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How Many GX4000 games were sold?

Started by tjohnson, 13:39, 01 April 18

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I read that only 27 games were ever released for the GX4000 but I can't remember what the 27 were.  I don't think Chase HQ 2 counts as there is still some doubt about it, likewise Gazza 2 as nobody seems to have ever found a copy.

List below updated 3/4/18

1. Barbarian II
2. Batman
3. Burning Rubber
4. Copter 271
5. Crazy Cars II
6. Dick Tracy
7. Fire & Forget II
8. Klax
9. Mystical
10. Navy Seals
11. No Exit
12. Operation Thunderbolt
13. Pang
14. Panza Kick Boxing
15. Pinball Magic
16. Plotting
17. Pro Tennis Tour
18. Robocop 2
19. Switchblade
20. Tennis Cup 2
21. Tin Tin on the Moon
22. The Enforcer
23. Skeet Shoot
24. Wild Streets
25. World of Sports

26. Chase HQ 2 - example known from ebay sale and youtube video
27. Gazza 2 - reported to have been released but no actual game or retail cartridges have come to light.


It looks like it is, those two games also count:

Your list is 25 titles (13 & 14 repeated)



Quote from: Urusergi on 22:49, 01 April 18
It looks like it is, those two games also count:

Your list is 25 titles (13 & 14 repeated)

Thanks, i definately don't think gazza 2 should count, as far as i know nobody had a copy of that.  Chase HQ 2 does appear to exist albeit as almost unobtainable.  I wonder what it would take to get the spectrum code and convert to mode 0, from the video on YouTube it looks like that was all they did as the screen window is quite small.

I bought one of these bad boys new and was desperate to get more cartridges before it eventually went in the cupboard and my mum then gave it away to my displeasure after i found out.   I've been playing through a few games on the system recently and enjoying after a 30 year delay.

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk


I was just wondering my many GX4000 consoles were manufactured, I have seen revision A consoles up to revision E consoles and serial numbers from 800,000 to 1,000,000 so if Amstrad made then consecutively that would indicate about 200,000 consoles made which is alot higher than people have suggested in the past.  Could Amstrad have manufactured that many consoles or were there big gaps in the serial numbers depending on the production run?

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