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Everything looks better in scanlines!

Started by alex76gr, 12:48, 31 May 14

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Rainbow, yes, thank you - couldn't remember the term :D Should it be there?


Yeah, there is some definite banding going on. I can't tell if it's my shoddy maths, an artefact of how I was rendering the image in WPF or some combination of the two. I have a feeling the way I was overlapping R&G channels might be off a bit and getting out of phase.

I don't have my CM14 any more :-( but I don't think an area of solid colour should have such a pronounced issue.


This thread could really use some quality shots of a CMT in action. The MM one was decent, but it's possible to get even closer/sharper. And I could use them for my project too, was actually about to make a separate thread asking for that.

Also, while I always applaud people working on new CRT representations, it really could be the case of bringing the water to the river (you say that in France, don't you? ;) Existing shaders such as CRT-Royale or CRT-guest have very advanced options allowing for slot mask adjustments. Perhaps it'd be easier to just tweak these.


Quote from: arkive on 15:27, 30 March 21
This thread could really use some quality shots of a CMT in action. The MM one was decent, but it's possible to get even closer/sharper. And I could use them for my project too, was actually about to make a separate thread asking for that.

Also, while I always applaud people working on new CRT representations, it really could be the case of bringing the water to the river (you say that in France, don't you? ;) Existing shaders such as CRT-Royale or CRT-guest have very advanced options allowing for slot mask adjustments. Perhaps it'd be easier to just tweak these.
I'm supposed to do test-case pictures Thursday at MacDeath place  ;D
Until now, i did not see anything accurate on existing shader mostly done for arcade platform
CNG did a test of CRT emulation in low resolution which is really cool (but i did not see any mode 1 ou mode 2 screens with it)
finally "many" people are working on CTM emulation  :-*

My pronouns are RASM and ACE


Quote from: arkive on 15:27, 30 March 21
This thread could really use some quality shots of a CMT in action. The MM one was decent, but it's possible to get even closer/sharper. And I could use them for my project too, was actually about to make a separate thread asking for that.

Also, while I always applaud people working on new CRT representations, it really could be the case of bringing the water to the river (you say that in France, don't you? ;) Existing shaders such as CRT-Royale or CRT-guest have very advanced options allowing for slot mask adjustments. Perhaps it'd be easier to just tweak these.
Yes photos would definitely be a great resource for improving the accuracy.

And yes it may well be possible to tweak an existing shader to get the best result. I was mostly using it as a good excuse to practice writing something more difficult than a gray-scale implementation (which is about my level with shaders  :P )


Quote from: roudoudou on 16:36, 30 March 21
CNG did a test of CRT emulation in low resolution which is really cool
I see that shown version of CPCE is not available to download yet though...


Also, this is a somewhat 'request' directed to roudoudou or anyone of the people involved in this 'correct way to mimic CTM looks' quest. We, the pushers, are mocking the hell up our graphics on modern platforms. So I was wondering if you guys could mockup a transparent picture of the, say, 'CTM effect' which we could use as a layer above our mockups in modern pixel editors so as to get at least a glimpse of how things look on actual hardware.
Perhaps this sounds too far fetched, but hey, why not!


I don't know about making a transparent image, because it's literally rewriting the colour of pixels based on where they are and probably what colour the adjacent ones are too. I'm guess image editors don't let you load a shader effect and have it apply to an image (or at least not the I've ever seen).

What would probably be a lot easier is a quick and dirty image previewer that let you load an image file and apply the effect to it.


Quote from: andycadley on 20:50, 30 March 21I'm guess image editors don't let you load a shader effect and have it apply to an image (or at least not the I've ever seen).
If something uses DirectX/OpenGL you can try to inject Reshade, though probably it wouldn't work with editors. Another way could be saving the image in the original format and then running it in an emulator with shaders.

There's also this amazing tool, ShaderGlass. Insta-CRT on anything you like :)

It can be a bit tricky to get the right values but it's worth trying out.


My pronouns are RASM and ACE



from the photography above, i saw 2 things
photophores are square (i used 3x4 pixels in my CTM emulation, this is not correct)
i counted 18 photophores lines for 16 CPC lines
now i have to work again ;)
My pronouns are RASM and ACE


Ok, so I gave it another try...

It's not perfect, but it's a lot better (and has got rid of the nasty colour banding weirdness in my last effort)


it is too dark because black area are not that big
i'm working on a new (yeah, another one) version, much "analog", and because of that "analog mimic", it's easier
My pronouns are RASM and ACE


You're probably right. Easily tweakable though as everything is analog:



yeah! really better, now need to boost colors to have a white, brighter
My pronouns are RASM and ACE


i got this with my new "analog" routine

My pronouns are RASM and ACE


Nice. Looks a little too bright to me, some of the subtle shading on the red light seems to have been lost on the red light for example. I'll have to have a closer look on my laptop - it's easier to get a good feel for how well the effect comes across on a higher definition screen.


My pronouns are RASM and ACE


I worked again on a new CTM emulation which gives good results in mode 0, mode 1, but also in mode 2 !!!  8)
i played a lot Arkanoid yesterday night  ;D

My pronouns are RASM and ACE


Looks really lovely!

I realised I had missed a few posts in this thread. Any progress? :)

Been following a CRT/emulation comparison project/account on Twitter and I have to say, seeing what the CRT does to the images... it takes a *lot* to approach the effect.


So did anything usable ever came out of this?


I haven't given up on the idea, although writing an entire emulator to really try it out is probably something I don't have time for right now. Never say never and there might be options to add it to something existing and open source.

Certainly the testing I did do was enough to convince me that it's plausible and works really well on a 4K screen of pulling off a much more convincing image than fairly basic "scanline" effects do, so I really hope somebody does give it a go even if it isn't me.


Quote from: andycadley on 16:48, 14 January 22
I haven't given up on the idea, although writing an entire emulator to really try it out is probably something I don't have time for right now.
That certainly would be an overkill :) I was just wondering because there was a talk earlier of incorporating it in some existing emulator.

In any case, you can already achieve similar effect using existing shaders in Retroarch or ShaderGlass


ShaderGlass looks interesting. I wonder how well it works with scaling though.

Off topic, but I was blown away by the be MiSTer filter masks, was playing RoboCop yesterday and it looked exactly like my CRT arcade cab!

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