay flight ticket to Alchimie party in France") but (politely) refused. While I sincerely appreciate the offer, I believe there is something wrong about accepting money for a hobby time.

(EDIT 29 Sept 2019: after clarifying the situation and making sure about the expectations, I finally decided to accept the offer.)
My personal website:
My current project is Sonic GX, a remake of Sonic the Hedgehog for the awesome Amstrad GX-4000 game console!


It shall be known by now that i offer a free week vacation in my small hotel to any amstrad programmer and i shall do  again to Condense once they completed their game for the plus amstrads.For me offering a week vacation to the programmers is the way i can contribute to the amstrad society.My offer will change my life  in a positive way,bysharing what i have,i will not get any richer nor poorer,so why not to offer what i have.In total i wish i could have been a doctor saving thousands of lives and their families after the patients but i cannot be such a doctor.Offering free vacations in my small hotel is my contribution in making this world better.I guess, you all know the greek philoxenia term .Pardon me but i do not accept any hint about my intentions.thank you.
PS.okey  ,i admit i accept a little black humor about my intentions by the amstradians!


Thanks @amijim . Yes, this is really helping the community, there is nothing wrong about that.

Some news about the game:
- BLAST ANNUAL 2020 will feature special coverage about the game with some exclusive content  8)
- BLAST ANNUAL actually became the official sponsor of the game, cf. a win-win situation where the magazine benefit of exclusive content + us having more coverage of our game.  8)
- It's official, I (NoRecess) will be traveling from Canada to France to discuss and present the game @ Alchimie this year  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

As a reminder, the game will be first shown at Alchimie -- no copy of the game will be ever released till the game is not 100% finished (only Youtube videos will be published).
My personal website:
My current project is Sonic GX, a remake of Sonic the Hedgehog for the awesome Amstrad GX-4000 game console!


But... What kind of game it is ? Say more !!!


My pronouns are RASM and ACE


I'm hoping it's going to be ATOM SMASHER: RELOADED! In 3D!


Quote from: GOB on 10:56, 29 September 19
But... What kind of game it is ? Say more !!!
I keep the exclusivity for people coming to Alchimie.
Alchimie demoparty is in 1 month. @GOB (Iron) that would be nice if you could come and join us !  :)
My personal website:
My current project is Sonic GX, a remake of Sonic the Hedgehog for the awesome Amstrad GX-4000 game console!


Sorry but not for me... It's the past for me now this kind of meeting.
No desire to go there.


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