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JavaCPC Desktop 1.0 official release

Started by Devilmarkus, 11:05, 14 August 11

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New update 1.0h:
- Z80 supports MEMPTR register now
- Fix in Java-version validation should make it easier to run it also on not supported Java versions....
- Many fixes in Paint (See more here: )

Just let JavaCPC check for updates ;)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

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JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 00:48, 23 August 11
New update 1.0h:
- Z80 supports MEMPTR register now
- Fix in Java-version validation should make it easier to run it also on not supported Java versions....
- Many fixes in Paint (See more here: )

Just let JavaCPC check for updates ;)

Yeah, tried update and activated autoupdate, seemingly it doesn't do anything.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Perhaps you blocked Java/JavaCPC to access the internet?
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JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


I updated the download package on my website:
The emu is v.1.0h now.
Also: I don't know how your PC config is. To make sure your Update works, run JavaCPC.exe with admin rights.
Or create a update.bat with the following content:
java -jar update.jar

then run this with admin rights.
It depends on where you installed JavaCPC.
I have it inside a read-/writeable folder where I can access it also without admin rights.

Running it always with admin rights is also no good solution on Windows 7! Drag & Drop will not work then...

Important: If you used a BETA (before official release of 1.0) the update will not work!
You need at least the first official release 1.0 to run the update...
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JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Important info for users, who want to use the Synthetica Styles:
You can copy the Synthetica libraries into the LIB\ Folder.
JavaCPC will find them and add the styles to desktop settings.
You then need to enter your name and the license key. (You can also abort that but then the style will remind you always, that you use a non-licensed version of it)

The following files need to be copied to LIB\ :

You can get Synthetica here:
A non-commercial private license is free.
(A commercial or non-private license costs money and because I did not get enough donations for that, I removed the Synthetica styles)

When installed, you can enter your license code like this:

The key is installed proper when you see this message:

When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 11:04, 23 August 11
Perhaps you blocked Java/JavaCPC to access the internet?

Nope, even I know how to deal with PCs a bit. But when I find the problem, I'll tell you.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


BTW.: @ the French and Spanish JavaCPC users:
Does the "Localize System ROMs" feature work ok for you?
(You should get your localized System ROMs for 464 and 6128 OS ROMs and also your localized keyboard layout.)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 12:42, 24 August 11
BTW.: @ the French and Spanish JavaCPC users:
Does the "Localize System ROMs" feature work ok for you?
(You should get your localized System ROMs for 464 and 6128 OS ROMs and also your localized keyboard layout.)

It works like a charm in 1.0h


Major release to version 1.1!
Many bugs (which had not been reported during the beta-phase) were the reason why I decided to release version 1.1 today.

What has changed?
- Z80 emulation core improved. MEMPTR register fully emulated now,
  some small bugs fixed.
  LDI, LDD fixed.
- JavaCPC Paint: Many bugfixes and improvements.
- Debugger: MEMPTR register info and IM status added.
- YM Player overhauled
- JavaCPC Expansion ROM updated
- Joystick libraries and joypad emulation added.
- Replaced annoying dialog when drag & drop is used to load a DSK
- Display improvement for SuperPAL filter (faster now)
- Logic bugfixes in emulation core
- several smaller bugfixes
- PPI bugfix (Storing of SNA fixed and also PPI info in debugger is correct now) Thanks to TFM for finding this bug!


Or use the update function... But: users, who want to use JavaCPC expansion ROM should update this ROM, too:

When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Many thanks for that new release, your product is very pleasant tu use (after the hardware one for sure)

I just have a request : I'd like to know if there's any script available for Gamebase cause i'd like to use JavaCPC with Amstradmania database ?


Don't know what you mean actually...
But you can launch JavaCPC.exe with parameters.
JavaCPC.exe -help

But perhaps, with your help, I could fiddle out a few more scripts...

Example to start SymbOS from command line:
JavaCPC.exe -desktop yes -wallpaper "fantasy.jpg" -stretch no -cpctype SYMBOS -drivea "SymbOS.DSK" -driveb "Sym-Apps.DSK" -autotype "|SYM" -amsdos yes

When you want to RUN"DISC.BAS" you need to replace the "" by "
-autotyte "RUN"DISC.BAS""
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Compared the Z80TESTS suite between WinApe and JavaCPC...
I have no idea why, but in WinApe all tests fail.
(I took the video with increased emulation speeds but also without speeding the emus up the results are the same!)

