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Converting a game to ROM - and LOTS of ROM files inside!

Started by FRAGKI-2012, 00:30, 28 March 13

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Has it been SIX WHOLE MONTHS since anyone did anything constructive with this thread? And have I been working in my present job for SIX WHOLE MONTHS and I haven't yet committed suicide or actually bothered to look for a new job?

Well, here's a little version of that olde-time classic, |SPYVSSPY with my new MODE 1 overscan title screen. Hopefully, the first of many new titles added to the ROM collection. I am hoping to get all single-load games ROM'd up before the end of the year. Or, at least one game ROM'd, anyway!

EDIT: I'm surprised this one hasn't been converted yet, the brilliant |MONTYONTHERUN with a recoloured C64 screen instead of that naff, MODE 1 Speccy image!

EDIT: A tough one to ROM-ify, but thanks to the wonders of the LDIR command, here's GREAT |GURIANOS on two ROMs. It was worth it for the music alone! ^_^

EDIT: Another musical feast, it's David Whittaker's soundtrack to a Speccy port turkey; the fabulous |GLIDERRIDER.

EDIT: Finally, for this post, another superb music track to a pants-bollocks game... NEMESIS THE |WARLOCK.

(Tested and working fine on WinAPE2A18!)


A nice, quiet Sunday off work before a stupid 13 day week over Easter! This means I will miss REVISION this year, but I am going to be watching everything on the stream at work! Sod 'em! Anyway, on my day off I decided to convert a few MIKRO-GEN favourites.

Firstly, I decided to convert the complete WALLY WEEK series. |PYJAMARAMA, EVERYONE'S A |WALLY, HERBERT'S |DUMMYRUN and |3WEEKS IN PARADISE.

EDIT: Then, as FROSTBYTE has already been done, I thought I'd do the other brilliant MIKRO-GEN action game, |EQUINOX. It's the single-file trained version from CPC-Power... so I didn't actually do anything for this one! ^_^


Damn, no other comments? I didn't want to reply before I tried them, but I didn't have the time yet, so I just wanted to say thanks :) I'm going to add them to the Wiki's ROM table.

You're fantastic!!!   


Done! We now have 93 games in ROM format. Amazing...       


I am jobless AGAIN for a few days (start my new job on Tuesday), so I have a few minutes to spare to convert a few more games to |ROM. Quite an eclectic mix of titles this time... I was going to do a GREMLIN GRAPHICS special, but I had a lot of problems converting BOUNDER (it would load fine, but the ROM image goes straight into the game. The original and compressed dumps, however, go to the title screen first. Very strange!)



EDIT: The cartoon "classic" |RUFFNREDDY on two ROMs. Now, this is the single-file trained version (by Nicholas Campbell) from CPC-Power... so I only split it onto the ROMs and did nothing else!

EDIT: THE CURSE OF |SHERWOOD, again, was a split single-file game... simple to convert... took two minutes!

EDIT: Finally, for this post, |TRIBBLE TROUBLE... however, I have NO IDEA HOW THE FUCK TO PLAY THE GAME, so I cannot confirm or deny if it works or not! It loads and starts and everything, but I die in seconds and as confused as hell!


Is there a reason why you include The Curse of Sherwood ROM 1 twice?

Edit: I've uploaded them all to the Wiki page (except Sherwood as I assume there's a ROM 2 missing)



Quote from: Bryce on 12:22, 22 May 14
Is there a reason why you include The Curse of Sherwood ROM 1 twice?

Yes... it was done on purpose... just to see if anyone would actually notice! ^_^

(P.S. Ta! I didn't realise I'd posted that one twice!)


So have I won something for noticing?? :D

Edit: Curse of Sherwood uploaded too now (despite lack of prize).



Quote from: Bryce on 13:01, 22 May 14
So have I won something for noticing?? :D

Edit: Curse of Sherwood uploaded too now (despite lack of prize).


You're already a hardware god.. and you want more?   :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
My games. My Games
My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Quote from: Bryce on 13:01, 22 May 14
So have I won something for noticing?? :D


YES! You win a FREE "The Curse Of Sherwood" download. Just use this simple to remember passcode when downloading;


Or was it 02...? I can't remember. Try both and see what happens! *hehe*


Quote from: Jonah (Tasteful Mr) Ship on 13:10, 22 May 14
YES! You win a FREE "The Curse Of Sherwood" download. Just use this simple to remember passcode when downloading;


Or was it 02...? I can't remember. Try both and see what happens! *hehe*

Oh no, now I've memorised that number It'll be in my head forever....



No work and all play makes Jonah Ship a busy boy! More useless ROMs for the ROM Game Collection! This time they are mega, super, wonderous games!

