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Started by Phi2x, 18:49, 09 September 10

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Already at the beginning of 2011 I was absolutely amazed about this crazy project! An Emulator for a whole 8bit machine in JAVASCRIPT? First I couldn't believe it at this time, but then I saw, that it really worked.
In the beginning of the 2000er for me Javascript was something like Basic in the beginning of the 80ies. Nice to use, but slow. But I know, it's getting more and more powerfull.
When I saw CPCBox the first time in early 2011, it was already fast enough on my Computer, and I was really wondering, how someone could be so crazy to start such an unbelievable project.


Now it runs better and better, and today I had a lot of fun to see SymbOS running on CPCBox "in Javascript"  ;D

@Phi2x: Fantastic work!!

(who is coding in Javascript since 15 years, but never thought before, that this would be possible!)





@Phi2x: Thanx a lot for these very nice compliments! :)

Anyway I think CPCBox is another impressive step after Marco Vieths very first CPC-Emu for MS-DOS or after Richard Wilsons really perfect WinApe Emulator for Windows (Delphi) or his JEMU (Java), as it again enters another world of actual technology. I think there is nothing else comparable for other 8bit systems yet (the C64 JS emu [JSC64] seems to be still very crappy?).
Keep on the great work! In the past it was an amazing proof of concept, now it's a full working and very accurate reality :)




Wow, mate, long time no see! :)

Was CPC-Emu really the first CPC emulator? If so, huge amounts of respect...


Well that is, what I remember. Maybe 1-2 other ones appeared at the same time or a little bit later (like Arnold or !CPCemu).
At least with CPC-Emu Marco Vieth created the first version of the standard disc format "DSK" which was later used by all other emulators ;)






Quote from: phi2x on 10:48, 22 June 12
Checking converted files is a task that's a perfect fit for crowdsourcing.
The checking will then be handled by all the people (dumpers, users...) that will be interested in replacing their CDT with PZX. It would be a smooth and gradual replacement.

That is true, this could be organised between members of a community. But yes, it's not easy changing default formats, there must be merit to it!






Well, all the hard work was made by TotO, he always get the best from the CPC colours ;)

And Great Work phi2x!!! It looks more as the cpc in my tv :)


But doesnt the colour palette depend on accurate RGB adjustage in the CTM?
Mine was bit reddish... (Until I adjusted it)
Anyway: good work.
Please share your test program ;)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release




When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Ok, once I measured the colours from CPC's output signal.
The result is here:

As you can see, there are also differences between the dithered pixels.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


>>> Mir'Color <<<

OK, you got it... ;)

With a perfect but improbable "linear palette", the 3 grays strips have to look the same on the light, middle and dark part.
On a real CPC, it may look more blue, or red or green, depending the resistors inside the computer.
So, you can adjust your CTM and/or fix CPC resistors using this tool to get a best display result.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 14:03, 01 July 12As you can see, there are also differences between the dithered pixels.
I can see a CRTC emulation problem too. :D
The Mode 2 look 1 pixel shifted to the left, no?
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: TotO on 14:14, 01 July 12
I can see a CRTC emulation problem too. :D
The Mode 2 look 1 pixel shifted to the left, no?

Sure it is ;) Like I posted in the other thread.
Question about GateArray
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

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JavaCPC Desktop Full Release




Well I don't think so.
The difference is:
Grim measured directly @ the GA's output.
I measured AFTER the resistors...
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Some more: (To not confuse TotO, without pixelshifting)

First: Linear palette
Second: Green screen
Third: Monochrome screen

Edit: monochrome result needs better measuring... These are calculated values. But a monochrome monitor is NOT gray only! (Like the greenie is NOT green only)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release




I am using these values:
    protected static final int[] inkTranslateMeasured = {
        /*R G B */
        0x677867, /*13*/
        0x677867, /*27*/
        0x0FF878, /*19*/
        0xF8F865, /*25*/
        0x020850, /* 1*/
        0xEF186F, /* 7*/
        0x087067, /*10*/
        0xF8896F, /*16*/
        0xEF186F, /*28*/
        0xF8F865, /*29*/
        0xF8F821, /*24*/
        0xF7F8F8, /*26*/
        0xE81F13, /* 6*/
        0xF818F8, /* 8*/
        0xF88F07, /*15*/
        0xF889F8, /*17*/
        0x020850, /*30*/
        0x0FF878, /*31*/
        0x11F80E, /*18*/
        0x28F8F8, /*20*/
        0x000706, /* 0*/
        0x0A10D8, /* 2*/
        0x086F08, /* 9*/
        0x0F7EF8, /*11*/
        0x570F59, /* 4*/
        0x78F870, /*22*/
        0x80F80C, /*21*/
        0x79F8F8, /*23*/
        0x510F08, /* 3*/
        0x6011E8, /* 5*/
        0x677807, /*12*/
        0x6F7FF8 /*14*/

Grim these:
    protected static final int[] inkTranslateGrim = {
        /*R G B */
        0x6E7D6B, /*13*/
        0x6E7D6B, /*27*/
        0x00F36B, /*19*/
        0xF3F36D, /*25*/
        0x00026B, /* 1*/
        0xF00268, /* 7*/
        0x007868, /*10*/
        0xF37D6B, /*16*/
        0xF00268, /*28*/
        0xF3F36D, /*29*/
        0xF3F30D, /*24*/
        0xFFF3F9, /*26*/
        0xF30506, /* 6*/
        0xF302F4, /* 8*/
        0xF37D0D, /*15*/
        0xFA80F9, /*17*/
        0x00026B, /*30*/
        0x00F36B, /*31*/
        0x02F001, /*18*/
        0x0FF3F2, /*20*/
        0x000201, /* 0*/
        0x0C02F4, /* 2*/
        0x027801, /* 9*/
        0x0C7BF4, /*11*/
        0x690268, /* 4*/
        0x71F36B, /*22*/
        0x71F504, /*21*/
        0x71F3F4, /*23*/
        0x6C0201, /* 3*/
        0x6C02F2, /* 5*/
        0x6E7B01, /*12*/
        0x6E7BF6 /*14*/

So, if I use Grim's measured values, the result looks like this:
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


On a real CPC it should look like this:

If not, ALL CPCs are bad, only emulators are perfect  :P 8)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release




Yeah thats true: A greenscreen cant display a real dark black.
It's always greenish

The greenie palette I use, was also measured by Grim ;)

Edit: Think, that a greenie would just show green values: What would it result in? Into only 15 green colours. But a CPC has 27 colours (green tones)

And here we find the most important problems for emulators, which are 8 bit RGB based:
We only can difference between 15 values (0x00 - 0x0f)
Thats why we need at least RR,GG,BB values
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release

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