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Game idea - CPCanabalt?

Started by Gryzor, 17:06, 27 November 11

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Sorry, i wish i could upload a photo from my monitor But it seems to fail miserably... I should contact the administrator...

So ?

my photo is 2592x1944 JPG and is 3,84 Mo... is this too big ? :D

ok i try one last time in .zip...

Post Edit : ok, seems too large pictures are not your server's cup of tea...

ok, sorry for the eyes, let's get imageshagks...

Uploaded with


Whoa, looks cool!!!

(ZIP downloads fine. Not sure about large images, got to check the config again - got a terrible headache and can't remember what I fixed and what I didn't. But why not resize the photo anyway?)


Well, it looks really good, this is NOW my favourite palette by far! Different from the original/C64 versions, but still 'dark' and 'morbid' in atmosphere.

I still think 320x200x4 is the way to go, though! Overscan seems a little too 'in your face' for me... maybe I've been playing the C64 too long; like all day today, for example! Anyway, back to it! ^_^

EDIT: Here's the title-screen in the new palette! And it looks fecking brilliant! Take #12; PASTEL YELLOW you fool! D'OH!


Quotegot a terrible headache and can't remember what I fixed and what I didn't.
I'm pretty sure you tried to fix Greece's problems with banks...


anyway, i don't want to resize it because it would lost accuracy...
It's a photo from a CPC monitor...

So if I reduce it it would lost all advantage and purpose : to see how it looks...

Well anyway, we can even see the CRT scanlines rastered zones.... (whatever you call it)

and BTW... imageshag fixed the problem quite well.

Back to topic...

Have anyone thought about the 2x256 wide thingy ?

something like overscanned 512x256 then...

As you can see on the picture, to get it running in vertical 272 is not agood idea...

the screen corner are far to round, it even distort the picture...

so 2 black lines on top and bottom of the sceen is way to go, but on the other hand, horizontal fullscreen (as in StarSabre or Prehistorik2) is compeltely Awesome...

Also rename the game CPC-Anal-Bat... pleaaaaaz.

QuoteIt's 480x320
can anyone confirm this ?
Is it the same with the Flash/PC version ?

The main aim is to keep the X/Y ratio, for the rest, jsut repixelise all clean according to the new size.
To stick to the exact pixelisation is a way to fail due to too much ambition.

if you turn 480 into 384 (theoric CPC horizontal fullscreen... theoric I said...), then the vertical that stick to the ratio is 256 instead of 320...

This would be perfect actually.


Batch ? ;D

Dat's a baffling situation, Batman...


Here's the one version flashgame I found:

You'll need the Adobe Flashplayer to play it!
(Otherwise open it in your webbrowser)

It's resolution is 480x320
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


index.php, great I love this game...



 ;D Rename it to
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: MacDeath on 20:32, 29 November 11
index.php, great I love this game...
Saves fine for me! ^_^


When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Ok... PC version is a lot harder than I thought it was gonna be!
Here's the CPC palette version of the PC game... (note the filename! ^_^)

@Gryzor & @DevilMarkus
Sorry guys, today has been file attachment hell! If you're running outta HD space a little, then I'll delete some of my pictures and host them on PHOTOBUCKET! (.jpg heaven!)


Hold on a second
is canabalt 
a I Must Run rip off
or the opposite?

its almost a year that i got I Must Run on my mob




If I remember well, this kind of game is far from being new, when i went to Madrid, Deepfriedbrain (Jaimes) even ad an old arcade game that was a precursor for this...

So you can't tell who ripped this first, as it already existed in the 80's.

Builderland anyone ?

This one is also a variation on the theme...

Metrocross too perhaps...

Those two games are even further developpment of the concept because at the time a game sur as cANALblast would have been judged too minimalistic (despite good realisation) and too simple at the time to be a properly released commercial game and would have been at best a type in basic game released in some obscure magazine...

The funny thing is that such old concept and most good old 2D games concepts are released now as if it were new stuff...

Because most poeples simply forgot the past or simply just never knew it (too young).

I can't remember the name of the real original game though.

Perhaps we hould call those "Parkour platformers" or something like that...

also, do you remember those ?

And notice how it was ripped too at the time and cloned by all sides... :

Those are actually even better version of such game concept as it was already "3D"...

Seems like this kind of platform games have no specific name...

So ?
Parkour Platform ?
Railroad Platformers ?
Manic Platform ?
Platform attack ?

Also when I talked about 5th Axis... the sequence when you run straight and must anticipate the arrows which are shot at you...

you can duck, jump or deflect provided the arrow (bolt ? quarrel ?) is up, middle or down...
Even this is a more developped gameplay mod for such game actually...

That's the point.

They put fancy visual effectsbut the game itself is actually Atari2600 like... :D

Ok, one last...

I love My little Pony : Lesbianism is Magic.


To be fair, sonic the edgehog was even a failed game bacause they tried too hard to get it mariolike platformer while it should have been like this kind of game (but a few parts, like bosses and so on)


Quote from: MacDeath on 13:06, 29 November 11
But on the other hand the parallax clearly has to be done on a CPC version or else it will be dissed but C64fags... er... fans.

The version you guys have been looking at is the "quick and dirty" port and i'd expect that any comparison like that will probably be with the about-to-be-released C64anabalt, which does a bit more in the way of parallax, has Adam Atomic's blessing and runs from just 16K of cartridge image:


I think MacDeath went overboard with your platformers comparison... :D (Crazy Ball? Damn, my keyboard doesn't have a numerical keyboard so I can't play it, it seems to need a joystick!).

I played I Must Run on my Android much later than Canabalt, btw.


I like the "My Little Pony" game, it's all cute and cuddly and pink and girly.... until you loose a life and you're shown a severed unicorns head :D I bet that ended in tears :D

Summary of this thread so far: 5 pages of discussing the colours to be used, half a page of comparisons to marginally similar games! How about someone actually starts to put together some code?



Quote from: Bryce on 09:32, 30 November 11
Summary of this thread so far: 5 pages of discussing the colours to be used, half a page of comparisons to marginally similar games!
Yep! Can't really argue with that... however, I did get a good 9 hours of gameplay in as well!


If that can help...
(useful to adjust monitors colors levels too)
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)



Quote from: Gryzor on 10:26, 30 November 11
Can't get it to start...
then [1] or [2] for CPC or CPC+ palette, [3] for highscores
then [J] or [K] for joystick/keyboard control
then [1] or [2] for 1 or 2 player game
then to start or [R] to redefine keys if keyboard control selected.
Ingame, press [SPACE] to jump, [Q] to quit early and [C] to cheat; then [A] to add 100Km to your distance, [F] to activate flight-mode and [G] to be able to jump 'through' buildings.

I hope this helps! ^_^


Wot, no analog joystick support?


Only supported with 4MB RAM expansion, for accurate look-up table & pre-shifted moves.  :(
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: Gryzor on 10:26, 30 November 11
Can't get it to start...

10 MODE 1
20 INK 0,0:INK 1,13:INK 2,26
40 FOR y=0 TO 68 STEP 2
50 FOR x=0 TO 640 STEP 2
60 IF t=1 THEN t=0 ELSE t=1
70 PLOT x,y+68,t
80 PLOT x,y+68*2,1
90 IF g=2 THEN g=0 ELSE g=2
100 PLOT x,y+68*3,g
110 IF h=1 THEN h=2 ELSE h=1
120 PLOT x,y+68*4,h
130 PLOT x,y+68*5,2
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release

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