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JavaCPC Desktop available as BETA!

Started by Devilmarkus, 22:46, 25 December 09

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Not quite, my netbook only cost 300 euros, with a 11.1" wide 1360px screen. Quite cheap AND small AND light.

As for early netbooks having SSDs... are you sure? Because they're still quite expensive, so I can't see how they could do it in *early* netbooks..



"The early model Eee PCs use a solid-state drive for storage (instead of a hard drive), which consumes less power when in use, allows the device to boot faster, generates no noise, and is less susceptible to mechanical shock damage than hard drives."

Of course storage capacity was comparatively limited, so that's probably one reason why they moved to real hard drives.

Maybe the SSD cost was offset by these early netbooks using Linux instead of Windows. As Windows later became the norm, they had to use cheaper electronic components.



I don't think so... even now the cost difference between a mechanical HDD and an SSD is not offset by the OS cost, much less in the early days. What I'm saying is that I don't think there was a way to have cheap AND SSD-bearing netbooks in the early days :D

I remember the first Eee PCs, their drive was so small it barely sufficed for day-to-day things...


Now back to topic:
I made a little "Flipscreen Slideshow" (For the sceptics and All-Converted-Images-Are-Crap-People: This is a slideshow of converted JPG! Don't watch it! I know, SuperChristmas and other people can make better ones.)

This is a test slideshow for the De-Interlace filter in JavaCPC (And also in WebCPC)

You can watch it online here
(WebCPC link! Contains brutal Java! Don't click it, if you don't like coffee!)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Hey, I'm not sure if the filter is supposed to be on or off? Also, what's with the smooth fade action? :)


Quote from: Gryzor on 09:20, 20 July 10
Hey, I'm not sure if the filter is supposed to be on or off? Also, what's with the smooth fade action? :)

The button is still "red" but the filter is on. (I did implement the de-interlace filter quickly into WebCPC)

smooth fade action?
It's a slideshow to demonstrate the de-interlace filter and not to demonstrate smart screen fading.
But you can adjust your monitor brightness slowly to black, then press space to load the next screen,
then adjust monitor slowly back to normal brightness :P
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 16:50, 19 July 10
You can watch it online here
(WebCPC link! Contains brutal Java! Don't click it, if you don't like coffee!)

Very nice! WebCPC now seems to work as it should on the Mac. What's different from the version of a few weeks ago? Have you changed the code to support Java v1.5?



Quote from: Morn on 10:42, 20 July 10
Very nice! WebCPC now seems to work as it should on the Mac. What's different from the version of a few weeks ago? Have you changed the code to support Java v1.5?


Well, that's WebCPC.
You tried JavaCPC. It's much more complex.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


No, what I see, before the slideshow starts, is that when I type something the letters (and cursor) smoothly fade in and out of the screen instead of appearing instantaneously. Maybe it's my PC?

But it's a nice effect, I have to say!


Quote from: Gryzor on 08:59, 21 July 10
No, what I see, before the slideshow starts, is that when I type something the letters (and cursor) smoothly fade in and out of the screen instead of appearing instantaneously. Maybe it's my PC?

But it's a nice effect, I have to say!

THIS is the de-interlace filter.
How it works?
- CPC sends 50 frames per second
- I catch each even image and paint it with 50% transparency over each odd image
- You see the result.
This gives out "shadowed half-images" as you perhaps know when you pause a movie. (You see 2 images in 1)
The positive aspect is that flipscreens (like Orion Prime title screen) do not flicker.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Ahhh this also explains why I saw a different pic every time I hit Pause!

A really nice effect for text-entry mode :)


New BETA is available!
It has some new features.
Also new is:
You can register JavaCPC (for absolutely free of course) now.
This enables some additional features:
- WebBrowser (Full featured webbrowser with "Favourites" functionality)
- PacMan desktop game
- Tiled Mapeditor
- GameBrowser

It also makes it easier to report a bug.
+ it gives you a desktop clock ;)
I know most applications are just for fun, and many of you think: "Why should I register?" but the answer is simple:
Because I want that ;)
- If a user want to use the additional stuff, it's not too much to register the copy of JavaCPC.

JavaCPC's emulation, Assembler, and all emulator related things work also without registering.

You can download it here:
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Oh yeah, big brother is watching you. I bet it phones home every time you use it too and let's Steve Markus know what games we are playing. It's a slippery slope you know, next you'll be releasing it under a fruit-base company name or whatever.....

Bryce.... As paranoid as ever.


Almost ;)

Really, I don't collect any sensible data.

Only the bug-report sends me some information.
(Same mail is sent to bug-reporter!)

