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Music request for a new CPC game

Started by Axelay, 09:21, 18 October 10

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Hi Everyone

My latest project is nearing completion, the game itself is virtually done but for the audio, and I'm working on the intro sequence now.  So I guess it's about time I tried to find someone to provide music for the game!

The game is a conversion of a C64 game released a couple of years ago by Richard Bayliss, and is called "Sub Hunter".  You can find the C64 version on Richard's site:

And you can see some screen shots of the CPC version here:

My conversion is for all models of CPC, so the memory left is limited.  The Arkos player code is already in the game, and there is about 4400 bytes left for the music itself.  That might not sound like much, but it's about the same as was available in Dead on Time.  The music for the intro sequence will be separate, I dont know what the space left for that will be, but I dont think memory will be a problem.

So if anyone is interested in producing some music for the game, please get in touch!



Quote from: Axelay on 09:21, 18 October 10
And you can see some screen shots of the CPC version here:

Has it got parallax scrolling...?!  :)

I see the C64 version has music, can anything be done to convert that?


Quote from: Axelay on 09:21, 18 October 10
Hi Everyone

My latest project is nearing completion, the game itself is virtually done but for the audio, and I'm working on the intro sequence now.  So I guess it's about time I tried to find someone to provide music for the game!

The game is a conversion of a C64 game released a couple of years ago by Richard Bayliss, and is called "Sub Hunter".  You can find the C64 version on Richard's site:

And you can see some screen shots of the CPC version here:

My conversion is for all models of CPC, so the memory left is limited.  The Arkos player code is already in the game, and there is about 4400 bytes left for the music itself.  That might not sound like much, but it's about the same as was available in Dead on Time.  The music for the intro sequence will be separate, I dont know what the space left for that will be, but I dont think memory will be a problem.

So if anyone is interested in producing some music for the game, please get in touch!


Ask Mr.Lou or Tom et Jerry. They can make cracking music.
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Oh wow, one more I'll be buying... but sorry, no musical skills here :(


Hmmmmm reproducing C64 music?!?
10 SOUND RND*3,RND*500,RND*100:GOTO 10 ??? :D

(Sorry, can't help here)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

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Sub hunter seems to be a nice C64 game. If you got the music, I can try to make quickly a little something, as I am not involved in any big project at the moment :-).



C64 version with music is here on .

If the CPC version scrolls like this I will cream my pants.


Quote from: redbox on 09:28, 18 October 10
Has it got parallax scrolling...?!  :)

Yes, it has the same layers as the C64 version, though the ground is less varied.

Quote from: TomEtJerry on 12:14, 18 October 10

Sub hunter seems to be a nice C64 game. If you got the music, I can try to make quickly a little something, as I am not involved in any big project at the moment :-).


Hi, thanks for offering to help!  I dont have the music, though I can ask Richard if he can provide it.  Was there a format you particularly wanted it in?  Though I was thinking that with there not likely being enough room to recreate the entire C64 songs in the game, it might be better to have original music instead.  Well, aside from the short level intro/outro pieces, which would be good if they could be 'the same', or similar.



I managed to find the music as SID file :-).  There is three tunes, and three jingles. As they are really good, I will first try to see if they can properly been converted to AY without too much loss.

Ok, now, let's start again Starkos :-).



Quote from: Devilmarkus on 12:04, 18 October 10
Hmmmmm reproducing C64 music?!?
10 SOUND RND*3,RND*500,RND*100:GOTO 10 ??? :D

(Sorry, can't help here)

Man, that sounds wonderful  ;D
Brain Radioactivity


Quote from: remax on 18:13, 18 October 10
Man, that sounds wonderful  ;D

Like a real SID, right? but in stereo  :-\
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Would be great to have a 128 KB version of Sub-Hunter  :( 
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


  If you wanna real SID, just buy a C64 and the game :-). Of course, it will not sound like a SID, but like an AY !


What´s the news?
Still no music for SUB HUNTER?


You have to finish the first level to be allowed to create music, but the game is tooo quick for most musicans ;-)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


It appears to me that SUB HUNTER is going to be a hit.
My mouth is watering.


Awesome. Another great game to come...

I´ll buy it. That´s for sure!
Thanks a lot. :)


Quote from: viddi on 21:36, 05 November 10
Awesome. Another great game to come...

I´ll buy it. That´s for sure!
Thanks a lot. :)

Me too... absolutely. Wish it came on disk as well!

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