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Artillery for Battles against C64 or Spectrum Fanboy's

Started by Puresox, 19:49, 19 January 16

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Sure were the consoles nes and master system better that day, my point of view in this topic is only about the classic computer range. Like already written, you find for every system pearls, but the most ones are to be found on the c64. Dont get me wrong, I love my cpc and its games and thanks to the fabulous gx4000 flashcard I play them quite often


Quote from: Dinorast on 20:22, 20 January 16
...and commodore had the sexiest magazine covers

Sure! Look at those two hot men in the bed!



Yes, Thomas Anders and Dieter Bohlen from the german trash band Modern Talking were writing their songs in bed on the c64 on this cover [emoji6]


Quote from: Dinorast on 19:55, 20 January 16
We all need to be honest-the best games for the classic computers were made for the c64, even the latest releases. But nowadays its all retro (cpc,atari,msx,speccy,...) and I personally love them all. The "schoolyard fight from the 80s" which system has the stunners, is definatly history

That's the typical ignorance and snoppyness of the classical c64 user - like back the day on the school yard.  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Quote from: Dinorast on 20:22, 20 January 16...and commodore had the sexiest magazine covers

Really?!?!? That kind of ugly "Bohnenstangen" which look like they just escaped from some concentration camp. No ass, no chest! Pfui Teufel! And btw. how poor is it to need some bitches on magazines to sell them?

CPC never needed such crap.  :P
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


C'mon ... that was Italy in the 80s-seems the "Bohnenstangen" were pretty fashion back in the good old you prefer the german cover ? [emoji6]


Hey, just never liked that "Sex Sells" idea for computers.  :-\
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Never liked NES style graphics , much prefered Master System. But out of those I would rather have had C64. Atari 800 I do think was a brilliant computer , but It was from the 70's so naturally was not going to keep up with C64 . But considering its age it fairs very well . Atari 800 games rarely are look or play better than C64 in my opinion. MSX I think was a fantastic computer too ,flawed only by scrolling and a little by the ordinary AY chip. MSX2 I have not much knowledge on , but can see it has excelled in most area's.


Well, you could compare the versions of this relatively new game.  8)


CPC (the recording looks a bit weird though)



Atari XL/XE is one of my favourite systems too. From a hardware perspective it had many advantages over the CPC - Analogue inputs on the Joystick port, a fully decoded cartridge port, etc. From a software perspective, it had Jeff Minter! Who unfortunately never wrote any CPC stuff, despite having started on a Spectrum and having close links to DK'Tronics. :(



What a nice thread for outing the hidden breadbin and Speccy fanboys..  :P


Quote from: rexbeng on 10:52, 21 January 16
Well, you could compare the versions of this relatively new game.  8)

We-ell you could but the bloke who wrote the C64 version hangs around here... =-)


Quote from: Bryce on 10:54, 21 January 16From a software perspective, it had Jeff Minter! Who unfortunately never wrote any CPC stuff, despite having started on a Spectrum and having close links to DK'Tronics. :(

Well, if by "started on a Spectrum" you mean "started on a Commodore PET" then yeah... =-)


Quote from: TMR on 16:29, 21 January 16
Well, if by "started on a Spectrum" you mean "started on a Commodore PET" then yeah... =-)

He never released any PET games. His first commercial game was for the Spectrum.



Jeff had one release for the Amstrad , although only a Colour/patterns kaleidescope .


Quote from: Bryce on 16:32, 21 January 16
He never released any PET games. His first commercial game was for the Spectrum.

You didn't say his first commercial game previously but where he started, two different things entirely. But according to Minter himself, his first commercial release was Centipede for the ZX81, so which Spectrum game were you thinking of?


Quote from: TMR on 16:19, 21 January 16
We-ell you could but the bloke who wrote the C64 version hangs around here... =-)

Well, obviously both versions are great! The color schemes are different of course. c64 is always brownish, and CPC is always blueish. Both look great. Sounds are different, but both good. Of course I like the CPC version a little bit more because I grew up with CPC and suffered a lot from c64 people back the day. But based on logic I would say both versions are of the same quality and share #1 position.  :)

The 800XL is a nice system too, back the day I like its users (relaxed guys usually) and the 256 colors. From a hardware perspective it's of course not as cool as the CPC (thinking about expansion possibilities and expansions upholding standards).  :)

Eventually I don't understand the problems between CPC and Speccy, both share the Z80. And there's no doubt the CPC can do more, and therefore is was more expensive. Both had their market.  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM on 18:11, 21 January 16The 800XL is a nice system too, back the day I like its users (relaxed guys usually) and the 256 colors.

We-ell strictly speaking 128 colours for most practical purposes since only the 4:1 ratio modes support the full 256 and there are rules applied. i managed to build a scrolling game that used the 16 shades of one hue mode though. =-)


Quote from: TMR on 17:52, 21 January 16
You didn't say his first commercial game previously but where he started, two different things entirely. But according to Minter himself, his first commercial release was Centipede for the ZX81, so which Spectrum game were you thinking of?

Well allow me to get my razor blade so that we can split hairs together :D

I was thinking of Centipede for the ZX81 (I tend to mix up Sinclair and Spectrum regularly). :)



Quote from: TMR on 18:45, 21 January 16
We-ell strictly speaking 128 colours for most practical purposes since only the 4:1 ratio modes support the full 256 and there are rules applied. i managed to build a scrolling game that used the 16 shades of one hue mode though. =-)
Do you have a video link?

Quote from: Bryce on 19:16, 21 January 16(I tend to mix up Sinclair and Spectrum regularly). :)  Bryce.

There's a difference?  :blank:
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TMR on 16:19, 21 January 16
We-ell you could but the bloke who wrote the C64 version hangs around here... =-)

Yes, yes, you are also allowed to compare! ^_^



Quote from: rexbeng on 10:52, 21 January 16
Well, you could compare the versions of this relatively new game.  8)


CPC (the recording looks a bit weird though)


Was that game made to utilize what the c64s hardware can do best?


Absolutely! These shades of brown and grey are fantastic!


The CPC version is clearly better: it's SUPER Edge Grinder and even the video lasts longer...
Brain Radioactivity


so ideally the CPCs visuals with the C64s sound?


Quote from: ivarf on 22:16, 21 January 16
Was that game made to utilize what the c64s hardware can do best?
Of course! But the CPC did at least as well!  :)  Maybe our c64 friends would like to make a c64 version of my Cyber Chicken, I would provide what they need. But I don't think they would dare it to try.  8) :)

Quote from: dcdrac on 23:03, 21 January 16so ideally the CPCs visuals with the C64s sound?
No. Why? I prefer the CPC sound, but the c64 sound is as nice too. Just different. If I need to choose: Then gimme AY!  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus

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