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Game idea - CPCanabalt?

Started by Gryzor, 17:06, 27 November 11

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Quote from: Devilmarkus on 14:39, 29 November 11
Nice CAT art *lol*
You (and everyone else here) are going to regret posting that!
Yes, kids, here's a first draft CATart! (I need a life)


There a version with more foreground/background contrast perhaps, so actually "greys" used slightly differently, yet in ditherings...


Or in red/orange/yellow:
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

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Quote from: Devilmarkus on 15:40, 29 November 11
Or in red/orange/yellow:
I tried this with BRIGHT RED instead of ORANGE... and my version doesn't work!


Bright Red, you means Pink/pastel red ?

Pink is actually a difficult colour to use on CPC.

It always look better with orange instead.

as the title says...

I think it is not bad like this...
The man sprite manage to stay appart because it is full B&W while the rest just goes well...
To obtain this the tiles have to be the "colours" reassigned "heavily" compaired to the original...

having the background to use more flat colours instead of more dithered may be better too IMO.

The Black to DarkRed corridor was somewhat too dark IMO.
but a proper solution would be a smoother 4 level dither gradiant, perhaps.

Black+darkred, Darkred, Darkred+orange, orange...

And a few pixels will definitely need some re-draws.

Not that different from what i did with rick Dangerous 128...

Good point with CPC/Plus is that we have no attributes, so while displaying less colours than C64 we can mix then perhaps betterly and even add some shades through proper smooth ditherings...

Anyway the msot difficult part will be the paralax...
There are few CPC exemples I can think of...

Prehistorik2/super Cauldron.
Shadow Dancer too managed some of this.

This added to a sweet fast and smooth scrolling may be the more CPU consuming...

also the closer game i can think of is 5th Axis...

Yet quite different too and with heavy use of rasters.


Quote from: MacDeath on 15:54, 29 November 11
Bright Red, you means Pink/pastel red ?
No, I meant RED (#06)... I just typed something completely different instead!

Pink (#16) is ok if used with BRIGHT WHITE (#26) or PASTEL YELLOW (#25) and DARK RED (#03) or DARK PURPLE (#04) and BLACK background. (Like in JACK THE NIPPER, for example... which was recently Longplay-ed by Xyphoe)


"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Anyway the "almost final version" of C64analblast looks really fast and smooth.


Quote from: TotO on 16:13, 29 November 11
0, 3, 15, 26 look nice.
Indeed, this is probably my favourite MODE 1 colour combination. But sometimes you need PASTEL YELLOW (25) or YELLOW (24) instead of the BRIGHT WHITE (26).

ORANGE (15), DARK RED (03) and BLACK (00) always look good together! RED (06) sometimes spoils the look and it turns into 'flame' colours!


Stop people!!! Seriously, i can not stop of giving "Likes"  ;D ;D ;D

Parkour Game for CPC... YES!!!  :D

There is two C64 versions from different coders, one the unofficial version of Mr.Sid  and the other the official version for a C64 16 KB cartridge competition, you have put the video of that cartridge version MacDeath.

I know that everybody love convert "famous" games to CPC, but sometimes i think is better instead of an straight port, design a game with  the limitations of the CPC in mind. For example, i love this little funny and full of colour (not the typical c64 boring black, white and grey) msx game inspired in the same idea:


When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

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I'm kinda losing the will to live here... I've plugged in my new 286 PC tower and THIS came up!

EDIT: @MacDeath; Ahem, yes, CGA! That horrid BRIGHT WHITE, CYAN and MAGENTA vom-fest!


EGA ? I guess you meant CGA...

CGA is just a failed Mode1...
EGA is a failed Atari ST unless you use the awesome 640x350x16/64 mode.

QuoteEpic!!! 10958309235 likes worth!!!
Hush, i hope secretly no one would notice...

So more seriously, how are those kind of game actually called ?

Is it is forced scrolling platformers ?
Frantic Platformers ?
Platform Frenzy mode ?

I remember Mario2 on Gamebay had some levels in such forced scrolling (yet a slow one...)

And I quite aggree there is no need to re-use existing "franchise"...

Well, a correct engine may be good enough to allow to skin in any franchise we like... I guess.


Wow, this thread has really picked up. I wonder if there's anyone up to the task and willing to undertake it... I'd pay for it!

