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Dragon Attack CPC - 500,000,000+ points, not bad for a beginner ;-D

Started by ZEUSDAZ, 18:28, 19 July 17

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Introduced to this game via an 8-bit challenge vid by "Novabug", I never played it before in my life and within just over a day I reached level 11 with over half a Billion points with just 3 lives, does anyone know how many levels there are on this game or if it has an ending??



Not bad for a beginner  Tosser  ;) !
You still can't get passed that certain level on Tempest though!? And I know it can be done cos I have ;D


Quote from: ZEUSDAZ on 18:28, 19 July 17
Introduced to this game via an 8-bit challenge vid by "Novabug", I never played it before in my life and within just over a day I reached level 11 with over half a Billion points with just 3 lives, does anyone know how many levels there are on this game or if it has an ending??

I don't believe that was your first ever attempt. :laugh:

There are 12 levels in total, and the game does have an ending. Actually, it has two endings - depending on whether or not you destroy all 12 Star Dragons. ;)


Quote from: Nich on 20:44, 19 July 17
I don't believe that was your first ever attempt. :laugh:

There are 12 levels in total, and the game does have an ending. Actually, it has two endings - depending on whether or not you destroy all 12 Star Dragons. ;)

Not first attempt, probably around a dozen, I adapted to it very quickly.
12 levels?! well in that case I may bung on a few more lives in the option screen and go for it, it took 3 lives for me to get to level 11 so I'm sure I can do it with the extra 6 lives in the options menu :-D


Quote from: Puresox on 19:08, 19 July 17
Not bad for a beginner  Tosser  ;) !
You still can't get passed that certain level on Tempest though!? And I know it can be done cos I have ;D
Tosser?! Good job I know yer on my channel! ;-)
Tempest?! CPC?! Level 14 without cheats?!,...NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


 :D , You have to expect some abuse , with all the bile you speak about our machine !!
And Tempest I assure you I have got past level 14 without cheats ,on original version many many years ago and I did it numerous times. But there is a level (16) I believe where the slow down makes it impossible to progress , no matter how hard I tried. And I have never been one for using cheat modes, because I always found they just ruined any enjoyment of the game . I don't even like to use cheats these days cos once I have seen all of the game ,I rarely find pleasure from playing it again.
I'm pissing about with you(tosser) , You know I respect your concentration/patience skills at games. just hard to endure conceited bastards  ;D !!


Quote from: Puresox on 21:23, 19 July 17
:D , You have to expect some abuse , with all the bile you speak about our machine !!
And Tempest I assure you I have got past level 14 without cheats ,on original version many many years ago and I did it numerous times. But there is a level (16) I believe where the slow down makes it impossible to progress , no matter how hard I tried. And I have never been one for using cheat modes, because I always found they just ruined any enjoyment of the game . I don't even like to use cheats these days cos once I have seen all of the game ,I rarely find pleasure from playing it again.
I'm pissing about with you(tosser) , You know I respect your concentration/patience skills at games. just hard to endure conceited bastards  ;D !!

Yep I know, I can take as good as I receive when it comes to piss taking  ;D Like I said, I know yer and you're trying your hardest to match my godly result on Dragon Attack ;-D ;D
Maybe you'd like to post that level 14 stage, I'm sure Novabug would like to see it too ;-)


I will download it to win ape and see if I can practice it again , but I am finding my patience with playing games is not what it was when I was a kid . And I just lose interest whilst playing. This is what I respect about your playing . I just cant commit to playing games these days .
I assure you I am not a bullshitter though and wouldn't just say I could do it . Will see if I can dedicate myself to doing it . even if I save state it on 14 and just demo that stage . I really wouldn't be able suffer going through the whole game repeatedly .


Quote from: Nich on 20:44, 19 July 17

There are 12 levels in total, and the game does have an ending. Actually, it has two endings - depending on whether or not you destroy all 12 Star Dragons. ;)

I give up  :(
Keep getting to the king dragon (level 12 - last level with 856,722,286 points) and just keep failing to destroy him even with max 9 lives selected, I've managed to last the whole 100 seconds with him only for me to time out giving me the "Bad Ending" screen.
I can get to level 10 without losing a life, level 11 murders you leaving you with many lives lost.


Quote from: ZEUSDAZ on 15:13, 20 July 17
Is there a cheat for this game?? Otherwise anyone else fancy trying to beat all the dragons in this game to show the ending (cheats or not)?!

Here are some pokes for you (and everyone else):

21B8,C2 → 11; 21C4,C2 → 11; 223A,60 → 00; 2245,55 → 00 - invulnerability
22A8,3D → 00 - infinite lives
1B5D,35 → 00 - infinite time

The final Star Dragon requires a special technique to defeat it. I'm not going to tell you what it is! ;)


Well, your performance is miles ahead of mine, and I'm part of the dev team. :D

I have to say though (while keeping an eye on a certain 'other' topic), the difficulty of the game has at least drawn some attention to it.


Quote from: Nich on 20:12, 20 July 17
Here are some pokes for you (and everyone else):

21B8,C2 → 11; 21C4,C2 → 11; 223A,60 → 00; 2245,55 → 00 - invulnerability
22A8,3D → 00 - infinite lives
1B5D,35 → 00 - infinite time

The final Star Dragon requires a special technique to defeat it. I'm not going to tell you what it is! ;)

As you can see from this footage, I blast all the heads of the dragons to end the levels quickly thus gaining tons of points,...check this video out below!
How do I enter the pokes? I'm using WinApe and have no clue how to input them.
You can see from the vid I've tried my "BOLLO*KS" off but now given up, I timed out the last boss, do I need to take his sides out first unlike the other bosses where I go straight for the head?!


