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JavaCPC Desktop 1.0 official release

Started by Devilmarkus, 11:05, 14 August 11

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The NEC Z80 (Spectrum) is not the same as the Zilog Z80 (CPC), so we need somebody who can test it on real hardware.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 15:40, 26 August 11
Well you can connect your joypad to your PC.
Then JavaCPC should show you that it has found a joystick and asks for firebuttons.

If you use a non-compatbile joystick, its not listed I think...

but with my 08/15 joypad it works fine...

Ok but is it possible to change the default joystick key mapping : numpad keys it seems ?


No thats not possible ;)
(For joystick not)
But you can change this config during the emu is running to Q,A,O,P keys...
Not very helpful then when you want to use a real joypad...
So, make sure, that you dont use the alternative joystick mapping...

But also when you use a laptop without num-keys, the joystick should be mapped to the right CPC signals ;) (numpad keys)
I do this:
When joystick signal for "up" is detected, I press the numpad-8 key. (until joystick up is disabled)
The same for the other directions.

So it doesnt matter if your PC has numberpad keys or not...
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JavaCPC Desktop Full Release



Markus, that test also fails on my real CPC 6128!

BIT n, (HL) : C8B0 failed
  -expected 6208

I can also post a screenshot if you dont' believe me:  :)

Quote from: Devilmarkus on 12:55, 26 August 11
Compared the Z80TESTS suite between WinApe and JavaCPC...
I have no idea why, but in WinApe all tests fail.
(I took the video with increased emulation speeds but also without speeding the emus up the results are the same!)

We are not sure if the test for bit n,(HL) has a bug in Z80 tests or not... It fails on every emulator.
Sadly i cannot transfer the DSK to 3" :(
But perhaps someone here could do that and post us the report?

I attach the Z80 test suite once more:


Quote from: Morn on 16:49, 26 August 11
Markus, that test also fails on my real CPC 6128!

BIT n, (HL) : C8B0 failed
  -expected 6208

I can also post a screenshot if you dont' believe me.  :)

So it's not my emulation... cool!
The other tests pass or do they only pass in JavaCPC? :D

Edit: @arnoldemu: yould you change the bit n,(HL) that it should expect C8B0?
I think then anything is fine...

- How to listen to MP3 with JavaCPC:
(Fun video, don't take it too serious)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 16:51, 26 August 11
So it's not my emulation... cool!
The other tests pass or do they only pass in JavaCPC? :D

Well, the MEMPTR test led to a garbled screen eventually and locked up the machine. Don't know why that is. But the first test seemed fine.


Quote from: Morn on 17:06, 26 August 11

Well, the MEMPTR test led to a garbled screen eventually and locked up the machine. Don't know why that is. But the first test seemed fine.
Seems to be a real hardware difference to an emulated CPC... Funny...
Does your CPC have a Zilog or NEC Z80?

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JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Is there a way to find out CPU type without opening the case?

It's a late-model Schneider I think, if that helps. I believe when the Amstrad-Schneider deal fell through, the remaining Schneider hardware was sold at rock-bottom prices at German retailer Quelle, and that's where my dad got it for me.


Quote from: Morn on 17:16, 26 August 11
Is there a way to find out CPU type without opening the case?

No ;) (Perhaps with bit n,(HL) :D )
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

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JavaCPC Desktop Full Release




So I guess this means we have Zilogs, not NECs in our CPCs...


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 16:51, 26 August 11

- How to listen to MP3 with JavaCPC:
(Fun video, don't take it too serious)

Holy shit ... that's so fun  ;D


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 15:17, 26 August 11
Well until we don't have a real report, its all useless ;)
Arnoldemu adapted the Z80 test suite from a ZX Spectrum program.
It's possible that some things were ZX specific and have not been adapted 100% accurate...
(The first Z80 test suite also crashed on CPC so he removed a few tests)
A few of the tests, BIT n,(HL) included need the test code to be in the correct position. ;)
It is not so gives a bad result, because I removed some tests.
The crash comes because the OUT tests are probably not good for CPC and need modifying.
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Quote from: Devilmarkus on 12:55, 26 August 11
Compared the Z80TESTS suite between WinApe and JavaCPC...
I have no idea why, but in WinApe all tests fail.
(I took the video with increased emulation speeds but also without speeding the emus up the results are the same!)