Two points from me:
-Indeed, it wouldn't be good to cut the horizontal edges; as MacDeath said, the game is all about anticipation. If you play it (I had melted my keyboard when the original came out!) you'll see that you need to constantly look at the edge of the screen and not where your character is.
-Colours. While the mockups look absolutely fantastic (I like the orange variations), there's a reason the original author went for the grey scheme: it's a bleak, sad, faceless city in the background. It's raining. Quite Orwellian. I think we should strive for that.


When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Gryzor on 18:14, 29 November 11
Two points from me:
-Indeed, it wouldn't be good to cut the horizontal edges; as MacDeath said, the game is all about anticipation. If you play it (I had melted my keyboard when the original came out!) you'll see that you need to constantly look at the edge of the screen and not where your character is.
-Colours. While the mockups look absolutely fantastic (I like the orange variations), there's a reason the original author went for the grey scheme: it's a bleak, sad, faceless city in the background. It's raining. Quite Orwellian. I think we should strive for that.
Instead of continuing to work on other projects, I've been playing this all day and I have a few additions of my own;

- Colours; let the user decide which 'palette' they want in an Options menu. (00, 03, 15, 24/25/26) seems to be the most popular, but why not GREENs, BLUEs, WHITEs/DARK CYAN, PURPLEs, PASTEL BLUE/MAUVE, etc.

- Make the 'jet' that flies past kill you too!

- Have a HARDCORE THUNDERSTORM mode which is 'nearly' pitch black, until lightning strikes! BOOM! Serious colour! Something like the beginning part of BATMAN FOREVER!
(See below for possible palette choices!)

- Another MODE could be that you're strapped with explosives and if you touch anything you blow up! Or maybe a THE FLASH mode, where you always run at full speed!

Please... someone make a CPC version! WinVICE or my keyboard has serious issues with 100% accepting my [SPACE] presses... (I haven't worked out which is at fault, yet!) I'm getting annoyed with watching him fall to his death, despite me slamming the [SPACE] as hard as I can!

EDIT : @DevilMarkus; The PASTEL YELLOW and PASTEL BLUE of your picture make a decent GREY and the two BLUE colours give the background that night-time feel! I really like this palette! Hell yeah!


I like your ideas about the colour scheme choice and the Midnight Hardcorte (TM) Mode. Yeah!


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 18:28, 29 November 11
Here's the screen in a .dsk 'cos it looks bloody impressive and MUST look fecking impressive on REAL HARDWARE!
(Can someome please check!)

EDIT: CANABALT.BAS will load the overscan screen. (The other two are the CATart mock-ups)


If I remember correctly, Yellow + Blue = grey...

because yellow = green+red so this do the whole R+G+B to dither both... sort of.

Ok i will check this...Is it basic executable ?


Well, it looks very impressive on my VERY REAL NETBOOK!


Fake but a bit close to the original: (Watch it's original size)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Load the SCR:
openout"d":memory &1ff:load"canabalt.scr":call &811
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 19:14, 29 November 11
Load the SCR:
openout"d":memory &1ff:load"canabalt.scr":call &811
THX you kind sir... I will sleep less stupid for once...

Well it doesn't look bad at all.

just the picture is still a bit too large so the time isa bit out of the screen on my old CPC6128 monitor...

haven't tried on a PLUS though.

Perhaps just to stick to a 256 maximum vertical resolution would be good, I mean having borders on the top and bottom would get a more straight picture, as the monitors limits (Cathode ray tube) are not really square but quite curved...

Would get a better "tunnel effect" then.

The good point with ditherings is that the colour actually have some sort of "grain" texture..

My monitor being the old rusty junk it is, the texture is not that regular too but... some moiré effect appear...

But it quite works well, I even often forget how well dithering work on a real stuff.

could we have some Brown and green and mauve versions please ?

QuoteFake but a bit close to the original: (Watch it's original size)
What fake ?
Do you have a screenshot emulator ?


Who also has problems with the file attachments? (get an "index.php" file instead of the original filename?)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 19:29, 29 November 11
Who also has problems with the file attachments? (get an "index.php" file instead of the original filename?)

I've now tested the palette check dsk on three computers, 8 browsers. All work fine for me! wtf?

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