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Massive gift from the Oliver Twins

Started by cpc4eva, 21:51, 25 September 15

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Hey guys i recently just started up a new FB group called AMSTRAD CPC CLASSIC GAMING.

As the name suggests its all about CPC games and CPC gaming.

Here's the link

A bit more info about it is that its a retro gaming group for all retro gaming enthusiasts with the focus on CLASSIC AMSTRAD CPC GAMING to discuss all things amstrad cpc gaming including the plus range and the GX4000. Please feel free to come by and become a member, add your comments and screenshots and reviews, videos and music etc etc about CPC / CPC+ / GX4000 games you loved, hated or otherwise. All are welcome in there -

so thats the plug out of the way and now onto the Oliver Twins who sent me a massive gift

Many thanks to the Oliver's for allowing me to share this with everyone.

Phillip Oliver kindly sent me pictures of the original game work for GP SIM 2 -
check out these pics, hope you all like them


Quote from: cpc4eva on 21:51, 25 September 15
Hey guys i recently just started up a new FB group called AMSTRAD CPC CLASSIC GAMING.

Isn't this the best place to discuss CPC games? I'm certainly happier discussing stuff here than on Sinister Facebook.
ChinnyVision - Reviews Of Classic Games Using Original Hardware
chinnyhill10 - YouTube


why limit yourself to just one ?

afterall thats how i was able to chat with the Oliver Twins and that's how they sent me those pics  ;)

im just grateful they showed me and i could share with everyone hope everyone enjoys and appreciates it.


Are this 3" floppys containing source code of the game??  :o

How many codemaster games will they have the source code???!!!!

Don't want to share to the community? anyone has asked?

it will be perfect!!


yes that is the Olivers original game disks and tapes with original game source code

its theirs not mine they just sent me pics of it if you look at the Olivers you tube vids they show that they have kept their original work and code on disks and tapes for their other games as well

im not one to ask for much im just glad i could see the pics they sent me how cool is that - did u see the original title was called super GP sim ?

do people want me to ask if i can get a copy of the source code disk? i would feel strange for asking though i can tell u.


Quote from: cpc4eva on 09:57, 26 September 15
yes that is the Olivers original game disks and tapes with original game source code

its theirs not mine they just sent me pics of it if you look at the Olivers you tube vids they show that they have kept their original work and code on disks and tapes for their other games as well

im not one to ask for much im just glad i could see the pics they sent me how cool is that - did u see the original title was called super GP sim ?

do people want me to ask if i can get a copy of the source code disk? i would feel strange for asking though i can tell u.

When I asked them they said the source code for their games was due to be archived by the National Computer Museum.
ChinnyVision - Reviews Of Classic Games Using Original Hardware
chinnyhill10 - YouTube


Nice looking at the map drawings in particular, always enjoyed top down racers. 
Enjoying/Creating Retro Games


Quote from: chinnyhill10 on 12:00, 26 September 15

When I asked them they said the source code for their games was due to be archived by the National Computer Museum.

that would b interesting, how long ago was it that you asked them and they replied that to you ??


Quote from: cpc4eva on 22:15, 26 September 15

that would b interesting, how long ago was it that you asked them and they replied that to you ??

On Twitter a few months ago.
ChinnyVision - Reviews Of Classic Games Using Original Hardware
chinnyhill10 - YouTube


are those documented source codes ?


Quote from: MacDeath on 12:01, 27 September 15
are those documented source codes ?

As far as i am aware i believe that everything in the pics is their original game work and yes that would be a printout of the original source code.   From what i saw on one of their youtube vids those print outs can be quite long.

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