Example for a bug-report mail:

JavaCPC bug reported by   : Markus Hohmann
email address:
[JavaCPC version D.0.9e]
[Tue Aug 10 13:09:59 CEST 2010]


JavaCPC [v.D.0.9e]

[Tue Aug 10 13:09:27 CEST 2010]

executable is true
Avail mem is 240299760
Setting tapelabel:
Frequency=1000000, adder=65536
Memory choosen: TYPE_512K
Path is:*G:\java\JavaCPC\*
Display is 768,544 pixels
resync: start=200
resync: start=2605
G:\java\JavaCPC\system/cpc/rom/OS6128.ROM 16384
Without header
G:\java\JavaCPC\system/cpc/rom/BASIC1-1.ROM 16384
Without header
Your selected Basic ROM is for CPC6128
G:\java\JavaCPC\system/cpc/rom/AMSDOS.ROM 16384
Without header
Computer: CUSTOM - CUSTOM Stopping Zilog Z80
resync: start=4810
resync: start=7015
Floppy-motor off
Device connected: Basic 6845
Device connected: Amstrad SSA-1 Speech Synthesizer
Device connected: DK'Tronics Speech Synthesizer
Device connected: Cheetah AmDrum
Device connected: Digiblaster
Device connected: CPC-Printer
Device connected: Amstrad Gate Array
Device connected: 8255 PPI: Port A = write, Port B = read, Port C (Upper) = write, Port C (Lower) = write
Device connected: NEC uPD765AC-2 Floppy Controller
Device connected: AY-3-8910/2/3 Programmable Sound Generator
DEBUG=false, PAUSE=false, LARGE=true
System Set: Computer: CUSTOM - CUSTOM
Audio Enabled
Floppysound Enabled
Notebook Disabled
Autosave Disabled
Volume is set to:1.0
resync: start=9820
resync: start=12025
Floppy-motor off
Display is 768,544 pixels
Display is 768,544 pixels
Window is 779 Pixels with & 603 Pixels height!
Alarm is false
resync: start=14630
resync: start=16835
Floppy-motor off
Floppy-motor off
resync: start=92240
resync: start=126845
Display Focused
Floppy head choosen: Drive 0 - Head 0
Floppy head choosen: Drive 1 - Head 0
Floppy head choosen: Drive 2 - Head 0
Floppy head choosen: Drive 3 - Head 0
JavaCPC is registered to Markus Hohmann
with email account
Reg code is xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Display Lost Focus

Of course, when Java logs an error, it's in this report, too.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


AFAIK the webbrowser does not work with Windows 7.
Please report me, which error message appears and also if there's a way to fix that.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Bryce on 14:05, 10 August 10
Oh yeah, big brother is watching you. I bet it phones home every time you use it too and let's Steve Markus know what games we are playing. It's a slippery slope you know, next you'll be releasing it under a fruit-base company name or whatever.....

Bryce.... As paranoid as ever.
Hmm.. "Strawberry" is a good name for a company... or were you thinking of "lemon"?

EDIT: I get a crash on Windows XP, Markus knows about it ;)
My games. My Games
My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Yeah I know about this crash.
I hopefully fixed that problem.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 10:57, 11 August 10
Yeah I know about this crash.
I hopefully fixed that problem.
For me I installed a new java. Mine was too old  :laugh:
My games. My Games
My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Quote from: arnoldemu on 13:33, 11 August 10
For me I installed a new java. Mine was too old  :laugh:

Yeah, I updated the emulator.
It now tells you if your Java is too old (I hope)

Please use Sun Microsystems Java!
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Just to let you know:
I begun coding a DMP 2000 emulator, too.
This printer should be able later also to "print out" graphics.
It uses "PNG" images as 'paper' and gives a dotted result.


For this I need your help:
- how many chars did a DMP print in a row? (draft, simple output)
- how many lines per page did it print out?

Original dumped page:
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Wow, I love the sound you added to recreate the retro-feel :)

It almost brought nostalgic 8-bit tears to my eyes.



- Barry Rodewald


I'm biased and prefer IBM Java  8)


Since Oracle bought Sun: Yes, use Oracle Java.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Markus wants to know what happens when the following is done:

In the DMP2000 manual it says normal width is 80 chars (width with normal sized characters).

Basic has a default width of 132 chars (defined by BASIC's WIDTH command).

So what is the result when a long line >80 is printed to the printer?
a) Does the printer automatically advance to the next line when 80 chars are printed and then print the rest on the next line?
b) does it print 80 chars and stop and ignores the remaining chars, or
c) does it print all the chars and the head goes off the right of the paper and you don't see them?

A picture or best a scan of this result would be great.
My games. My Games
My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource

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