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Artillery for Battles against C64 or Spectrum Fanboy's

Started by Puresox, 19:49, 19 January 16

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I noticed in another thread someone mentioned about having a thread about worst Amstrad games , and there was a call for, one that showed up C64 crappy games . So here is a thread that although is negative , I put it up as a method for defence against the Fanboys .
Another reason was I spotted a you tube  vid that showed 'Carrier Command' for the C64 , a game which I was personally really impressed at how much they managed to fit on the Amstrad and Spectrum, although the Amstrad Port is very good , they were a little lazy in not altering some things from the Speccy version . But overall it is superb IMO ( Anyone played this on real hardware and utilised the Mouse facility? Does it work?)
Anyway the C64 version  :picard:  I laughed my head of when I saw it , the programmers decided to ditch the 3D elements of the game and made it a 2D version  so only the strategy part remains similar , the rest is awful the scrolling on it is worse than what you'd get on a bad Amstrad game and it is not even a taxing part of the game. I really don't know why they bothered, you have to check it out if you want a laugh .

Mod delete the thread if you think its gonna upset people


Honestly what's the point? None of you are 13 year old school kids. Can't people just grow up, accept that each machine has its strong and weak points, and embrace the best of all worlds?


I agree with EgoTrip.
I started with a cpc, this gave me a flavor of basic and how computer works.
Then moved to the amiga where I saw what creativity means.

Nowdays I own many micros that have their strong/weak points.
I love my cpc very much but to disagree with a C64 fanboy about r-type or any other smooth scrolling game is just a lie to me and everyone.

Although a 5% of my judge will always go to cpc due nostalgia, everybody thinks that his child is better in his own eyes.. isn't it?  ;D


All systems, classic or new, have bad games. I personally prefer to celebrate the good things, not the bad things of other systems.

I agree with @EgoTrip on this. What is the point? "defence against the Fanboys"? No offence, but sounds to me like you're talking about yourself.
Released The Return of Traxtor, Golden Tail, Magica, The Dawn of Kernel, Kitsune`s Curse, Brick Rick, Hyperdrive and The Heart of Salamanderland for the CPC.

If you like my games and want to show some appreciation, you can always buy me a coffee.


No problem I hear your point of view , and take it on board .You are obviously quite passionate about it.
Quote from: reidrac on 20:08, 19 January 16
All systems, classic or new, have bad games. I personally prefer to celebrate the good things, not the bad things of other systems.

I agree with @EgoTrip on this. What is the point? "defence against the Fanboys"? No offence, but sounds to me like you're talking about yourself.
What does that mean? I am a fanboy of what system?
And you have got to be joking to say I'm a fan, you obviously  haven't got a clue to my feelings on matters. For a start C64 is my personal favourite computer of all time , and I have a massive respect and love of Spectrum , you will struggle to find any negative post toward these machines. I have a love for the Amstrad cos it was the computer I was given as a kid .  And I totally recognise it's limitations and my interest in it stems strongly from nostalgia. I was interested to find out what rare  games showed Amstrad excelling  in relation to C64 or Spectrum. And I find it useful for when I am chatting with C64 or Speccy lovers  for banter tbh. I care that some people are sensitive to these things so put a note. I have always recognised how great these other  computers were and my respect for them and previous supporting post's toward them and their owners. Legitimises how I feel toward making a topic as such.
Anyway point is taken .


If you take these things so seriously then you're gonna  be offended. So I guess it depends on your mindset . The topic is as a pub conversation would go .As I envisage anyhow .


I favor CPC but I also enjoy mocking our platform's crappy titles as much as I envy C64's and Speccy's better games.

Come on guys we're all like hundred years old :)


It is always funnier to talk about bad games rather than good games! except if you are the author   :laugh:

Regarding the differences among 8 bit computers, I am probably too old to discuss that anymore, particularly if we talk about old venerable systems, full of limitations. However, when i was a teenager we actually had quite a lot of fun with console wars (you know, Megadrive vs SNES). Everybody knows that Megadrive rocks and the SNES was saved only by a bunch of good RPGs!  ;D


That is a good point from your perspective,valid important point for sure , and bothers me the most as you have drawn it to my attention. I'm sure there are lots of cases where dodgy work deadlines can bring about the worst games , and not a fault of the programmer directly. And no one likes to have there work ripped to pieces , if things were beyond your control .