Quote from: Nich on 20:12, 20 July 17
Here are some pokes for you (and everyone else):

21B8,C2 → 11; 21C4,C2 → 11; 223A,60 → 00; 2245,55 → 00 - invulnerability
22A8,3D → 00 - infinite lives
1B5D,35 → 00 - infinite time

The final Star Dragon requires a special technique to defeat it. I'm not going to tell you what it is! ;)

Nick mate, What's the identifier for Dragon Attack? Can't input the poke, and the CPC pisstaker is asking me how. lol.


Quote from: Puresox on 21:23, 19 July 17
:D , You have to expect some abuse , with all the bile you speak about our machine !!
And Tempest I assure you I have got past level 14 without cheats ,on original version many many years ago and I did it numerous times. But there is a level (16) I believe where the slow down makes it impossible to progress , no matter how hard I tried. And I have never been one for using cheat modes, because I always found they just ruined any enjoyment of the game . I don't even like to use cheats these days cos once I have seen all of the game ,I rarely find pleasure from playing it again.
I'm pissing about with you(tosser) , You know I respect your concentration/patience skills at games. just hard to endure conceited bastards  ;D !!

Here here Puresox! Loves to hate on the Ammy doesn't he? and his fan-base also. ;P


C'mon, Ammy hater?!,...ME?!,...bit harsh lol, I own a cpc6128 (well a youtube sub bought it me) and LOOK at the AWESOME video review I did of the updated CPC R-TYPE!!!
I welcome ALL piss taking, I can take it, especially on the 8-bit challenge videos!!!,...HEAR ME NOVABUG!!!!!!  ;D


Quote from: rexbeng on 20:26, 20 July 17
Well, your performance is miles ahead of mine, and I'm part of the dev team. :D

Cheers, I adapted to the game very quickly.
P.s, what is the DEV team?!

Shaun M. Neary

Quote from: ZEUSDAZ on 00:36, 21 July 17
Cheers, I adapted to the game very quickly.
P.s, what is the DEV team?!

Dev = Developers  ;)
Currently playing on: 2xCPC464, 1xCPC6128, 1x464Plus, 1x6128Plus, 2xGX4000. M4 board, ZMem 1MB and still forever playing Bruce Lee.
No cheats, snapshots or emulation. I play my games as they're intended to be played. What about you?


Quote from: Shaun M. Neary on 00:59, 21 July 17
Dev = Developers  ;)
Duh, silly me, I thought it was some kind of tag for a high scoring team  :doh:


Quote from: ZEUSDAZ on 21:40, 20 July 17
You can see from the vid I've tried my "BOLLO*KS" off but now given up, I timed out the last boss, do I need to take his sides out first unlike the other bosses where I go straight for the head?!

In an attempt to add some shred of 'depth' to the game, the 'tail' segments get weaker the further away they are from the head, giving you a choice between a high score with going straight for the head or clipping some of it's tail relatively quickly to reduce it's fire power at the expense of score.

So for the final boss, my personal strategy was clipping both of the sides first to reduce the difficulty a bit, but that meant I was destroying the dragon with just seconds to spare, as it was escaping, or even fail to kill it.  But then if I could finish the game comfortably I know it would be too easy!  The other thing with the final boss is that as @Nich mentioned, it requires a slightly different approach to destroy from the previous dragons.


Quote from: ZEUSDAZ on 21:40, 20 July 17
How do I enter the pokes? I'm using WinApe and have no clue how to input them.

If you're using WinAPE, press F7 while the game is playing. Click on the section of the window with the long lines of hex values and random characters.

Now either press Ctrl+G or click on the icon with the pointing hand. You will be asked which address in memory to go to.

Enter the 4-digit hex value (e.g. 22A8), and the cursor should move to that address. Now type the 2-digit hex value you wish to poke into that address (e.g. 00).

Repeat this procedure until you have poked all the addresses you need. :) You can also scroll through the lines of hex values and search for the relevant memory addresses.

WinAPE also has a poke database which you can access by pressing Ctrl+F8, but I've never used it!


Quote from: Novabug on 23:36, 20 July 17
Nick mate, What's the identifier for Dragon Attack? Can't input the poke, and the CPC pisstaker is asking me how. lol.

After replying to one of @ZEUSDAZ's posts, I've played a bit with WinAPE's poke database now.

Try searching for the following hex values (they should be at address 588B):

53 74 61 72 36 20 47 F6 6D 65


So here we are for a third and final time, the first Dragon Attack vid I uploaded at the start of this feed showed how far I could get with just 3 lives (level 11), the 2nd upload showed me completing the game with a score well over 850,000,000 points (getting to level 10 without losing a life) but only achieving the bad ending as I failed to kill the last Dragon.
Here we have the full game again but this time showing all the Dragons being killed resulting in being awarded the good ending but I needed cheats to kill the last Dragon to gain the good ending.
Infinite time poke also used as difficult to kill last Dragon before time limit runs out, didn't really need any cheats for the first 11 levels.
Thank you Nich for the pokes, mate of mine showed me how to input them via WinApe  :D

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