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HxC game pack.

Started by CraigsBar, 23:38, 10 August 16

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Did I see a pack of HFE games (for HxC and patched gotekvdevices) for download? Now that I have 2 cpc's with 3inch HxC drives I could use some games lol! Oh and I don't want to reinvent the wheel and convert them akk from dsk to HFE myself.

IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


I made a few days ago a pack based in nvg ftp. I divided all categorys arcade board in letters of the abecedary. (You find arcade-> a->games,b->games,c->games etc...)

But i can't up it. Because i have a dsl with 3mb download 32kbs upload. So its a nightmare for me made these upload of gigabyte files.

Anyway if you can wait, i can tell a friend have 300mb/300mb of fibre upload it at the finish of this week to my mega account.

My next wheel reinvent be try a sd wifi card with the hxc to upload games with my movil android. :).(as cpcrulez include .hfe files in her downloads).


Quote from: dragon on 00:32, 11 August 16
I made a few days ago a pack based in nvg ftp. I divided all categorys arcade board in letters of the abecedary. (You find arcade-> a->games,b->games,c->games etc...)

But i can't up it. Because i have a dsl with 3mb download 32kbs upload. So its a nightmare for me made these upload of gigabyte files.

Anyway if you can wait, i can tell a friend have 300mb/300mb of fibre upload it at the finish of this week to my mega account.

My next wheel reinvent be try a sd wifi card with the hxc to upload games with my movil android. :).(as cpcrulez include .hfe files in her downloads).
That would be great if you could get it uploaded ;)
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


I'm pretty sure there was a HXC game pack shared through dropbox via the Amstrad CPC FB group a few months ago..

I'll find the link once I get home from work  ;)


Quote from: CraigsBar on 07:31, 11 August 16
That would be great if you could get it uploaded ;)

A miracle,the 4gb+ add in winrar best compression have been reduce to 270mb! :o .

So i can upload it. two hours +-



There is a lot of blank spaces in the 1mb HFE from a 190k dsk.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Indeed, most of it is just padding.


Quote from: archcosmo on 08:22, 11 August 16
I'm pretty sure there was a HXC game pack shared through dropbox via the Amstrad CPC FB group a few months ago..

I'll find the link once I get home from work  ;)
Thanks for the reminder.... I just found it.... In my own Dropbox folder ahem! Please ignore me.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


I was going to tell you that I have it decompressed in the SD I use with my own HxC :D


Quote from: CraigsBar on 13:15, 11 August 16

There is a lot of blank spaces in the 1mb HFE from a 190k dsk.

There is a lot of blank spaces in the 190k .DSK from a 20k game-file for a 64k computer! :) 


IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Well as   i lost four hour to upload it. I left it here to decorating the thread .

next to the vase ming.!g9x2nbiK!TSuOGH-kH78Uc86TAd-vQG3HLtnmJl3PiDoIOAfQv7c



TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Thanks so much! Why do I feel guilty that it only took me a minute and a half to download?  :-[
An expanding array of hardware available at (and issue 4 of CPC Fanzine!)


Quote from: Skunkfish on 22:39, 11 August 16
Thanks so much! Why do I feel guilty that it only took me a minute and a half to download?  :-[
Ditto, but loving the layout ;)
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: Skunkfish on 22:39, 11 August 16
Thanks so much! Why do I feel guilty that it only took me a minute and a half to download?  :-[

That's the time to beat.
Thou shall not question Captain Wrong!


And time to extract it.?.  Its not only upload Compress take 30m.+ time to create folders a-z.

Who have the record decompressing  it?.


Quote from: dragon on 10:21, 12 August 16
And time to extract it.?.  Its not only upload Compress take 30m.+ time to create folders a-z.

Who have the record decompressing  it?.

Didn't time it, but I think it was much longer than it took to download! Perhaps I'll redo it when I get in tonight out of curiosity :)

(I used 7zip)
An expanding array of hardware available at (and issue 4 of CPC Fanzine!)


Quote from: Skunkfish on 11:22, 12 August 16
Didn't time it, but I think it was much longer than it took to download! Perhaps I'll redo it when I get in tonight out of curiosity :)

(I used 7zip)

Then try these compressor.

In extreme mode it needs 3gb of ram.


I was wrong, 48 seconds to decompress using 7Zip.
An expanding array of hardware available at (and issue 4 of CPC Fanzine!)


Quote from: Skunkfish on 20:27, 12 August 16
I was wrong, 48 seconds to decompress using 7Zip.

/Funny mode on/
Windows 7 (64 bit): 151 seconds
FutureOS (X-MEM): 50205 seconds = 14 hours
CP/M Plus (X-MEM): 677777 seconds = 188 hours = 8 days
SymbOS (X-MEM): running since months, yawn, maybe in 2017  :P
/Funny mode off/

Ok, I've been serious about Windows.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: Skunkfish on 20:27, 12 August 16
I was wrong, 48 seconds to decompress using 7Zip.

I7?. Well muy poor piv can't compete jejeje..

One question. Somebody make a  system cartridge for the plus with the hxc rom manager  embebbed in the cartridge?.


Quote from: dragon on 09:45, 13 August 16
I7?. Well muy poor piv can't compete jejeje..

One question. Somebody make a  system cartridge for the plus with the hxc rom manager  embebbed in the cartridge?.

Autoresponse No.

I not have the cpc mounted. Probably not work but..

type |game and pray


WoW! You're quick!  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM on 18:43, 16 August 16
WoW! You're quick!  :)

Oh but is finished(at least i think) in the c4cpc thread. I upload It here to.

|game or spiel =burning rubber |hxc=hxc |c4cpc=c4cpc

Only need testing for someone. Later if is o.k a can try patch other languajes.

It uses 16kx10=160kb the maximum c4cpc can load from slot.

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