MEGA |APOCALYPSE; the poor-man's CRAZY COMETS... complete with poor-man's Rob Hubbard tune! (No offense to Jas Brooke or Rob Hubbard, but even the C64 tune was far inferior to the original!) New loading screen included in this one as the olde MODE 1 screen wasn't the best the CPC can do! (Putting it mildy)

EDIT: In keeping the mega theme, here's MEGA |PHOENIX. The only difference here is colour #11 has been changed to colour #14 on the loading screen. Anyone (but TotO) wouldn't have noticed... or cared! ^_^

EDIT: A double whammy here, Nicholas Campbell's rip of |SUPERKID and |SUPERKIDINSPACE. Both posted together because both use the same loader... so I just packed the files and pasted them in! Nice!

EDIT: Finally, |WONDERBOY completes the 10 file attachment limit. Recoloured loading screen and 40 bytes left on 2 ROMs. A big game!

EDIT: Is there any chance that someone could change the details on the ROM page of the CPC-Wiki to show the | command rather than "Converted by Tastefulmrship"? Or, if I have editing rights, I'm happy to do it.


Uups.... is the download counter broken?

EDIT: 5/25/2014 - seems to work.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM on 21:58, 24 May 14
Uups.... is the download counter broken?
Yeah... I'd recommend moving on and flaming someone else, 'cos I'm not rising to any of your snide, negative comments. You're really only wasting your own time and energy... energy which could be used for more productive, helpful, positive means. I quite enjoy packing these games onto ROM(s) and you (or anyone else, for that matter) ain't going to stop me; you tried before, but I came back. So, please go back to whatever it is you do in your world and leave me to do whatever it is I do in mine. (Thanks for the unintentional bump, though)


I have to admit that I lost interest in ROM games a bit, after finding out the limitations.
I naively thought I would have like 25 games or so in ROM, but my experience was that after about 7 games or so, problems started, for whatever reason.


True, but it's still nice to have 2 or 3 of your favourites on the MegaFlash for instant playing at any time.



Quote from: Bryce on 19:05, 25 May 14True, but it's still nice to have 2 or 3 of your favourites on the MegaFlash for instant playing at any time.

Yes. All I'm saying is, that it explains the low number of downloads.


Well once I had Harrier Attack on ROM I didn't need anything else :)



And I can settle for a few games too.  :)
It would just have been nice to have many more though.
Is it completely impossible to make room for more? (I don't mean slots, obviously).
I mean, if the price didn't matter, could it be done so that we could have 25 games on MegaFlash somehow?


The problem is that every ROM reserves a bit of RAM. If you have a lot of ROMs installed they use up too much RAM so the game can't run. You can always park the ones you're not using, that way you free up RAM.



Quote from: mr_lou on 19:55, 25 May 14
And I can settle for a few games too.  :)
It would just have been nice to have many more though.
Is it completely impossible to make room for more? (I don't mean slots, obviously).
I mean, if the price didn't matter, could it be done so that we could have 25 games on MegaFlash somehow?

Quote from: Bryce on 20:24, 25 May 14The problem is that every ROM reserves a bit of RAM. If you have a lot of ROMs installed they use up too much RAM so the game can't run. You can always park the ones you're not using, that way you free up RAM.Bryce.

Well, yes and no. ROMs like Maxam and Protext reserve a couple hundred bytes. But if you put a game into the ROM the ROM will not need more than four bytes of RAM. At least this is the case for all my ROM games made with the Inicron Softbrenner. I never used the ROM creator of roman, but it may be the same for it.

So in principle you can have 30 ROMs with games in it and all they need would be only 120 bytes, which is no problem for 99.7% of all other software.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM on 21:10, 25 May 14Well, yes and no. ROMs like Maxam and Protext reserve a couple hundred bytes. But if you put a game into the ROM the ROM will not need more than four bytes of RAM. At least this is the case for all my ROM games made with the Inicron Softbrenner. I never used the ROM creator of roman, but it may be the same for it.

So in principle you can have 30 ROMs with games in it and all they need would be only 120 bytes, which is no problem for 99.7% of all other software.

Very interesting. But that's definitely not what I experience...


You can use X-DDOS to show you the start addresses of ROMs. Ok, it's in hexadecimal, but it there is more usage than 4 byte, then the ROM is wasting RAM. I never uses game ROMs not made with Softbrenner except once and it didn't work. Later I lacked time, so I can not tell about other "ROM maker software".
X-DDOS may give a hint (using !HELP command)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM on 00:20, 26 May 14
You can use X-DDOS to show you the start addresses of ROMs. Ok, it's in hexadecimal, but it there is more usage than 4 byte, then the ROM is wasting RAM. I never uses game ROMs not made with Softbrenner except once and it didn't work. Later I lacked time, so I can not tell about other "ROM maker software".
X-DDOS may give a hint (using !HELP command)

I am but a poor musician. I wouldn't have any clue on how to see how much ram a rom is using.

But if you have a zip file somewhere containing games that you have converted to ROM, then I'd definitely be interested in flashing those onto my MegaFlash to see if there's a difference.


But isn't the Command to start the game saved in RAM? If a game uses the command |SUPERKIDINSPACE, then that's already 15 bytes used up, plus a jump address etc brings this to 19 or 20 bytes per game. So 8 games could be using up quite a bit more RAM.[nb]Or I'm talking complete B0llox, I'm not a coder[/nb]


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