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I have an article published in Retro Gamer magazine!! About the Amstrad! :D

Started by Xyphoe, 09:00, 05 October 16

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Hey guys!

Thought I'd share this with you, but in this months Retro Gamer magazine (Load 160) I have my very first article published!

And it's about the "Amstrad 6128 Plus"! I was determined that this fine machine finally get some love in the mag!!
It's the "Minority Report" section on page 58 onwards.

I also managed to get in some love for Richard 'Executioner' Wilson and his Frogger game and WinApe emulator, and some love for Fano, BDC and MacDeath with their Rick Dangerous 6128+ remake!

Lastly... just want to give a big thank you to Daz the editor of Retro Gamer. I know he's gotten some stick on here at times, but he grew up with the Amstrad and truly loves it - and has often defended it many times. You'll find at least some mention of the Amstrad in every issue, and I really think we have Daz to thank for that.

I made a video about the article if you're interested -

Cheers guys :) I'm really stoked and happy as you can tell!


Very cool! kudos!

(I've been told that 161 may have a review of Golden Tail in the homebrew section; I'll have to buy 160 too then!)
Released The Return of Traxtor, Golden Tail, Magica, The Dawn of Kernel, Kitsune`s Curse, Brick Rick, Hyperdrive and The Heart of Salamanderland for the CPC.

If you like my games and want to show some appreciation, you can always buy me a coffee.


Oh, funny, I thought your article was only the spread about Prehistorik!

Cooooool, seriously!

So I went back and read the rest. So nice to see some coverage by someone who loves the machine... thanks, and congrats!


Congratulations!  ;D

However seeing as it's retro gamer, does that mean you'll only need to do one article and it will be re-used with every Amstrad mention?  :picard: :laugh:
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Congratulations, Xyphoe! 8) Having said that, there isn't exactly a great deal of choice when it comes to deciding which games to include... :laugh:

I also wonder whatever happened to that other article about The Greatest Amstrad CPC Games You've Never Played that Darran discussed with this forum late last year?


Thanks guys! Really appreciated, hope you liked my very first article. I would now like to change some bits and make it a bit more fun to read, but I wanted to cram in as much info as possible in the short space.


Quote from: Nich on 16:39, 08 October 16
Congratulations, Xyphoe! 8) Having said that, there isn't exactly a great deal of choice when it comes to deciding which games to include... :laugh:

I also wonder whatever happened to that other article about The Greatest Amstrad CPC Games You've Never Played that Darran discussed with this forum late last year?

Hahaha!! Yea that is pretty much every 6128 Plus game there!!
Obviously I missed out the ones that just did a re-colour of the loading screen and possibly in game graphics (eg Operation Wolf +). The Jet Set Willy+ one nearly made it because it did a lot more with the in game graphics.

As for that other article ... Daz said he's still thinking about it. I have made errr 'subtle' hints I'd like to do it!



Well done. In about 4 months it will arrive in Australia so I can read it!  :P

I was in talks with Stuart Hunt to write an article (Nintendo related), but then the emails stopped & I'd learned that he left the mag. Just looking back, he was about to send me a contract & everything, then nothing...

I tried emailing Darran 3 times afterwards but he never replied, which I thought was a bit rude at the time. He was CCed in on all of the correspondence I had with Stuart, so he knew what was going on. I've been studying journalism ever since & have been writing for smaller publications when I can. I might approach them again a bit later on when my qualifications are done & I have more experience under my belt.

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