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Hero Quest 64k DSK Image or Colour Hack?!

Started by viddi, 20:51, 06 November 19

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Hi guys,

can someone please upload a disk dump of the 64k version of Hero Quest?

Or is it possible to transfer the complete tape version to disk?


The disc version uses intelligent loading to detect what machine is being used. So you'd need to put your emulator of choice in 464 with disc drive mode.
As for the tape version, the AA demo is 64k version by default but I'm not sure about the full tape version, I will check via WinAPE


The tape version is 64k only


Ah, I see.

I'd like to use the 64k disk version on my 6128, though.


Just curiosity.

Why do you want play a game without sound, with less graphics in the background in a cpc 6128?


Quote from: dragon on 00:41, 08 November 19
Just curiosity.

Why do you want play a game without sound, with less graphics in the background in a cpc 6128?

The panel is just a mess. The icons are somewhere hidden in it and the grey layer is pretty bad as well.
Shame about the missing sound.


Unless there is someone on here who can hack the game to leave it in 64k mode, then there is nothing that can be done


Or a colour hack would also help.
The review pics are much cooler with different shades of blue and white:


Why not having fun with Black Land form the Bollawares? Forget hero quest.  :laugh: :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 18:57, 11 November 19
Why not having fun with Black Land form the Bollawares? Forget hero quest.  :laugh: :)

Na, too much red.  :D

Well, I´d really like to see a proper coloured Hero Quest main screen.
Maybe a colour hack isn´t that complicated?!


If you want other colors for Black Land, let us know.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 20:46, 11 November 19
If you want other colors for Black Land, let us know.  :)

Ha ha!
It looks perfect imo.
Can´t say that for Hero Quest. I really don´t understand why they didn´t use the colours shown in the review.


Quote from: zeropolis79 on 14:42, 11 November 19
Unless there is someone on here who can hack the game to leave it in 64k mode, then there is nothing that can be done

But the disc  version not support 64k. I have try it in the win ape.


I've used a real disc on a 664


Original disk with |cpm?.

Or  cracked disk?.

I have try uk and French from cpcpower and he not load with 64k setting.

I can patch it, but i need a dsk that support 64k


Maybe the 664 I used was expanded or it worked on there no issue.
As for the 64k DSK thing, if someone can transfer it to disc, maybe you can work from there.

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