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Lee Enfield is Space Ace

Started by Gryzor, 07:56, 22 September 15

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Apparently from a series featuring Lee enfield. A Prohibition-like title, quite nicely done.

Has anyone ever played this? I just discovered it - and it's so damn hard!

[attachimg=1] [attachimg=2] [attachimg=3];sa=details;lid=918


Hey, that greenish-gray in two of those shots isn't a CPC colour.
Favorite CPC games: Count Duckula 3, Oh Mummy Returns, RoboCop Resurrection, Tankbusters Afterlife


Wot? CPC-power is cheating? :D


I never liked Prohibition when I was a kid (I always found it very stressing) but this game looks really great  :) . I did not know it!


If you found Prohibition stressing then stay away from this :D


Lee Enfield is not bad , although I do find the enemies difficult to spot sometimes , they blend into the background  too easily . Prohibtion is a little better in this respect .


Quote from: Gryzor on 09:06, 22 September 15
If you found Prohibition stressing then stay away from this :D

For sure I will!

I remember the endless looking for the bad guys and then getting nervous and less accurate every minute.



Yeah. With Lee Enfield I can't even locate 3/4 of the opponents...

Must also check the rest of the Lee Enfield series!


I think it's way to easy. Played it through back the day without a problem. Remember Prohibition to be way harder, needed a poke.

TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: Gryzor on 07:56, 22 September 15
Has anyone ever played this? I just discovered it - and it's so damn hard!

I have. Are you aware that holding down the ESC key acts as a shield? The game is a lot easier once you know this. ;)


If I remember right the rest of the Lee Enfield games are utter crap, unless I am missing something with them.


Haven't tried this one. I thought it was Don Bluth's Space Ace when I first read the title. While we got Dragon's Lair & the sequel I don't think the CPC got Space Ace. It did get a release on the Super Nintendo, that's the only one I can remember playing...


Quote from: TFM on 18:57, 22 September 15
I think it's way to easy. Played it through back the day without a problem. Remember Prohibition to be way harder, needed a poke.
Who did need the poke, you or the game?  ;D


Quote from: MiguelSky on 12:19, 25 September 15
Who did need the poke, you or the game?  ;D

Guess once a while a need a POKE, meanwhils it's Friday, I'm on my PEEK now.  ;)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Actually Bob Morane, and created by Infogrames.

the same who did Prohibition...

infogrames did a lot of Comic books adaptations... mostly Franco-blege Bande Dessinée...

Also great adventure games with many graphical contents.

Some bobMorane games look like having the same "engine" as Iznogoud.

And Infogrames did some legendary and very rarely seen games...
Les Dieux de la Mer, Bivouac, Marche à l'Ombre...Hostages...

And also CPC games ported to TO8...

they could have the best Mode1 games also...

QuoteHey, that greenish-gray in two of those shots isn't a CPC colour.
CPC powers may sometimes have badly set colours... must be a PLUS screenshot.

Also Carnivac, I'm pretty sure you could produce awesome graphics for a prohibition like game...  ;)


Quote from: MacDeath on 23:40, 21 October 15
Actually Bob Morane, and created by Infogrames.

the same who did Prohibition...

infogrames did a lot of Comic books adaptations... mostly Franco-blege Bande Dessinée...

Also great adventure games with many graphical contents.

Some bobMorane games look like having the same "engine" as Iznogoud.

And Infogrames did some legendary and very rarely seen games...
Les Dieux de la Mer, Bivouac, Marche à l'Ombre...Hostages...

And also CPC games ported to TO8...

they could have the best Mode1 games also...

CPC powers may sometimes have badly set colours... must be a PLUS screenshot.

Also Carnivac, I'm pretty sure you could produce awesome graphics for a prohibition like game...  ;)
Are you fluent with these games? I gather you seem to think they have some merit ,when I have looked at them myself i have been left underwhelmed in that they look better than they play. I realise that I may be just missing elements of gameplay?
Not heard many other good reports tbh .


Adventure games are... adventure games... never liked them but when the graphics are good it is still some merit. I should have written "great looking", not just "great"

The Comic book games are... licensed games.Not always good as well.
Many were some sort of interactive comic book, adventure oriented.

North and South was good.

Les Dieux de la Mer was a great game, Chamonix challenge/Bivouac was really a kind of game rarely done or seen.
Prohibition was great (I liked it a lot)
Mystical wasn't too bad.


Some GFX are good, some would have needed some overworking by hand. Sorry.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus

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