LOL, WinApe doesn't seem to pass a single one of all those tests!


Quote from: arnoldemu on 17:36, 26 August 11
A few of the tests, BIT n,(HL) included need the test code to be in the correct position. ;)

Well, I think my conversion from DSK to CDT did correctly convert the AMSDOS header to a tape header, so memory location should have been identical.


Quote from: Morn on 17:38, 26 August 11

LOL, WinApe doesn't seem to pass a single one of all those tests!

Yes, but my understanding is, it's a couple of bits in the Flag-register that are not emulated 100% correctly.
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Quote from: Morn on 17:41, 26 August 11

Well, I think my conversion from DSK to CDT did correctly convert the AMSDOS header to a tape header, so memory location should have been identical.

...and just in case it isn't, please tell use the correct loading address so we can specify it explicitly!


I don't remember, how do we check that our registration is taken into account?

EDIT : OK, i saw it in the console :)
Brain Radioactivity


Quote from: remax on 18:10, 26 August 11
I don't remember, how do we check that our registration is taken into account?

EDIT : OK, i saw it in the console :)

To safe your registration settings from being deleted (By uninstalling or deleting your JavaCPC settings dir):
Look for JavaCPC.ini.
It's in C:\Users\username\JavaCPC\...
Or for Windows XP it's in C:\Documents and settings\username\JavaCPC\...

There check the JavaCPC.ini and copy these entries:

username=Markus Hohmann

Simply keep these infos in a safe place.
When lost you just paste them again into JavaCPC.ini.

You can always check if JavaCPC is registered by choosing in menu:
Help -> Register JavaCPC
When the info is grey (not editable) it's registered.
(Reg. works only when Desktop is choosen!)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Great to see how JavaCPC evolves, guess it's the most acurate CPC-Emu I've ever been using. And I really appreciate the enhanced debugging features. JC is the only emu the can be used to check the 8255 PIO. Thank's a lot Markus!!!

It's really worth to get some donations :-)))
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM/FS on 18:44, 26 August 11
Great to see how JavaCPC evolves, guess it's the most acurate CPC-Emu I've ever been using.

*cough* :D The FDC emulation is very poor :( The CRTC and GA emulation could be better...
Indeed: The Z80 seems very accurate now.

Quote from: TFM/FS on 18:44, 26 August 11And I really appreciate the enhanced debugging features. JC is the only emu the can be used to check the 8255 PIO. Thank's a lot Markus!!!

It's really worth to get some donations :-)))

When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Thanks for info about registration.

What is "Low Performance" switch?

Did you noticed that you have two "Observe performance" switch? One in Settings and the other in Options>System and the two seems to be independants.
Brain Radioactivity


Well "Low performance" disables a few display features.
Humm I have a double option :D
(The menu needs a huge cleanup... Perhaps I'll cleanup it in 2056 or so) ;)

The "Observe performance" looks how many frames are skipped during a while and resyncs the CPC if it means it's necessary.
After too many resyncs, it turns to Low Performance.
Dont know if its any useful ;)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 19:12, 26 August 11
The "Observe performance" looks how many frames are skipped during a while and resyncs the CPC if it means it's necessary.
After too many resyncs, it turns to Low Performance.
Dont know if its any useful ;)

Ok so when "Low Performance" is checked, "Observe performance" isn't useful.

For the double option, i just hope it doesn't launch the process two times if you have both checked it.

Another thing : When you play PacMan, it seems that when you quit it, it doesn't terminate the application (you can hear when the ghost kill you even after using the cross in the upper right). I think we miss a "Quit" option in each app to be sure it doesn't stay in memory.
Brain Radioactivity


Right... No app. quits.
Thats not very simple to realize because I don't want to use too much memory...
The pacman is a few kb only...
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release

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