I'd say the these were amongst the worse of the C64:

Dizzy Panic
Final Fight
Repton 3
Hard Drivin
Last Ninja 3
Dick Tracey
Street Fighter 2
Cauldron 2

Zoe Robinson

To be honest, most Dizzy games didn't fare well on the C64. Aside from the godawful border images they used to cover up the fact that Dizzy games had small play areas on the Commodore, the controls aren't always that responsive. If you want to play Dizzy, do it on another system; preferably the CPC because the Speccy versions have Dizzy himself blend into the background.


My view: I have no problem with talking about and comparing the same game (or similar game formats) on different systems. But, these threads often spin off into machine X is better than machine Y.

Games can be bad for so many reasons.

Now if you are a programmer and have worked out how a particular game engine works, and have found out why it is so bad, or have found out how to improve it, that would be worth reading about :D

Looking forward to summer in Somerset :-)


It maybe would be better if the thread name was more neutral, like CPC games that impress/paint CPC in more positive light/are better than it's counterparts. I am not a fan of the whole witty "my 8bit is superior" comments, even if sometimes it's just done for the laughs (I hope).

I am interested for a honest comparison though, I like technical comparisons especially, either individual games or the machines. I do honestly believe that the Z80 is better for 3d math, but comparing the machines the C64 is superior for 2d smooth scrolling and much easier to program. But that's just my opinion.


Anyway, probably the best 8 bit machines are the MSX 2...  :D

Zoe Robinson

The 8-bit wars are over anyway, after David Campbell recently posted this cracker on the Facebook Amstrad CPC page. So, as we can see from that link, Batman plays Amstrad. The CPC wins.  :P


Well, after seeing the picture, I must admit that you are completely right.


Quote from: ukmarkh on 02:06, 20 January 16
I'd say the these were amongst the worse of the C64:

Dizzy Panic
Final Fight
Repton 3
Hard Drivin
Last Ninja 3
Dick Tracey
Street Fighter 2
Cauldron 2

A reasonable list I'd say, although definitely incomplete without Robocop 2. The Amstrad version is admittedly Plus only, but even the Speccy version is a reasonable platformer. The C64 version is a complete WTF though, probably the most un-Robocop game imaginable.

The great thing about the modern age I that we can all easily play the "best" versions, whether via emulation or on the real thing. A golden age for sure!


Oh please, don't be silly!

The best 8 bit computer is the Amstrad PCW.

My PCW in particular.

Subject is closed. < NEW URL!!!


Have you lot lost your minds, the Amstrad CPC is the best 8bit home computer ever made! Let's have none of this defeatist talk, and no more of this MSX 2 love  ;)  If any machine rivalled the CPC, it would have to be the Atari 800XL or C64, the others weren't even in the same ball park.   


Well, the 800XL was my first computer before my CPC, and still continues to amaze to this day...

Soooo yeah, every platform has good games that take the hardware to the limits, fun games and the rest of them.

So enjoy the good shit and don't care the computer it's running on ;-)


In my opinion Atari XL/XE have only one good thing...

G2F it's new graphic mode, created few years ago, in resolution like MODE  0 on CPC with 30 to 50 colors from palette 256.

G2F  Especial pictures made by Piesiu.

I'm sooo jealous.

In STARS, TREK is better than WARS.


We all need to be honest-the best games for the classic computers were made for the c64, even the latest releases. But nowadays its all retro (cpc,atari,msx,speccy,...) and I personally love them all. The "schoolyard fight from the 80s" which system has the stunners, is definatly history


I still think that back in the days, the best games were MSX 2 games. They had Snatcher!! Jesus Christ, Snatcher  :o


Dinorast - You should be ashamed to say such opinion, especially here. ;)
Nothing is end, war is on. ;)

In my opinion much better look games was on NES and Sega Master.  No lazy sprites, no clash colors, no wide pixels, and more colors than 16 at once. And no wait for loading. Only sound was equal nasty. :D
In STARS, TREK is better than WARS.


...and commodore had the sexiest magazine covers [emoji6]

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