We are not sure if the test for bit n,(HL) has a bug in Z80 tests or not... It fails on every emulator.
Sadly i cannot transfer the DSK to 3" :(
But perhaps someone here could do that and post us the report?

I attach the Z80 test suite once more:

When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 12:22, 26 August 11
Don't know what you mean actually...
But you can launch JavaCPC.exe with parameters.
JavaCPC.exe -help

But perhaps, with your help, I could fiddle out a few more scripts...

Example to start SymbOS from command line:
JavaCPC.exe -desktop yes -wallpaper "fantasy.jpg" -stretch no -cpctype SYMBOS -drivea "SymbOS.DSK" -driveb "Sym-Apps.DSK" -autotype "|SYM" -amsdos yes

When you want to RUN"DISC.BAS" you need to replace the "" by "
-autotyte "RUN"DISC.BAS""

Amstrad Mania is a Gamebase database that permits to launch many CPC games with different emulators (it permits to play music, viewing screenshot or manuals)

In fact it's a GEMU Script for JavaCPC that i'm looking for.

This is an example for CPCE :
;Display Loading Notes
If Key_Message CONTAINS(*)
End If
;Autorun ON/OFF
End If

If GameType CONTAINS(cdt)
End If

;Insert Multiple Disks into Drive A and B (if not Mult-Disk Eject Drive B)
If NumGameFiles > 1
    Show_Message(You will need to swap / flip disks manually)
End If
;Insert Gamefile in Emulator

;Send keyboard strokes command "|CPM"
If Key_loadtype CONTAINS(cpm)

ElseIf Key_loadtype CONTAINS(*)
End If"

My basic wish is to launch : JavaCPC.exe -df0 "disk.dsk" -bootdrive df0  through that script


Oh... Ok...
You should contact Loic Daneels.
He's coding these scripts...

I mean to remember he once coded that for JavaCPC, too, but am not sure...
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release



Quote from: Devilmarkus on 13:48, 26 August 11
Oh... Ok...
You should contact Loic Daneels.
He's coding these scripts...

I mean to remember he once coded that for JavaCPC, too, but am not sure...

Is "AmstradMania" really the same thing as Loic Daneels' "GamebaseCPC"?
Brain Radioactivity


Quote from: remax on 14:20, 26 August 11
Is "AmstradMania" really the same thing as Loic Daneels' "GamebaseCPC"?

Perhaps not... but AFAIK Loic uses the same program. And when someone can help you, He is ;)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 14:22, 26 August 11
Perhaps not... but AFAIK Loic uses the same program. And when someone can help you, He is ;)

You're right about the fact that it use the same program and that he can help but i wonder if he knows about this gamebase.

I hope it is just two parrallel project and that there is no "rip off".

At least, one thing i can say is that i'm nearly sure that GBCPC is far more up-to-date, so i suggest subone to use it instead of Amstrad Mania
Brain Radioactivity




Quote from: remax on 14:27, 26 August 11
At least, one thing i can say is that i'm nearly sure that GBCPC is far more up-to-date, so i suggest subone to use it instead of Amstrad Mania

You're right : GBCPC is certainly more up-to-date but his size is so huge !! 11 Gb  :o where Amstradmania is less than 2 Gb with 4487 disks and 2087 tapes.

I just launch the download process ... 11 Gb for a 1 Ko script, that'll permit me to test GBCPC btw  ;)


Quote from: phi2x on 14:46, 26 August 11
For the bit n,(HL) instruction, it's the only one that is exposing the MEMPTR register.

Well I think (not sure) this test will also fail on a real CPC...
So I hope someone can check the DSK on a real CPC, too, run the tests and write a little report here...
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release




Quote from: phi2x on 15:15, 26 August 11
Possible, but I doubt it.
The reputation of bit n,(HL) as being the hardest z80 instruction to emulate is not out of thin air IMHO.

You know: DAA is the mid-game boss for z80 emulation noobs ; bit n,(HL) is the endgame boss for the pros :D

Well until we don't have a real report, its all useless ;)
Arnoldemu adapted the Z80 test suite from a ZX Spectrum program.
It's possible that some things were ZX specific and have not been adapted 100% accurate...
(The first Z80 test suite also crashed on CPC so he removed a few tests)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


I just read you added "Joypad Emulation" in the 1.1 version.
Does it mean we can map joystick keys on the keyboard ?
How ?


Well you can connect your joypad to your PC.
Then JavaCPC should show you that it has found a joystick and asks for firebuttons.

If you use a non-compatbile joystick, its not listed I think...

but with my 08/15 joypad it works fine...
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release

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